Arrival James Grayburn   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   James Grayburn
Rank   Arrival
Position   Bounty Hunter
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   220 lbs.
Eye Color   Grey
Hair Color   Light Brown
Physical Description   James is a tall man with well balanced bulk. His short hair and occasional scruff are both a light brown, although a grey hair or two have begun showing once in a while. His eyes are set deep beneath a brooding brow. He is quick to smile, unless he's working--in which case he focuses with dogged determination. After his quarry is found, he can often be found with a smile on his face and a beer in hand. He maintains a clean and professional appearance, right down to neatly trimmed fingernails on his large hands. He will usually wear a button-down or polo shirt, often with a jacket over it.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Work and then play. That is how James lives. He works hard so that he can play hard. Although it is hard to fault his results, coworkers can sometimes complain that James tends to steamroll them when he is on the job. Those who only know James at play don't understand that at all. He seems affable and easy-going just so long as he doesn't have a goal in mind.
Strengths & Weaknesses
James is goal oriented. That is both a strength and a weakness. Almost nothing can distract him from his goals, regardless of whether they are personal or professional. When he is on task he will not stop for anything or anyone, including friends and family. Many personal relationships have suffered from his single-minded efficiency. Compassion, anger, fear and a myriad of other emotions fall by the wayside when they go up against James' work-mode.

James is a strong man, with good training. He is an effective fighter, with experience in Starfleet martial arts and simple expediency. He's no acrobat or free-runner, but he is fast enough and smart enough to stick with swift targets.

As far as weaknesses go, James doesn't think he has many. He does his job well, he makes good money, and he thinks he's great with women--despite never having had a relationship longer than three weeks long. His over-confidence is his greatest weakness although his tendency to bulldoze could compete.
James wants to retire rich and early. And he's well on his way. After mustering out of Starfleet, he found better and better ways to make latinum--as well as some ways to spend it. He hopes to retire with a mansion on a paradise world and lots of money to spare. And if he gets to chase down scum-bags while getting there, so much the better.
Hobbies & Interests
James enjoys drinking, dancing, partying and doing his job. Most of all, he enjoys just doing whatever he feels like doing. He visits the gym every day, as well as the offices of any number of bail-bondsmen. Most evenings he can be found at one or another of the station's clubs, and he rarely leaves alone.
Languages   Standard(English)
Father   Howard Grayburn
Mother   Jenna Reltan Grayburn
Brother(s)   Mike Grayburn, Tim Grayburn
Sister(s)   Anna Grayburn Jones
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None of note
James grew up as a responsible kid. The worst thing he'd ever done growing up was to sneak out at night to hang out with friends. It came as a shock to his parents when he informed them that he had enlisted in Starfleet. Although they supported his decision to join the fleet, they didn't like it. In March James entered training and proceeded to train to become a security officer. The recruiter had regaled him with tales of adventure and promised an opportunity to see the universe. Once James arrived on his first posting, he found that the reality was far from that idea. The Yanomomo was a Nova class ship on an anthropological mission, studying primitive peoples and the evolutionary patterns of humanoid relatives on undeveloped worlds.

Four years of patrols, and James never fired his weapon outside the range or saw anything more menacing than a run-away kitten. He dealt with eccentric scientists and decided that the Starfleet life was not for him. He mustered out as soon as his enlistment was up and decided to try something a bit more adventurous.

James found that adventure in a PMC. He joined the Private Military Contractor arm of Bradshaw Intergalactic as a grunt. He was able to use his Starfleet training to fight in several factional skirmishes in both Romulan and Klingon space. Although he did get to see the universe like he had wanted to, and he'd been able to see the action he'd yearned for--not to mention make good money to boot--hazard pay necessarily meant going into harms way.

Another of the security officers James had known aboard the Yanomomo contacted him and told him about a new opportunity. James left Bradshaw and joined his old friend in a new business venture--bounty hunting. The reality of the business was far different from the films that James grew up with. Hunting down bail-jumpers was easier and less dangerous than the movies made it seem. The bail bondsmen paid well, much better than the PMC, but both partners wanted the whole check. James decided to set out on his own and left for Deep Space Five, where he planned to start his own bounty-hunting business.


Service Record
Mar 2377: Enlisted in Starfleet
Jun 2377: Graduated Basic Training
Jun 2377: Promoted to Crewman 2st Class
Aug 2377: Graduated AIT--Security
Aug 2377: Promoted to Crewman 1st Class
Aug 2377: Assigned to USS Yanomomo--Security Officer
Dec 2379: Promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mer 2381: Honorable Discharge--Mustered Out


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