Lieutenant JG Saria Rex   

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Character Information
Name   Saria Rex
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Science Officer [Reserved]
Gender   Female
Species   Trill - Joined
Age   26
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   143 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Blonde
Physical Description   Saria is tall, has a slim posture, blonde hair, blue eyes, which the left one is an ocular implant, and facial implants above her left eye, at her right jaw and left hand. She always wears her pants legs inside her boots rather than over them.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Saria is a kind woman, which seeks wisdom from others and information from new things. However, due the past hosts of her symbiont, she can attain different personalities at some times, but she supresses this most of the time. She can sometimes be selfish due her old age.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Saria is, thanks to her symbiont, very well at solving problems. Also she does remember valuable information from even lifetimes back that might be useful.
She is also very skilled with the Phaser Sniper Rifle, especially on away missions.

Saria's previous hosts make her sometimes respond awkwardly, but she maintains to supress this. Also, her implants play a vital role in keeping her alive. An electric shock or EMP could cause malfunction in her vital implants.
She also doesn't like to talk about some of her previous hosts.

Also, Saria has a hidden phobia of counselors and tries to avoid them at any time.
Would like to increase in rank in position over the time, to make her work more challenging.
Saria is interested in love, but her different personalities at some times make this difficult for her.
Hobbies & Interests
Saria is fond of solving Rubik's Cubes, Holonovels, Chocolate, meeting new species and cooking in some ways. She also likes to write a bit. She is thinking about starting a family, but is not sure yet. In her free time, she likes to listen to music in her quarters, especially 60s - 70s music from Earth.
Languages   Trill, English, Klingonese, Cardassian, Bajoran.
Father   Toril Merida
Mother   Bryna Merida
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Tabora Merida
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Lt. JG Caden Aldrex, USS Illustrious. - Cousin
Saria Rex (née Merida) was born on Trill. Her father was a member of the UFP advisory board, and her mother was a specialist at the Symbiosis Comission. Her sister was Tabora Merida, which was born two years after Saria's birth. She was already a very learning Trill at young age, and liked to explore the areas around her house, together with her sister.
At the age of 6, Saria moved to Earth with her father, which was assigned to a post on Earth. Her sister Tabora stood with her mother on Trill.

They moved to New Orleans on Earth, and graduated with high marks on the Primary and College. Her first love interest was the Betazed Jiran Gala, which she met at the College. On Earth, she learned a new language: English. She didn't have to use a translator now while talking to people on Earth. She also developed interest in cooking, when she worked at a restaurant in New Orleans. She picked up a lot of Human traditions and habits while doing this. At the age of 18, she applied for Starfleet Academy. She studied and graduated in Sciences, and did some extra courses in Engineering. She graduated in Astronomy and Exobiology.

Her first assigned ship was the USS Lakota, where she moved in her late 22's, becoming a Science Officer. At the age of 23, she recieved the ancient Rex-symbiont. The Lakota was primarily assigned to the region around the Federation-Cardassian DMZ, where she did research at The Badlands and the fertile colonies in the DMZ. She became fascinated by the ideology of the Maquis, but didn't interfere with it further. When patrolling, the Lakota got hit by a fleet of True Way ships. The Lakota suffered heavy damage and casualities but still able to make it to a starbase. She almost died in the attack, but recieved vital implants, inside and some visibly on the outside. After repairs, she continued to serve on the Lakota.

Notable previous hosts

-Toril Rex
The first host of the Rex symbiont. He was born in the Earth year 1137 A.D., and a great philosopher in his society.

-Gana Rex
One of the first Trills to make contact with the Federation in 2310.

-Lorent Rex
The diplomat that negotiated the Federation-Cardassian peace treaty in 2319 with Gul Marok.

-Anaia Rex
Captain of the U.S.S. Freebird that crashed on Tau Volantis III in a shuttle, together with Commander Veronica Sterling in 2355. There was a civil war raging on the planet at the time, and Rex and Sterling sided with the authoritarian Seperatists while the Rex symbiont had lost balance, and the host took over. They were found by a Starfleet rescue team after 10 months. Anaia had killed hundreds of people of opposing factions in the meantime, with Veronica Sterling at her side. Both were arrested and the Rex symbiont was seperated from Anaia. Anaia had probably committed suicide by self-destructing the shuttle she was transported on to her court trial, killing 4 Starfleet officers and probably herself, but this remains unknown. This became known as the Tau Volantis III Incident, but nobody except Rex and some Starfleet Intelligence personell still knows that the Rex symbiont was joined with Anaia.

-Taya Rex
The second-last Rex host, formerly married to Gul Tekor Madra but killed in action.

Average day schedule
02:00 - 08:00: Saria's quarters, Deck 26; Room 16
08:00 - 14:00: Alpha shift, Deck 61; Chief Science Officer's Office
14:00 - 15:00: Box of Delights, Promenade level 2
15:00 - 15:30: The Plaice to Be, Promenade level 2
15:30 - 19:00: Free time/Saria's quarters, Deck 26; Room 16
19:00 - 20:00: Any promenade restaurants
20:00 - 02:00: Charlie shift, Deck 61; Chief Science Officer's Office


Service Record
-Tenaran Primary School (years 4 - 6)
-(Continued earth Primary (years 6 - 12)
-Zefram Cochrane College (years 12 - 18)
-Starfleet Academy (Science, years 18 - 22)
-USS Lakota (Science Officer, years 22 - 26)


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