Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran   

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Character Information
Name   Gralthek Sirran
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Strategic Operations Officer/Second Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Andorian
Age   24
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   175 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   White
Physical Description   Typical Andorian appearance: blue-skinned and white-haired, with antennae growing from the cranial area. Young and physically fit.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Sirran is like most other young officers: hard-working, highly driven, eager to get out into space and prove himself. His sense of humor needs a little work, but he's well-liked by those that know him.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Motivated to be the best officer he can be. Hungry to learn. Open to instruction and correction.

Weaknesses: Because he is so driven, it is sometimes necessary to rein him in a bit.
Sirran hopes to have his own command someday, and possibly go on to achieve flag rank.
Hobbies & Interests
Reading, music, holodeck programs, various sports.
Languages   Andorian, Federation Standard
Father   Morlun Sirran, Zel Sirran
Mother   Ch'Vena Sirran, Lyaas Sirran
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family  
Sirran was born on Andor. His parents are farmers with a modest standard of living. His sense of adventure made him yearn to get off the farm, however, and he spent two years as a research assistant on a Vulcan science vessel, where he first became interested in space exploration.

At Starfleet Academy he studied Astrophysics and Exoanthropology. He was also an active member of the fencing and sharpshooting teams. In his junior year he was disciplined, along with 47 other cadets, for his involvement in an infamous fight with cadets from the Imperial Romulan Military School during a Parrises Squares tournament on Rigel IV. It's not clear what happened. Both groups were seated in the viewing stands. Words were exchanged. Then words became shoves, and shoves became punches. When it was all over dozens of people were sent to the infirmary. Sirran, like the other cadets involved, received 100 demerits and suspension of off-campus privileges for the remainder of the academic year. It was a devastating punishment, but Sirran turned it into a positive by devoting the extra time to his studies and his command training. He graduated with honors at the end of the year and reported to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to serve on a construction team. He performed systems integration work on Nova, Luna, Insignia and Sovereign class starships, as well as several types of auxiliary craft. He wanted spaceborne assignment, however, and looked for an open slot.

That open slot was the USS Io, a Luna class ship assigned to routine patrol work along the Neutral Zone, the Typhon Expanse, and other known trouble spots. Sirran reported for duty as Operations Officer while the ship was docked at Starbase 1048, and settled in. But the cruise was tragically short. Only six months out of port, the Io encountered a violent gravimetric distortion that tore the ship apart despite the crew's best efforts to navigate away from it. Sirran was among the sixty survivors who spent three weeks in escape pods waiting for rescue. The subsequent board of inquiry cleared all of the Io's senior officers of any wrongdoing, including Sirran. He was on the bridge manning his station during the incident.

After the loss of the Io Sirran was temporarily assigned to staff duty at headquarters in San Francisco, pending new assignment. It was only a short wait until the Bureau of Personnel found him a new assignment on the USS Illustrious.

Sirran also served on the Illustrious for only a brief time. On his first cruise the ship was sent to Risa to render aid in the aftermath of a terrorist incident. While in orbit the Illustrious was unexpectedly attacked by a Breen ship and boarders beamed onto the bridge. During the vicious firefight Sirran was wounded. He was hit in the chest by a disruptor, necessitating replacement of his heart by an artificial one.

After a period of recovery and rehabilitation Sirran was offerred his choice of duty stations. He chose Deep Space 5.


Service Record
Four-year tour: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

One-year tour: Systems Integration Manager, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

One-year tour: Ops Officer, USS Io

Single cruise: Ops Officer, USS Illustrious

Present: Strategic Operations Officer, Deep Space 5


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