Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt   

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Character Information
Name   Luke Wyatt
Rank   Gunnery Sergeant
Position   First Sergeant
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   36
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   180 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Green
Physical Description   Luke is in fairly good shape for a man of his age. He has Brown/Ginger hair, which is why he was given the nickname 'Foxy' by his fellow marines throughout his career; his hair is cut in the traditional 'Jarhead' style. His eyes are a Chocolaty hazel color, which is another prominent feature.

Luke has a very vain posture about him, especially when encountering new people and has been known to look down on others, mostly those that are non-SFMC though through his year this has become a lesser problem. As well as his proud stature he has a very predominant jaw structure.

Luke tends to try to scare people with his size. He uses this again in ports such Boxing and other contact sports. However, inside Luke is a very loveable person at heart although hard to believe.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Luke is an average guy, he gets on well with others which was shown in Basic training during team tasks however but also can work alone. He doesn’t like to talk about his feelings and emotions often as he finds it hard to open up to someone as a fear that they will not understand or turn him away. He has total respect for himself and his fellow Marines and has seen his fair share action in his time serving within starfleet furthermore he has managed to get himself cut above the rest compared to the majority of people in his rank getting himself extra training in certain area's making him able to adapt to most situations.

Adding on further to his personality Johnson is a very open and honest young man, branching of from that he is independent, good working in teams and enjoys the company of others however he does go through a few bumps along the way with making new friends. The main things that drives him through his busy career his his passion to achieve and succeed making him a very worthy marine he loves everything about them and everything he has to do with them some one would go as far as calling him crazy but he is just passionate about his work.

Last but not least he knows how to handle himself in every situation not just because he is a marine but because he knows when to duck when to weave and when to throw back a punch or to. He the kind of guy you could trust with you life and know your gonna come out together in one piece... more or less.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He does not like 'Fresh meat', a.k.a new recruits, from SFMC (Starfleet Marine Core) and he especially thinks that Starfleet security are wanna-be Marines.

From his time in the fleet he has managed to learn to speak different languages.

He is a strong, competent leader and skilled in combat. He knows how to get 100% from his crew mates and his fellow Marines.

He does not like to leave a task unfinished and does not stop until he has completed it.

He has a very unique sense of humor and often helps with moral on the ship especially between the other Marines.

He is a believer of Diplomacy however if it doesn’t work he isn’t afraid of using force to get his point across.
Luke is doing his best to become a career officer, a defender of the ideals of the Federation, and a leader within the Corps. Luke was a born leader he strives on the success of others and his self and always open to suggestions this lead to what he wishes to achieve in starfleet but overall he wishes to learn and make a name for himself within the corps.
Hobbies & Interests
He isn’t all evil as Luke would like most people to believe. He has shown to share affection and interest towards Sports such as Football, Rugby, Fishing and Scuba-Diving but sports aren't the only things that interest him another two things that interests him are music and acting both of these are hobbies in which he loves, he’s also obsessed with reading books and especially those with twists and a lot of action...

Branching of from each different subject Luke prefers and has a tendency with Scuba diving all though its not the most thrilling and probably the most unusual for a Marine of his type he loves to grab a mask and a oxy tank and dive in into the deep blue this is mainly because of his willingness to learn new things and see whats out there to other. Furthermore to his unusual favorable sport he loves to read in his own time he often gets lost in a good action novel. With or without pictures he need not care he could always read and see the plot and the action between the lines.
Languages   Federation Standard and Klingon
Father   Adam Wyatt (Commerce and freighter goods company)
Mother   Anna Wyatt (Housewife, Divorced)
Sister(s)   Charlie Wyatt
Spouse   Lillian Wyatt
Children   Abby-Mae Wyatt (18, Aid worker and Student. Wishes to join starfleet)
Other Family  
It was a warm summers day in London when Anna Wyatt gave birth to her only son in 2353. He weighed 7lbs, 8oz when he entered the world and had small toughs of ginger hair. His eyes were hazelnut with blond swirls swirls and he was instantly thrown into a Starfleet life.

Luke started his first school in 2361. His father had used their family savings to get him admitted into the nearest private school. Here, Luke would encounter his first of many life challenges. Within weeks he had already been seen as a fairly intelligent boy but this was not his main characteristic; he seemed to be a lot taller than most of the boys and soon found himself being picked on by the other children. This, however, did not last long at all, as when it came to sports of various activities.

As Luke grew up, he got more into sports and also started to study geography and history. One night, Luke sat down with his father to listen to another story of his younger days. However, this time it was different. Luke spoke of his wishes to join the Marines and to follow his Dad's past, saying this was his true calling. At the time, his Father laughed and simply patted his head and told him that there was a long time until he had to decide and after kissing his forehead, his Dad left the room. Nothing much about the Marines was said after that. Perhaps his Dad did not want him to join the Marines and live a life like he did.

Luke was now 17 and on his way to a Starfleet Marine Recruiting post in London. As he turned the corner, he stopped; allowing himself to compose and think of what to say when he walked through the doors. After a slight pause, he continued and found himself at the desk being stared at by a young looking Marine male. After a short conversation, and the filling out of many different forms, Luke was now prepared to tell his father that he wanted to go off to the SFMC.

Throughout the long walk home, a lot went through his mind; especially what his Dad would say to him. However, nothing could stop his dream to be a Marine. He had wanted to do it ever since he was a small child listening to his Dad's tales of adventure.

He arrived home and his Dad was sat at the table eating his lunch, he turned and looked at Luke and asked how his day had been. The next hour contained a long and intense conversation Eventually the pair smiled at each other and Luke gave his Father an immense hug.

It came to the day of Lukes first day of training. He had said his goodbye to his pregnant mother, sister and his father who had walked him to the last transport. Wishing him luck, he nodded and smiled as Luke made his way to a seat near a window and in a slow motion, the transport picked up and made its way to the Hub where all the Marine's pass through before joining the Regiments and Squads of Starfleet.

Although he was big, basic training was a tough challenge for Luke. He had been broken down and built back up in the ethos of the Marines and had learnt the core values of what it meant to be one. During this time, his Mother gave birth to Charleigh, his second younger sister. After a punishing 14 weeks, Luke found himself on the parade square of the training establishment with his Mother, his two younger sisters and his father waving and smiling. However, this was not the end of his endeavor, he still had to undergo the Marine Infantry course, as well as his specialist course, which all proved a huge challenge. Along the way he made many friends including a young lady named Lillian Graves. There were certainly ups and downs but there was a promising light at the end of the tunnel especially when the news come that after an unfortunate night out a few months ago Lillian was pregnant with Lukes baby.

Lillian decided it was best to leave the Marines for the sake of the baby as she did not want to get rid of it, this put a bit of strain on Luke and Lillian relationship. After a year and a half's worth of gruelling training and now the a proud father of his first daughter Abby-mae, he found himself on the receiving end of a promotion after edgy and boring first posting at the space station above Earth. Here, he had completed a number of courses including Advanced Un-Armed Combat Fighting, Team/Battlefield medic and a Signals course. As well during this time and before his next posting he and Lillian Married becoming Mr and Mrs Wyatt.

His time on the station and in training allowed him to build strong friendships and some interesting characteristics such as leadership skills, Boxing awards and his linguistic tongue. He had also found an enjoyment in Orbital diving.

For his first 'real' posting, Luke was sent to the USS Entrepidites; an excelsior class ship with a lot of history under the command of Captain Swatton. He saw himself making many friends on the ship and in turn saw a lot of action in the Dominion war; the Entrepidites found itself in a fleet of 600 strong heading towards Deep Space 9. However, the ship was suffering a system's malfunction and never made it to the battle.

After the re-taking of the worm hole and Deep Space 9, the lull in the war meant that the ship could undergo a massive repair and update of its system. During this, his Marine detachment was transferred to Deep Space 9, where he managed to get some R&R; although he spent most of it training in hand to hand fighting. His detachment later returned to his ship in 2374. After another year, the ship found itself fighting it's way through the dominion and cardassian fleet above cardassia. During the final battle, his marine detachment saw a lot of action on the ground and against overwhelming forces, they managed to take out key military targets. During this, Luke was seen dragging an injured Marine away from fire and only when he was in safety, did he carry on the fight. His bravery during the battle earned him a promotion and a transfer to the USS Devonshire in 2382, which was a newer Defiant class ship, still in operation round betazed but much more peaceful.

The year was now 2382 and Luke found himself with a new promotion and a new posting this time on the frontier ship the USS Revelation another Excelsior class ship this time was at the front of the Federation exploring the far depths of Pirate territory here Luke saw most of his action serving five years and earning two promotions and he achieved the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.

After the revelation moved back to Federation territory he was offered a position aboard an intrepid class ship here there was not much to do however here he managed to get into a few other hobbies such as orbital diving and continue his Boxing until two years on and the year is now 2389 where Luke thought it best to have a change of life and put in a transfer to Deep Space 5.


Service Record
Luke has had a Colourful Career in Starfleet taking every course possible to speed up promotion and to attain new life experiences.

Born - Stardate 2353

 photo civilian_zps2048c242.png - Civlian

Attended Starfleet Training: 2370 - 2371

 photo g-blank_zps5c2ff71d.png - First Year Marine cadet
 photo g-blank_zps5c2ff71d.png - Second Year Marine Cadet
 photo g-blank_zps5c2ff71d.png - Third Year Marine Cadet
 photo g-e1_zps3c2f4d69.png - Forth Year Marine Pirvate

Completed Training - 2371
-Completed the following course's: Shuttle Pilot

Midway Station; 2371 - 2374

- Completed the following courses: Advanced Un-Armed Combat Fighting, Team/Battlefield medic and Signals. Promoted, New Posting.

 photo g-e1_zps3c2f4d69.png - Marine; Private

USS Entrepidites: 2374-2377

- Promoted, New posting Requested.

 photo g-e2_zpsf675585b.png - Marine; Private First Class

USS Devonshire: 2377 - 2382

- Promoted, New Posting.

 photo g-e3_zps653d9882.png - Squad Junio Non-Cmmisioned Officer; Lance Corporal

 photo g-e3_zps653d9882.png - Squad 2IC; Corporal

 photo g-e3_zps653d9882.png - Squad IC; Corporal

 photo g-e4_zps535c9cb3.png - Ship's Armourer; Sergeant

USS Revelation: 2382 - 2386

- Completed the following Course: Advanced Signals Promotion, Promotion to Gunnery Sgt, New Posting.

 photo g-e5_zps1193e967.png - Platoon 1st Sergeant; Gunnery Sergeant

USS Vincent: 2386 - 2387

- Completed the following course: Interigation and Prisnor handling, New Posting.

 photo g-e5_zps1193e967.png - Platoon 1st Sergeant; Gunnery Sergeant

DS5 - Now

 photo g-e5_zps1193e967.png - Platoon 1st Sergeant; Gunnery Sergeant


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