Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall   

Character Information
Name   Christopher Maxwell Hudnall
Rank   Warrant Officer
Position   Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Gender   Male
Species   human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   160 lbs.
Eye Color   green
Hair Color   brown
Physical Description   His hair is brown and short and is calmed to the side he has some muscle and has long legs with kinda big feet with no facial hair.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
He is a stand up guy who will never let anyone down because he'll be letting himself down. He believe's everyone deserves his respect until they prove they don't.
He will speak his mind but will listen to what other people have to say he's a determined person who never gives up and he believe that it doesn't matter where you come from it's who you are and what you have in you that makes you you. He's really easy to get along with and he can talk to pretty much anyone and he always consider other people before myself. He kinda tends to judge people on the first time he meets them he doesn't trust new people it takes awhile to get it. He never half does anything because he wants to do his best, that's really important to him is work is his life he hasn't really mad time for anything else.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Some of his strengths is his ability to get along with people he is real easy to talk to and gives good advice and isn't embarrassed to ask for advice. some of his weaknesses is that he tends to get to into his work and has trouble sleeping and his exploring ways sometimes gets him into trouble
His ambitions is to one day become a captain he really has no desire to become a admiral because he doesn't want to be stuck behind a desk because he loves adventure and exploring. until the n he just wants to visit every planet he can and try to leave his name in the history book.
Hobbies & Interests
Some of his hobbies is collecting things from places he's been and meeting new people and trying new foods. Some of his interest is sport, reading, and exploring the reason's he joined star fleet.
Languages   English
Father   Kenneth
Mother   Shawn
Brother(s)   Spencer and Michael
Sister(s)   Blair Victoria
Spouse   n/a
Children   n/a
Other Family   n/a
Chris is the oldest out of 5 kids born in a small town called Cedar Grove, WV on planet earth. He was a twin to everyone’s surprise which caused money problems down the road . His mom name is Shawn she had Chris and his brother Mike after marrying his dad Kenneth, then came along his other brother and sisters Victoria, Spencer, and Blair. As a kid he was always someone who wanted to try everything wasn’t scared to ride a roller coaster or drive fast if he failed something he always tried again.

He always had a thing for space when he was a kid his parent’s one year for Christmas got him a telescope he used it every night his room was full of places he wanted to go but couldn’t because they just didn’t have time or money to go. He promised himself that he wouldn’t let time pass him by fast he would use all of it to live his dreams and go where every the wind took him.

When he was in high school a close friend of his was bigger and all he wanted to do is ride a roller coaster, so he got in shape to find out he had cancer. He never got to ride one.
After that Chris realized that your not here forever then Chris’s adventure side was born he would live his dream to go into space. Chris graduated top of his class in high school and college after that he decided to live his dreams and join star fleet so he could explore and meet new people.

He was kind of the quiet guy in high school who if you really got to know was a good person a advantage of being quiet he had time to read and he could pay attention in class and which always keep him at the top of his classes in school.
He left home at 19 to join star fleet and their he met challenges he would had never guessed as he tried as hard as he could, there were some part’s he thought what have I got myself into and how am I going to finish but he did.

He finished 3rd in his class he was then sent to serve on DS9 as a shuttle pod pilot for a couple years before going to serve on the USS Mirage where he was a tactical offer and has been ever since and has realized that he has a skill for the tactical arena. Then he was reassigned to the USS Daealus as the Strategic Operations Officer. Then he was transfered to DS5 where he is the Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer.

His father was a cop which is how he got a insight on the tactical he was raised to do what was right no matter what it cast which is how Chris keeps his emotions in check. His mom worked 2 jobs which taught him that it take's hard work to get where you want to go to be able to live your dreams and as a kid they wasn't able to go a lot of places so he wanted to do something that would let him travel anywhere. He's living his dream for the people who couldn't live theirs.


Service Record
2374:Joins Starfleet Academy
2378:Graduates Academy
2379:Assigned to Deep Space Nine, Shuttle-craft Pilot
2382:Dominion Attack, Commendation
2382:USS Mirage, Tactical Officer
2386:USS Daedalus, Strategic Operations Officer
2386:Deep Station 5, Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer


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