Commander Derek Yaist   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   Derek Yaist
Rank   Commander
Position   Commodore
Gender   Male
Species   7/8 Human and 1/8 Vulcan
Age   35
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   186 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description   Commander of the USS Relentless
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses
Command, Engineering, Diplomacy, Ship-Ship Combat

Medical and Counseling, Hand-Hand Combat
Explore the unknown. Even though he is the Captain of an escort, he's an explorer at heart.
Hobbies & Interests
Computer Programming, Computers, Starships, Technology, Space
Father   Jeffery Yaist
Mother   Katherine T'peth
Other Family  
Derek Yaist was born on October 19, 2353 on Starbase 23 near the Klingon Empire. His father was Human and his mother was 3/4 Human and 1/4 Vulcan. His parents were a Starfleet Engineer and a civilian doctor, respectively.

His early life was comfortable at the Starbase, where he had access to the Starbase computer and became interested in engineering. He spent a fair portion of his spare time programming that computer. He met many friends who were also interested in Engineering during this time, however he only stays in contact with a few of them. One of them is also a Starfleet Captain.

When he was fifteen years old, his father transferred to Deep Space 2. On DS2, he continued to program computers. He also met even more friends. Many of which he considers very close.

When he turned eighteen, he enrolled in the Academy and studied engineering. He graduated with high honors in 2375. He was posted on many vessels before he was transferred to the USS Kiev.

The Kiev was just like any other posting until the attack. It was just a normal 'day' on the ship, when the Borg decided to attack. They knocked out all of the power and propulsion systems. They even had to eject the warp core. He and around twenty other people managed to hide inside the warp nacelles. After most of the Borg left, Lieutenant Yaist, being the Chief Engineer, was the most senior officer aboard. He and the other survivors had to climb down the Turbolift shaft, while avoiding the groups of Borg who were searching the ship for survivors.

When they reached Main Engineering, they managed to bring the Impulse Engines online and transfer control of the ship. They set course for the nearest Starfleet installation and barricaded themselves in Main Engineering.

When they arrived at the Starbase, the Borg were removed from the ship. After this event, Yaist was offered the position of Executive Officer of the USS Moscow.

After two years as XO of the Moscow, Yaist was offered command of the USS Relentless.


Service Record
2371-2375 - Starfleet Academy
2375-2383 - Various Postings
2383-2386 - Lieutenant, Chief Engineering Officer, USS Kiev
2386-2388 - Lieutenant Commander, Executive Officer, USS Moscow
2388-Present - Lieutenant Commander, Captain, USS Relentless


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