1st Lieutenant April McKinnon   

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Character Information
Name   April Jane McKinnon
Rank   1st Lieutenant
Position   Marine Executive Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   125 lbs.
Eye Color   Green/Blue
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description   April Jane McKinnon pretty much got whacked with the "completely bizarre" stick of the gene pool. She is extremely pretty in the looks department, with the perfect facial features, until you see her eyes: her left eye is a nice shade of green and her right is the same shade except blue. Her hair is long, curled neatly and dark brown. Her skin is the colour of terracotta clay, and her smile is large, brilliant and white. April has the perfect height and weight and sticks to her training schedule like her life depends on it. April wears a perfectly crisp clean uniform that has only the necessary creases while on duty, and a pair of jeans, thongs and a singlet when off duty. She has a scar that runs the length of the ribs on her left side caused by an accident when she was younger, and another across her cheekbone underneath her right eye due to a rock shattering it. In memory of her mother and brother, April has a set of angel wings tattooed on her left shoulder.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
April is one of those girls who could have had it all, but chose to give it all up and pursue a career as one of the boys. A shining personality has seen her through many situations, including seeing her brother have a final smile and laugh before he passed away. April is always smiling, always laughing, and always going on about some technobabble that makes sense only to her. She is highly intelligent when it comes to practical things, although book smarts are not reallly her thing. Piss her off when she has a knife in her hand and April is extremely accurate.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Engineering
+ Being efficient in business dealings.
+ Her family and friends.
+/- Theoretical practices
+ Accuracy
April aims to become the best Marine she can be, and if she becomes an Officer in the process, then it's an added bonus. She hopes to continue the family mechanic business and eventually extend it three or four more workshops, having successfully fulfilled her obligation of being a Marine
Hobbies & Interests
- early Earth history, ranging from aviation to modern warfare.
- Earth martial arts
- Holodeck simulations

- Finding out how things work
- Reading old fantasy holonovels
- Archery
Languages   Fed Standard
Father   Gregory McKinnon
Mother   Shannen McKinnon (deceased)
Brother(s)   Robbie (deceased), Kenny, Micah
Spouse   Lieutenant Andrew Foxwell *fiancĂ©e*
Other Family  
April Jane McKinnon was born on the 29th of November, 2360, to proud parents Greg and Shannen. Her place of birth was in Broome, Western Australia, on Earth. At this point in time April was the second oldest child, with her brother Micah being the oldest at 4 years old. When April was 3, her younger twin brothers, Robbie and Kenny, were born.

At the age of 5, April McKinnon was enrolled into the local primary school into kindergarten. Her concentration levels when it came to reading and writing were extremely weak, and she often spent quite a lot of time in the principals office. Paediatrician visits showed that April had Attention Defecit Disorder (ADD) and she was diagnosed with it at the age of 6.

Seeing her father working in the family-owned workshop, McKinnons Mechanics, April had always been in awe of him working on cars and transport and whatnot, and it became a passion. Of an afternoon after school, April would always say hello to all of the locals and occassionally help out with simple tasks.

When she finished primary school, April went straight onto high school. She excelled in wood- and metal-work classes, health class, and constantly won awards for her athletic abilities. She was able to control the ADD, but it still had a profound effect on her. Unfortunately, when April was in year 10 and 15 years old, the news of her mother having died in a car accident shattered her world, as April had been extremely close to her. This led to April's academic record going right down.

April continued into years 11 and 12, but only just passed and made the entry requirement to get into university. Her father and brothers were extremely proud of her, although she knew her mother was up there looking down and smiling. A change of thought in career saw April begin an apprenticeship as a mechanic. During this all, April was able to still find time to help out her father with the business side of running the workshop, and keep an eye on her brothers as they worked for their dad.

At the age of 21, April McKinnon became fully qualified in the trades and was presented with the respective certificates. She decided to spend 6 months travelling and seeing the sights she had always wanted to see. The other six months, April worked in her fathers workshop and helped out where she could.

When she turned 22, April enrolled into the Starfleet Marine Corps Officer Training, making her family extremely proud. She only just passed the theoretical side of the Officers Training but aced her course with the practical side. During her second year at training, April got a call from her father saying that her younger brother Robbie had passed away. This again shattered Aprils world but made her even more determined to pass and get started on her career. She attended the funeral and soldiered on to continue her training and only just passed, but passed none the less.

April got approached by Captain Alex 'Miami' Diaz, commander of the USS Sojourner, to take up the position of Marine Engineer on board, which she accepted without hesitation at the rank of Lance Corporal, which was fine by her. Once on board, April was introduced to a few of the crew, namely one Lieutenant Andrew Foxwell, Chief Flyboy. The pair started dating and formed a strong relationship. Over dinner, Foxwell spontaneously popped the question to which April said yes.


Service Record
2385 - USS Sojourner - Lance Corporal - Marine Engineer


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