Lieutenant JG Michael Duquense   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

Character Information
Name   Michael Alexander Duquense
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Tactical Officer
Gender   Male
Species   3/4 Human - 1/4 Vulcan
Age   40
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   195 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Character in use by ** Dorian Gabriel **

Michael Alexander Duquense (pronounced du-CANE) shoulders are somewhat on the broad side, though not enough to be remarkable. His body is over-all well toned, due to his constant exercise regimen. Most commonly he wears a standard Starfleet uniform: Red shirt with a black over-shirt with gray shoulders tightly zipped, revealing only the collar and sleeves of the shirt under it. On his collar he wears the insignia of his current rank, and on the right side of his chest, the Starfleet badge. When not in uniform, he wears a polo or collared shirt with tan slacks and black or beige loafers to match.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Duquense is an optimist in most regards. He is a deeply religious man who believes in the power of faith and determination. Duquense's experience through the Dominion War and even before the military conduct has been a never-ending test of his resolve and determination to remain true to his ideals. He considers himself to be a "Realist" to an extent, but at the same time he also believes in hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Duquense possess a solid record as a Tactician within the battlefield. A skill that has come with over a decade of service to Starfleet in various tactical forms. His experience includes Ship-based and hand-to-hand weaponry and tactical systems. Most of his experience in strategic planning came from his time of service within the Maquis as well as during the Dominion War. Unfortunately, Duquense has been known to be too patient for his own good. At times, he has tried to see the other side of a situation at the expense of time and surprise. His empathy at times has been his strength, but too often his weakness.
Duquense can be best described as a "politician" He has come from a long-line of politicians starting with Xavier Dumar Duquense who served as Chief of Staff for the first Federation President, Thomas Vanderbilt in 2161 and then Adviser of Homeland Security - Sol System under President Archer in 2184. Duquense's father was a Federation Ambassador that died in 2372 during the bombing of the Antwerp Conference. Duquense wishes to follow in the footsteps of his relatives and take his rightful place within the Federation government and one day assume the role of President of the United Federation of Planets.
Hobbies & Interests
Duquense is a jazz enthusiast. When not in the researching, he can be found in a holodeck enjoying a performance from artists such as Miles Davis or Vic Fontaine.
Languages   Terra, Jan 'Tovish, Bajoran, some Vulcan.
Other Family  
Michael Duquense was born on Vulcan and spent several years of his early childhood with his maternal grandmother who was Vulcan. Although his mother was only half-Vulcan and therefore he only carried a quarter of the same blood and genetic features as his grandmother, she still loved him as she did any of her grandchildren and taught him basic Vulcan meditation techniques. It was his time spent on Vulcan as a child that set the template for his mild temperament. His mother was the Vulcan representative to the Federation Council and his Father had served as within the Federation Embassy on Vulcan. When Michael was 8, his father was given appointed to the position of Chief of Staff to the Federation Embassy on Earth, thus relocating the family to San Fransisco. Michael grew up amongst various bases and installations throughout the Federation and was given a first-hand presentation of how the Federation and Starfleet intersected with one another. He was also able to see how Starfleet's role was to be a peacekeeping armada, but its primary goal was to defend those who could not defend themselves.

Michael idealization led him to join Starfleet in 2363, the same year as the commissioning of the USS Enterprise-D. Michael's time within the Academy was uneventful as he remained diligent and focused on his studies. His first assignment was onboard the USS Collins, unfortunately that vessel had the unfortunate task of being involved in the Battle of Wolf 359. The vessel put up a valiant effort to defend Earth, but the ship was destroyed along with 38 other vessel and 11,000 lives. Michael was one of only two dozen survivors of the vessel on that day.

In 2365, Michael continued to serve within the fleet during the Federation's rebuilding period. During that same year, he transferred to Starfleet Command to serve in the position of a liaison officer between the Federation Council and Starfleet Command. His position consisted mostly of debriefing various representatives from Federation planets on the ins and outs of Starfleet at the time. His position allowed him to remain close to the hub of Starfleet and the Federation without becoming deeply involved in its politics..

In 2368, Michael continued to serve within the fleet during the Federation's rebuilding period. During that same year, he transferred to Starfleet Command to serve in the position of a liaison officer between the Federation Council and Starfleet Command. His position consisted mostly of debriefing various representatives from Federation planets on the ins and outs of Starfleet at the time. His position allowed him to remain close to the hub of Starfleet and the Federation without becoming deeply involved in its politics..

In 2369, public support and sympathy began to increase for the Maquis movement within the Demilitarized Zoned. The Federation News Network constantly streamed information and footage of the personal struggles and battles that the colonist were engaged in over their homes against the Cardassian and at times, Starfleet. During this time, Michael had made the transition from Tactical to that of diplomacy by serving as assistant Diplomacy Officer onboard the USS Breckenridge. The vessel was assigned to help contain the growing tensions within the Demilitarized Zone. However, Michael could not help but to emphasis with the colonist and the struggle for not just their homes, but their very existence.

Michael could no longer stand-by idlly as Starfleet refused to defend the colonist against what Michaels viewed as Cardassian-aggressors who continued to attack the colonist and slowly annex more and more of their colonies. In 2370, he resigned his commission from Starfleet and took up a job as a transport pilot for the DMZ-based colony of Treloian IV, a then-Maquis controlled colony. However, little by little he found himself providing assistance to the various Maquis vessels that did business with the planet. He never joined any particular Maquis cell, but he frequently provided tactical briefings and intelligence to the group whenever the opportunity provided itself. He continued in this role for two years despite the constant warnings from Starfleet Security to not support either the neighbouring Cardassian or Maquis settlers.

Michael tried to remain neutral regarding the Federation-Dominion Cold War and tried to remain focus on his desire to support the Federation colonist. However, in 2372, Michaels received word that his father, Robert Duquense had been one of the 27 souls lost during the Founder-executed bombing of the Antwerp Conference on Earth. Michael knew that he owed it to his father and to his Federation home to take a stand to fight back against the Dominion. He knew that if he sat-by idly, then it would only be a matter of time before the Dominion laid siege to the strengthening Maquis colonies. Unfortunately, that following year saw the oncoming onslaught of the Dominion-backed Cardassian Union launching their final offence against the Marquis colonies.

During Michael's service within Starfleet he repeatedly had to deal with questions of his loyalty due to his resignation from Starfleet previously. The situation that Starfleet found itself involved in did not allow them the luxury of their choice of officers. They were short-handed and needed every officer they could muster to defend their worlds as the Dominion continued to wage their war across the entire quadrant. Michael served loyally and diligently with Starfleet within various installations throughout the war.


Service Record


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