Radmi Porkar   

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Character Information
Name   Radmi Porkar
Position   Bounty Hunter
Gender   Male
Species   Farian
Age   79
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   155 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   White/Grey
Physical Description   If one was to judge by his looks they'd think Radmi was human. In truth he's Farian, but is missing their notable nose ridge.

Despite his age, Radmi is a picture of health. Fit and lean it is obvious that he works out. All the same his age has began to show. The top of his head is bald while what hair remains has lost it's color.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Radmi is stern and direct. Much more than that can be hard to read as not even he knows who he is. He is having to learn who he is along with everyone else.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Strong, Observant, Tactful, Trained, Brilliant.

Weaknesses: Lack of Memory, Volitile, Unpricable, Trust issues, Devious.
To find out who he is and get back to his old life.
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Federation Standard, tlhIngan Hol(Klingonese), Rihannsu(Romulan), Kardasi(Cardassian), Bajorian, ect
Father   Tylar Porkar (deceased)
Mother   Payser Molvom Porkar (deceased)
Other Family  
Radmi has recently lost his memories. Currently suffering from amnesia he is unsure who he is. His Semantic Memory (Language and Facts), and Procedural or Muscle Memory (Skills) are still intact. But he is unable to access his Episodic Memory (Experiences and General Memories). This is likely due to a mix of a blow to the head and psychological trauma.


Service Record
Radmi Porkar is known to have worked for most of the major players in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants as a bounty hunter including: The Cardassian Central Command, Obsidian Order, Tal Shiar, Klingon High Council, Orion Syndicate, Gorn Hegemony, Ferengi Alliance, and even Starfleet Intellegiance.

Further information on Radmi Porkar is classified.


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