Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon   

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Character Information
Name   Miranda Aeylon
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Communications Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   42
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   161 lbs.
Eye Color   Grey
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Miranda is of average height & weight, and also shows little sign of age. She often dresses herself up in lipstick, eye-liner and other forms of make-up to make her seem more beautiful to others around her, as she is very insecure of her natural beauty. Miranda has long black hair, which she often ties in a bun for her duties aboard the station when being supervised, but she tends to let it down once her superior officer has wandered off because she simply prefers it let down.

Miranda often dresses up for special occasions and makes sure she is looking her best at these events, in order to make good impressions upon her fellow crew members and superior officers.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Miranda is typically friendly to all kinds of people, she isn't one to 'judge a book by its cover', however she does enjoy a good gossip with other crew members. She enjoys a good time and looks for a solid group of regular friends of which she can regularly go out and have a good time with, though she does try and make sure that she gives off a friendly aura to other crew members who are more acquaintances. Miranda can be very professional at times when the need be, but generally takes a friendly and relaxed approach to life, trying to keep her fellow crew members calm as well as herself in even times of crisis.

Also, Miranda takes her work very seriously. She carries out her duties to the best of her abilities and keeps it that way, otherwise she would have no primary focus in life, and being a strictly determined person, she always needs something to work for and focus on.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+She is very friendly towards others, and tries to make all feel comfortable around her.
+Tries to keep her fellow crew members calm in times of crisis.
+Loves her job and aims to climb further up the chain of command.
+Professional around superiors and when needed.

-Loves to gossip, too much.
-Can be disruptive when not on duty, as she loves to go out with friends.
-Can make some people feel uncomfortable, when trying to be friendly.
-Can be too relaxed at certain points, where a non-relaxed tone is needed.
Miranda has been from starship to starship in the operations department throughout her entire life. She aims to find something more interesting than life as a unimportant operations officer on just any old starship. So now she has come to the station, she wishes to eventually become Chief of Operations and meet many different people from many different cultures all around the universe, and this is what she plans to do.
Hobbies & Interests
Miranda has enjoyed swimming ever since she was a young child growing up around the rivers and lakes in the British countryside on Earth. Swimming being her main hobby, is also accompanied by diving and surfing, making Miranda an overall person who loves being around water. Although, her love of Starfleet took her away from this, as she is much more interested in studying different cultures and phenomena in her spare time, appreciating the true beauty of nature all around the universe.
Languages   Federation English, Romulan, Andorian, Klingon (Partially)
Father   Richard Aeylon (deceased)
Mother   Natasha Aeylon (deceased)
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   Tom Deyto (deceased)
Children   Victoria Aeylon (deceased)
Other Family   Grandmother: Elizabeth Aeylon (deceased)
Miranda was born on 31st May 2343 to Richard and Natasha Aeylon. She grew up in the English countryside surrounding London in the United Kingdom, on Earth. Miranda spent the first 14 years of her life living in a small cottage there with her mother and father of whom were happily married and both had successful careers in the country. Richard was a civilian plumber, which brought in a steady income for the family and allowed them to live in a modest sized cottage surrounded by 10 acres of farmland, this also meant that the families toilets would never be blocked. Natasha was an electrician, who also brought in a sizeable income, which combined with Richards allowed Miranda to grow up in an environment where she got everything she wanted. Richard and Natasha only had one child, which made Miranda more determined to make friends around the village and inspired her friendly attitudes towards people. The village folk themselves were also all friendly which allowed Miranda to grow up in a safe environment, with a schoolhouse, town hall, shop. The village was a haven away from the noisy civilization which lurked a few miles away. There was also a lake in the village, where Miranda discovered her love of swimming and aquatic wildlife.

Throughout the years she spent in this village, she made many friends, had a great education at the local school and found out many of her own interests and hobbies away from the hustle and bustle of city life, of which she had never been exposed to. However, on her 14th birthday Miranda visited the city of London with her parents, they dropped her off at her Grandmothers for a weekend, of whom Miranda barely knew. Elizabeth, her Grandmother, took Miranda all around the city, to the London Eye, Tower of London and the Starfleet Academy in London, where Miranda learnt briefly about different parts of Starfleet and what their mission was. She became interested in Starfleet and started to visit her grandmother regularly, just to see the Academy some more.

When Miranda turned 16, she wanted to move to London with her Grandmother, however her parents denied her the opportunity, as they had kept her away from the city for all of those years, but the visits had acted like a catalyst for everything they did not want their daughter to become to emerge. Thus, Miranda ran away, hating her parents, although she did not realise what was going to happen and was shocked when she reached her Grandmothers home, three days later. Elizabeth embraced Miranda shouting "Where have you been! Something terrible has happened! I feared you were..", Miranda pushed Elizabeth off gently saying "Feared I was what..? What's happened?!". Elizabeth sat her down and explained how Miranda's home village had been hit by a meteor, everything was obliterated. Miranda sat for 2 days, silent, shocked, thinking of how the last things her parents knew was Miranda running away. This completely altered Miranda's perspective on life, and made her become a much more cautious person in the long run. She wanted to make her parents proud, somehow, in order to allow her to think that they had forgiven her for what she had done.

She lived with her Grandmother, Elizabeth, up until she was 18. In this period she had attended one of the most prestigious secondary institutes for learning in London, gaining some of the top grades in her year group, she breezed through secondary school. When she turned 18, Miranda was accepted into Starfleet Academy, which had been her ambition ever since she first visited the city four years ago. She believed entering Starfleet was the best thing for her, she wanted to leave Earth, explore the stars, discover new species, civilizations, galaxies and above all, make her parents proud of her.

Starfleet Academy proved a tougher challenge to Miranda than she first expected. She had previously cruised through education, but this new challenge was welcomed. She excelled in most Sciences, areas of Operations & Engineering specialities, whilst also partially in command. But the idea of operating an entire ship or starbase really stuck out to her as being what she wanted and would most suit her, thus she focused her studies in this area. Whilst doing her studies she made many friends in the academy, and some enemies of whom remain to this day as her adversaries, in friendly competition that is.

When she graduated the academy in 2365, at age 22 she was assigned to the USS Andropov, an Olmypic class, where she learnt to control the real pressures and stresses of being on a starship and also being responsible for certain parts of the ship, something even on the bridge. She looked up to her captain, Turi Ramurra, an Andorian who quickly took a shining to her. He was previously a Chief Operations Officer before taking up the command of the Andropov and taught Miranda many new techniques and ways of doing things which would help her in the future of her career in operations and proved to do so in later years. One of these techniques was how to quickly divert power rather than go through all of the usual procedures, whilst also doing it safely, this technique alone would prove useful. After two years the Andropov was caught in a conflict with a rogue Cardassian freighter and left badly damaged, Miranda hadn't grown too emotionally attached to anybody besides the captain at this point and did not care much for the ship, despite it being her first. The Andropov was too old to be repaired and was decommissioned, thus Miranda was re-assigned to the USS Giovanni, separated from all of her old crew mates onto a completely new vessel. A defiant class, this was what Miranda needed to get her more interested in life aboard a starship again, with much more action than an Olympic class any day of the week.

Miranda grew to know the 21-strong crew of the Giovanni well and developed close bonds with many of the crew members. One of them being Tom Deyto, the Chief Medical Officer and a Betazoid with strict parents. Miranda fell in love with Tom, but this was problematic, as he was already married to another woman on-board. Thus, both Miranda and Tom decided to break there ties with the crew of the Giovanni, and got reassigned to the USS Olympus, a nebula class, where they could begin their new relationship and life together, without seeing Tom's ex-wife around every corner. Tom was now Assistant Chief on-board the Olympus, and spent a lot more time with Miranda. However, this period allowed Miranda's career to soar as after one year she herself was promoted to Assistant Chief of Operations. The techniques that Captain Ramurra had taught Miranda on the Andropov quickly impressed her CO, which then after two years of being promoted once, Miranda was then promoted to Chief of Ops.

By this time, her relationship with Tom was at its peak, and they both deicded to have a child together. Thus, went on temporary maternity leave to Earth for several months after giving birth to a baby girl, Victoria Aeylon. Half Betazoid, Half Human. She went back to London when returning to Earth, and visited her grandmother with baby Victoria. Tom had stayed aboard the Olympus at this time, as the CO could not grant him leave. In 2375, Miranda returned to the Olympus, bringing her sick Grandmother and child aboard. They all shared their quarters and prospered as a family for four years. Miranda did not want Victoria to be protected from civilization like she was as a child, and wanted to bring her up on a starship, her Grandmother could also look after her whilst Tom and Miranda were performing their duties aboard the ship.

In 2379, the ship came under attack by an unknown vessel. It was obliterated in just a few minutes. These minutes were filled with panic for the entire crew. Miranda was the only family member on duty at the time, whilst the others were asleep in the family quarters. She was working with an engineering officer in the lower decks, repairing a number of escape pods which had been damaged in the last battle. The ship shook suddenly and violently, Miranda was knocked unconscious. She woke up 3 months later in the medical bay at Starbase 15, the doctor informed her that the Olympus had been destroyed, and that she and the Engineering Officer were the only ones to survive.

Miranda spent the next few years in her Grandmothers old apartment on Earth, in London, she had a shattered spirit and it took a while for her to recover from the emotional loss that she had faced in losing her grandmother, spouse & daughter. She was granted compassionate leave and travel over Earth after one year of grieving in London. Then after she had spent a years or so exploring the Earth, she was ready. Ready to return to work. After facing psychiatric tests for several months prior to being reassigned, Miranda was sent aboard the USS Caribbean, where she spent 4 cold years warming up to life aboard a ship once more, regaining her confidence slowly and beginning to make friends once more. However, she is now much more dedicated to making lasting friendships and growing attached to more people, so somebody will always be there for her. These years were spent in her usual position of Operations Chief and saw her regain much of her personality & confidence as well as job productivity.

In 2385 Miranda departed the Caribbean as she had wanted to try a new experience. Aboard a starbase, of which would be her future, in the position of Chief of Communications on Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2365 - Aged 22 - Graduates Starfleet Academy, assigned to USS Andropov in the position of Operations Officer.
2367 - Aged 24 - Re-assigned to USS Giovanni in the position of Operations Officer.
2368 - Aged 25 - Re-assigned to the USS Olympus in the position of Operations Officer.
2369 - Aged 26 - Promoted to Assistant Chief Operations Officer.
2371 - Aged 28 - Promoted to Chief Operations Officer.
2374 - Aged 31 - Maternity leave begins, Miranda leaves Olympus for Earth temporarily.
2375 - Aged 32 - Maternity leave ends, Miranda boards Olympus once more.
2379 - Aged 36 - Olympus destroyed. Compassionate leave begins.
2381 - Aged 38 - Compassionate leave ends, assigned to the USS Caribbean in the position of Operations Chief.
2385 - Aged 42 - Departed the USS Caribbean for DS5 in the position of Chief of Communications.


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