UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara   

Character Information
Name   Ryan O'Hara
Rank   UFP Ambassador
Position   Special Advisor
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   145 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description  
Ryan has an average and not particularly muscular build, although he does exercise regularly in order to keep himself fit. What he lacks in physique, he makes up for in winsome smiles and good looks. When it comes to clothing he prefers the casual kind. He even wears his uniform casually whenever he can. Rigid formality is just not his style.
Personality & Traits
General Overview

Ryan is kind and easy-going. He does not take life too seriously. In fact, the more seriousness a situation demands, the more frivolously he tends to act. Whenever he brings his care-free attitude to work, as is usually the case, it inevitably frustrates his more seriously minded superiors and colleagues. Nevertheless, at times he can be quite competitive if there is a worthy adversary, even though he would not always admit it.
Strengths & Weaknesses

Ryan is highly intelligent and finished law school with honors in just two years. He is also an avid reader, especially of the old-fashioned paper books. As a result, he is knowledgeable on many wide raging subjects, which often come in handy in his line of work.

Ryan’s intellectual prowess is counterbalanced by his lack of focus and a mostly care-free attitude toward life. It is as if he consciously refuses to realize his full potentials.

He is also wary of unnecessary confrontations, which, according to his philosophy, ruin the fun in life. As a result, he tends to evade, rather than face and resolve, personal conflicts with others.

Ryan is an excellent long range marksman with both weapons and darts, although he spends far more time on the latter. His proficiency in close-quarter combat, on the other hand, is highly questionable. Fortunately it is not so much an issue for his job as a lawyer.

For the moment, Ryan’s only ambition is to enjoy life to the fullest, preferably in the company of a beautiful woman.
Hobbies & Interests

Reading, history, holodeck, languages
Latin and several other obscure languages
Father   Corentin O’Hara, mechanic and traveler
Mother   Elicia Hudson, former Federation Attorney General
Other Family   Maternal grandparents: Joseph Hudson, former Federation Secretary of Transportation; Irene Hudson, Circuit Judge, Federation Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit

Ryan was born to Corentin O’Hara and Samantha Hudson. His father was a mechanic of humble origin, and his mother, on the other hand, was the only daughter of a prominent political family. Their fairy-tale marriage ended when Ryan was five. Custody of the boy was given to his mother, and his father was allowed visitation rights. While the relationship between his parents remains friendly, that between his father and maternal grandparents has been icy at best, one of the many things that led to his suspicion that his grandparents had something to do with his parents’ divorce.

Ryan thus grew up in two drastically different worlds. He spent most of his time living with his mother and her parents on their estate in North America. His father visited him whenever he could, usually when his work brought him to the vicinity of the Solar system, but the visits always seemed too short and infrequent. When he did visit, however, he showed the boy the pleasures of a simpler life, away from the polished but often affected manners of high society.

Family friends often say that Ryan inherited his mother’s keen intellect and his father’s charming affability, but growing up he was also known as a rebellious child who seemed to enjoy nothing more than defying the high expectations and standards of his mother and his grandparents. Childish intransigence eventually wore off, but in his care-free attitude Ryan remained a spitting image of his father.
During his college years, Ryan spent more time socializing in the company of pretty girls than studying in the library for his classes. As a result, it took him a total of six years just to receive his bachelor’s degree in history and classics. Not to mention, in his senior year his less-than-discreet relationship with the daughter of a Federation councilor almost derailed his mother’s nomination to become the Attorney General of the Federation.

Finally fed up with her only child and also mindful of her own political career, his mother made him an ultimatum: either clean up his acts and make up in law school the two years he had wasted in college, or lose all financial support. Ryan dragged out the “negotiation” for a full year while he enrolled himself in an exchange program on Romulus. When the exchange program ended, he accepted the terms with modifications, and two years later obtained his JD with a specialty in constitutional law

Ryan’s first job after law school was at the Federation Department of State. Serving as a legal counsel, he earned high marks for his negotiation skills as well as his breadth of knowledge on matters both legal and non-legal. His relaxed – at times too relaxed – work ethics, on the other hand, raised quite a few eyebrows. After one year at the job, Ryan took up a position on Deep Space Five both for a change of scenery and to get away from the constant “supervision” of his mother who, eager to uphold the highest standards for her son, kept tab on his work through her contacts at the State Department.


Service Record

2378 – 2384 Stanford University, B.A. in History and Classics

2384 – 2385 Exchange Program, Imperial Academy, Romulus

2385 – 2387 Columbia Law School, J.D.

2387 – 2388 Legal Counsel, Federation Department of State


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