Arrival Atlana Durak   

Character Information
Name   Atlana Durak
Rank   Arrival
Position   Unique Antiques Owner
Gender   Female
Species   Cardassian
Age   39
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   blue
Hair Color   black
Physical Description   Atlana is of a healthy build as far as cardassians go. She is tone and muscular with the typical "spoon" head and shoulders of a cardassian women, they are not as defined as the males of the species but still very much noticable. She is not a petty women, athletic and trained she is considered an attractive women physically by cardassian standards. She has long jet black hair that is usually braided and blue eyes. A family trait that is rare on Cardassia. Atlana has a scar on chest from a knife fight, it goes from her left shoulder down towards her heart. It is large and she keeps it well hidden.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Women in Cardassian culture are typically teachers, politicians and business people because of their patience and intellectual capabilies. Atlana is all of the above but chose the be a spy, as a member of the Obsidian Order Atlana felt that her talents best served the people if she were able to get dirt with the rest of her comrades. Only a handful of women make it into the Order.

Atlana is not the cold hearted hate all things not cardassian like many others. She does not believe that the good of the culture requires the sacrifice of others. Atlana has been abhorred by the sales of the Cardassian artifacts to fund the war efforts, the training of children in the art of war and espionage. It makes her sick to her stomach.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Atlana is patient, and cunning she will wait until the right time catch her opponent in a trap even if it means letting them go more than once.
She has a good eye for intelligent business transactions and enjoys the fair transaction.
Atlana has a strong sense of loyality.
An Excellent memory, atlana doesn't forget much
She's easy to piss off, and the hit list gets longer and longer.
When she is mad, she's careless and wreckless with her actions.
Untrusting of people.
Atlana lives in a bitterness because of her sisters death.
Atlana has been hunting down the men who blew up the school her younger sister was attending and she had killed 3 out of 4. The forth a man named Anjar, she won't rest until she finds him and kills him.
Atlana want to finish her mission and retreat from the world at large. She takes refugee in her collection of antiques and the history of them.
Would love to open a business to trade antiques.
Hobbies & Interests
Atlana enjoys playing the earth instrument the violin and is accomplished. She is also skilled in Cardassian and Vulcan martial arts. Atlana enjoys learning new things and taking them in as quickly as possible.
Languages   Cardassian, Terran English
Father   Ferm Durak (deceased)
Mother   Yaltar Durak (deceased)
Sister(s)   Tayla (deceased)
Other Family  
Born to a once powerful military family Atlana was raised in a very rigid and strict upbringing. Her father was a retired Gul in the once powerful Cardassian military while his mother was an instructor at the university. Brought up in a traditional Cardassian household, Atlana lived with her parents and also with her fraternal grandmother, the only other living member of the Durak family.

Life growing up was rough for the Durak family and all of Cardassia as the Dominion war had greatly devastated their home world, limited natural resources, and dwindled a once thriving population. However like good Cardassians they pushed on through their daily struggles and meager living always remembering it was for the greater Cardassia that they worked to help achieve once more.

By the time Atlana was ten years old and had undergone her intense mental training as a child it was clear to his family that her future was to be held in a Intelligence field, much to the disappointment of her father. Atlana showed a great mental aptitude and superb memory and as such as she continued school her classes helped to prepare her for her predestined career. When she wasn't studying as a youth the Cardassian had a great respect for her Grandmother; Aris and would often spend time with her hoping to learn from her wisdom. She was fond of Atlana and often had her cook with her. When she was seventeen Aris began to fall ill to her old age she held her Shri-tal with Atlana much to the surprise of her father and mother.

To this day the words spoken to her have never been shared but it was enough for the young woman to plead to her Mother to petition some acquaintances for entrance into the Obsidian Order. These steps would lead Altana's father to sever all ties with Atlana, even before her sisters school was destroyed.

Atlana was off world the day that Anjar and his associates struck the school killing 10 and wounding dozens more. Her father could not bare the lose of his youngest and what he considered now as his only child and committed suicide and unthinkable shame in the Cardassian culture. Her mother disgraced and alone took her own life as well some months later.

Due to the sensitivity of her mission and the depth of her cover Atlana did not learn of their deaths for nearly a full year.

She hunted down the murderous bastards one by one. Killing each slowly and painfully making sure they begged for it before she killed them. While not one asked for mercy, they all swore the same thing, they had no idea it was a school. Atlana had never accepted the lack of intelligence as an excuse for the murder of her sister. After years of hunting she found Anjar and his casual arrogance boiled over inside her which erupted in a brawl in the bar she found him in. Although the fight was deemed a draw Atlana would never admit publicly that she barely survived. She still has the scar from the knife that was used to fend her off. (yes that scar) She has always been a loner, but knows where to find the help when it is necessary. Patched up, Atlana took time to learn from Garak a Cardassian agent on DS9.

Although Atlana is considered an inactive member of the Obsidian Order she is aware that there is truly no such thing and that she may be called to return to service at any time. Atlana has spent the last several months acquiring antiques and intelligence on Anjar.

She has now come to DS5 retired and hopeful of setting up her antique shop. Patiently waiting to Learn more about Anjar, hunt him down... and finish what he started.


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