Arrival Stovon Reece   

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Character Information
Name   Stovon Reece
Rank   Arrival
Position   Artist
Gender   Male
Species   Human/Vulcan Hybrid
Age   27
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 3”
Weight   142 lbs.
Eye Color   Grey
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Like many Human/Vulcan hybrids, the Vulcan phenotype is dominant. It is evident in the greenish tinge to his skin and the pointed tips of his ears. His hair is dark and slightly curly. He has allowed it to grow longer than most Vulcans wear their hair. He is tall and thin, with the look of someone who often skips meals.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
By Vulcan standards, Stovon is mad. By human standards, he's incorrigible. Having
rejected Vulcan logic, he is an intense man who constantly seeks intellectual stimulation and inspiration, and is prone to bouts of mild mania. He has a temper, but is equally prone to go to great trouble to help someone else.

It is impossible to say if his temperament is the result of his lack of Vulcan upbringing or simply who he is. There isn't a large sample to compare with.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Like most of Vulcan heritage, Stovon is highly intelligent and physically strong.
Weaknesses: He is reckless and impulsive, often failing to think things through.
Stovon wants to make an impression on people, to provoke a reaction. While he would say he tries to do so through his art, he is not above doing so by his own actions.

He also seeks a place where he "fits," much of his life being a seeming reminder of the fact that he does not fit.
Hobbies & Interests
He is an unrepentant flirt, with a preference for men. His volatile personality means that his relationships are many and often short-lived. He enjoys new experiences and will try almost anything at least once.

Though he has a strong hedonistic streak, Stovon also enjoys more intellectual pursuits. He enjoys literature and poetry, and sings, though only for himself, as he's quite bad.

Languages   Federation Standard, Vulcan
Father   Anthony Reece
Mother   T'Var
Other Family   Sevar (maternal grandfather); M'tal (maternal grandmother)
Stovon's mother, T'Var, lost her original bondmate in a shuttle crash when she
was still quite young. She met Anthony Reece, a botanist, at a symposium
on Earth. T'Var returned to Vulcan after the symposium, but after a
long-distance courtship, they relocated together to a predominately
Vulcan neighborhood in San Francisco.

His parents decided not to have Stovon bonded at age seven, aware that
their own relationship would not have been possible if T'Var's childhood
bondmate has not died. When Stovon was nine, his mother died of
illness. Questions were raised about the suitability of a "Vulcan" child
being raised on Earth by a Human. T'Var's family began to make
suggestions of the Reeces moving to Vulcan. Anthony Reece, grieving and
facing life as a single parent, reacted harshly. Concerned that his
in-laws might try to take his son away, he left Earth, took a job as an
supervisor on a new agricultural colony, supervising the breeding of new
crop strains. Stovon has had minimal in-person contact with his Vulcan
relatives since that time, being mainly confined to messages and comm.

Anthony Reece still did his best to meet the needs of Stovon's Vulcan
side. He raised him as Buddhist, trying to provide an alternative to the
philosophy and logic of Surak. He also found a Betazoid willing to help
Stovon with his telepathy. It was his Betazoid tutor who first got him
interested in art. At first, the art was simply a tool, a way to focus
and express his sometimes chaotic thoughts and emotions, but when Stovon
showed some basic talent, his father encouraged him, providing supplies
and lessons. Art became not only an emotional outlet, but a personal

With the help of some of his father's friends, Stovon was able to gain
admittance to an art school on Earth. He only lasted a year, frustrated
by the assumptions that his instructors made based on his Vulcan
heritage. He left formal education in favor of self-directed study. He
spent time in Paris, exploring the Louvre and having a whirlwind romance
with a young museum docent. He stayed in Paris for almost six months,
before his relationship ended and he moved on. This set the pattern for
the next several years.

After almost five years of exploring some of the greatest art
collections that the Federation had to offer, Stovon found that he
wanted to spend more time focused on his own art, rather than the art of
others. He settled in his childhood home of San Francisco. The
diversity and hustle of the large city inspired him, while the comings
and goings of Starfleet personnel meant opportunity to enjoy himself
without the expectation that it would turn into something more.

After two years in San Francisco, despite his intentions otherwise,
Stovon entered a relationship with Charles Crommley, a mechanic and
birdwatcher. Charles was an easygoing guy, who let Stovon's more
dramatic tendencies roll off his back. Eventually, however, the
relationship ended over Stovon's flirtations and his tendency to ignore
Charles for days on end when he was working. Bitter, Stovon decided he
wanted away from Earth and people like Charles. Deep Space Five struck
him as a place full of new people, new experiences, and new inspiration
for his work.


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