Ensign Rioan Mellar   

Character Information
Name   Rioan Mellar
Rank   Ensign
Position   Assistant Chief Science Officer
Gender   Male
Species   bajoran/human
Age   27
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   190 lbs.
Eye Color   green
Hair Color   brown
Physical Description   He wears the Bajoran earpiece at all times. His nasal ridges are less pronounced than most bajorans. He keeps a well trimmed thin goatee . Occasionally wears tee shirts of various ancient earth music acts in his off hours.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
He is very driven to do whatever he puts his mind to. Hes often torn not just between his Bajoran and Earth heritage but between him and his parents . He loves archaeology , ancient earth media entertainment (mainly movies and music from 1969 - 2014) , and has studied philosophies and multiple martial arts from earth, bajor, vulcan and even some Klingon.

Socially at first he tends to be somewhat shy, but with people who know him well, he can be a first class practical joker.

Strengths & Weaknesses
- He is an extremely talented scientist in the fields of Archaeology and Stellar Physics.
- He is also conversant in multiple languages without the aid of a universal translator.
- extremely selfless with those he considers friends

- very introverted in social settings . Unless someone else makes an effort to talk to him .
- dislikes having his accomplishments compared to his fathers
- To be his own man with his fathers respect and acceptance as well as make the next great discovery .
- to fall in love again
- to enjoy his life
Hobbies & Interests
- ancient earth media entertainments ( primarily music and video from 1959 - 2014),
- martial arts from Vulcan , Bajor, and some Klingon
- playing the ancient earth instrument called a Tenor Sax.

Languages   terran, bajoran as well as some klingon
Father   Mellar Kellan
Mother   Maura (maiden name McClain)
Brother(s)   Ross
Sister(s)   none
Spouse   none
Children   none
Other Family   none

Rioan was born to a respected Bajoran starfleet archaeologist named Mellar Kellan and Federation diplomatic officer Maura McClain during a scientific conference on the 2nd moon of Andor. He was named in the Bajoran tradition and keeps it till this day.

As the son of a diplomat and archaeologist, He grew up well traveled in educated in the histories and customs of multiple worlds which he enjoyed. He didn't enjoy however not seeing his parents most of the time which continued until his 15th birthday when his parents decided to station together on earth to spend time with each other more as a family. They all were still on good terms save for the time when Rioan came out of the closet when he was 16 which still remains a sensitive subject with his father.

Around that time, he developed a rebellious streak . It was mostly minor escapades such as vandalism and speeding. It wasn't until he hacked the public comm system at starfleet academy during commencement to play 'I got a lovely bunch of coconuts' whenever one of the guest speakers said "and in conclusion", that he was forced to make a choice between joining the academy or spend 3 years on the Spica 3 penal colony.

Mostly to get away from home as well as avoid jail, he applied for the academies sciences division , double majoring in xeno-archaeology and interstellar physics . He focused on his studies hard to put the commencement event behind him, much to his families joy and his own sense of feeling he could belong in starfleet if nowhere else.

It was after graduation on his 2nd duty assignment on an archaeological dig on Andoria that he fell in love with Lt. Morgan O'Neil who was aid to the federation envoy. Due to certain political issues and the aides family, they were forced to break it off much to Rioans heartbreak .

He was transferred back to earth where he immersed himself in his work , acquiring a fondness for ancient earths entertainments. He worked at starfleets base in London in their sciences division until his current assignment


Service Record
Graduated Starfleet academy : 5th in entire class 2nd in sciences division

served as advisor on archaeological dig in Bajoran system finding artifacts on the 2nd moon going back 1500 years of Bajoran as well as several non system native artifiacts.

served as asst on Starfleet archaeological dig per the permission of the Andorian government on their home planet. served with distinction until ordered transferred back to earth per orders of the Federation Diplomatic office due to undisclosed reasons.

assigned to Starfleet science Division, London England , participating in stellar cartography research as well as digs in old Detroit, Liverpool, and various locations earth wide.


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