Ambassador Peuge   

Character Information
Name   Ambassador Peuge
Position   Ferengi Ambassador
Gender   Male
Species   Ferengi
Age   30
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 6”
Weight   150 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   N/A
Physical Description   Peuge appears as a typical Ferengi, with the exception the deep scars around his neck and a gash where his left lob meets his head. He appears to be more muscular than a typical Ferengi. His skin is tan and has blue fingernails. Peuge's face appears worn and has a faint red tint around his eyes, giving him the appearance of being tired all the time. He does not wear a headdress.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Peuge is unlike a typical Ferengi, he did not want profit at any cost. He is quiet and thoughtful. He maintains the outward personality of a typical Ferengi, but inside he despises much of the Ferengi culture. He believes the unfettered business practices have destroyed Ferengi morality and diminishes their ability to study science and participate in alien alliances.

He participates in business activities, such as acquiring and selling ancient art and manufacturing pharmaceuticals.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He has a superior intellect and is typically very inquisitive. He is good at profiling most species. He can become very focused on events, causing him to lose sight of the big picture. He is very empathetic and has a heart two sizes too large for a Ferengi. He is young and can sometimes be brash.
Peuge wants to bring change to the Ferengi Alliance, creating a more secular ferengist (humanist) society.
Hobbies & Interests
He has a fascination with psychology and art. He spends a portion of his time among others, meeting new people. He also collects ancient pieces of art and ancient and antique gadgets.
Languages   Ferengi Language, Terran
Father   Dimin
Mother   Rah
Sister(s)   Shask
Other Family  
Born in 2355
Pre-Attainment Ceremony
Peuge began life in the most auspicious of occurrences that is during the The Great Financial Collapse in the mid-24th Century. This set the tone for the rest of his life. He was born to, Dimin, a Ferengi physician and Rah, his mother, who was victim to the traditions of Ferengi society. Peuge was the second child of Dimin and Rah, the first being his sister, Shask. He grew close to her throughout their childhood despite their different roles in society. Peuge shadowed his father during his business trip to establish pharmaceutical manufacturing and distributing such drugs as hydrocortilene, merfadon, and Hupyrian beetle snuff. Peuge in his early years took little interest in his fathers business dealings. However, he demonstrated a quick grasp of business negotiations and an interest in the espionage his father engaged in.

Attainment Ceremony, 2370
At his Attainment Ceremony, Shask was married (read 'sold') to another Ferengi family. Peuge was given a portion of the profit and it was enough to purchase a small shuttle. He started a small transportation business as a part of his father's distribution of pharmaceuticals.

Smuggling Operation, 2375
Peuge turned to smuggling and espionage. His modus operandi would to infiltrate, detonate, seize, and sell. He would gain low level employment at a facility, usually a central or important facility. Peuge would then cause detrimental damage to the facility through a period of time until it was known they were looking for security. Peuge would then offer his services and with his superior power forcibly take the facility from the owner. He then created a shortage so that he could charge hire prices for the product, when this would become unprofitable or too dangerous he would sell the facility either back to the owner or another buyer.
During his smuggling operations he uncovered covert actions taken by the Ferengi Alliance to create a shortage, a niche for the Alliance to fill. Incidentally, Peuge had upset their monopoly. Instead of corporal punishment, which is rarely profitable in Ferengi society, Peuge was liquidated of his assets and hired by the Ferengi Trade Mission to further their goals in other systems.

Ferengi Trade Mission Agent, 2379
He was successful as a covert agent of the Ferengi Trade Mission. There was an incident in 2382 in which he was captured while operating in Klingon space. He was attempting to do something no Ferengi had attempted before: open trade relations among Klingons in Klingon space. His mission was an utter failure to seize the proper resources and he was captured as a result. During his internment he was tortured by extended periods of hanging, resulting in the scars around his neck. Peuge's captors tried to withdraw other covert operations in Klingon space, but Peuge resisted and survived. The Klingons attempted to show Peuge the result of his actions, showing him the untreated women and children caused by his espionage. Peuge had inadvertently interrupted treatments for a mutant strain of the Qu'Vat virus, that affected a very small portion of the Qu'Vat colony. The Klingons had penetrated Peuge's belief system, making him question his actions. He was rescued by the feared Ferengi Eliminators and was subjected to further internment by the Eliminators to extract the information he gave the Klingons. This was the turning point of Peuge's mentality towards both Klingons and Ferengi. The Eliminators are hired assassins in the Ferengi Alliance, though they tend to be seen as outsiders, driven by bloodlust rather than profits. In what was said to be an attempt to extract information or get a confession of interfering with Ferengi Alliance profits he was subjected to a delobing. Their attempt to remove his left lobe was interrupted when Peuge escaped the restraints, brutally murdering the Eliminators and returning to Ferengi space.
Impressed with his ability to survive the encounter and also an attempt to keep the incident quiet the board of liquidators pressured the Grand Nagus to assign Peuge to an Ambassadorial role in Federation space. This would essentially be a sort of diminished exile. Peuge accepted the position graciously, as he was disgusted with himself and the Alliance, he thought it would be good to get away. He would represent the Ferengi Alliance away from Fereniginar, in what they would hope to be a quiet role...


Service Record
2375-2378 Smuggler
2379-2383 Ferengi Trade Mission Agent
2383-present Ferengi Ambassador to the United Federation of Plants


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