Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Keth Ohmri
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Medical Officer
Second Position   Chief Counselor
Gender   Female
Species   half bajroan - half vulcan
Age   36
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 7”
Weight   117 lbs.
Eye Color   dark brown/blk
Hair Color   dark brown/blk
Physical Description   Besides having the look of a 23 year old humanoid with nose ridges and slightly pointed ears. The half breed vulcan-bajoran is extremely thin, tall and lanky almost in appearance would be used to describe her.

On duty Keth wears her long thick hair up as regulation requires. It like her uniform are generally clean, neat and crisp looking. The uniform is the first thing others notice about you about her, as she tends to have a tricorder always tucked into one of the pockets on her lab coat.

Off duty she wears relaxing clothing, that tends to hide her slender girlish figure. She wears her hair down in a long loosely woven braid.

Her demeanor is often quiet, and relaxed. She tends to stay focused when she is busy. SO a small frown will often be seen between her dark browns.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Serious looking demeanor but that reflects her quiet attitude and soft voice. She is a bit shy, but opens up once she feels comfortable around someone. She tries to do her best in the position she has been given but at times has doubt in her abilities. Her smile, can light up the room she is in just as her smile lights up her face and the twinkle in her eye.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Internal Struggle with ancient herbal medicinal practices (based upon bajoran and surrounding plants in the dematerialized zones) and techniques she learned to use and grew up with versus modern technology.

focused when working

I may need to add more here.
Unlike many people Keth, has no desires to be the Captain of a ship one day. Instead she wishes to run a small infirmary on a Colony.
Hobbies & Interests
Likes to grow and use various plants to produce her own home brewed teas and home remedies. Studies various new plants for such purposes and for medicinal purposes as well. Which means that if she can, she will explore the outdoors which she enjoys.

She likes jewelry, rings, bracelets etc and wears them often when off duty. It also means that she is often on the look for new things when she can find them.

Keth reads a lot and actually has a few old fashioned hard covered books.
Languages   Bajoran, Cardassian, Federation Standard, Vulcan
Father   Taureth
Mother   Ohmri Lenora
Brother(s)   1 - name to be determined
Sister(s)   2 - names to be determined (Keth is the youngest of the 3 girls)
Spouse   perhaps one day
Other Family   Ohmri grandparents on the Ohmri (mothers side) others TBD
Keth was born to Taureth and Lenora Ohmri on
Salva II and was relocated to Marva IV when the Federationand the Cardassians War and resettlement occurred.

Taureth and Lenora's marriage was a strange union to be sure. A tall thin vulcan man and a short bajoran woman who for some unknown reason the prophets decided that their fates were sealed and that they would fall in love and wed. It is unknown the reasons why but Keth, believed it was because Taureth went through the Ponn Far and Lenora was not against the idea of have the vulcan man as a mate. Her mother never told Keth or her siblings what it was that attracted her to the young vulcan or what eventually brought them together.

Her early life was fairly uneventful. The biggest event was when her father was injured by the Cardassians because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time so he could no longer work in his current postion. Her parents made the decision to return to Bajor after that to live with her grandparents Ohmri Evha and Ohmri Bareil

Her grandmother taught young Keth and her siblings about plants and which could be used as a form a of medicine, in particular those that can be digested was a brew.

Keth had always found such of interest and followed her grandmothers teachings with interest. She realized that her mother used the same techniques many times during their time on Marva IV. Her mother was a doctor and Keth wanted to be just like her, so she read and practiced her own version of medicine on a stuffed doll when she was a child, later it became the bird, a porli, that had fallen out of the nest and broke its wing. A Hara kitten who apparently got lost from its mother and lost part of an ear. Keth took each of these animals among others and tried to heal them in her own way.

Her other early education was receiving instruction by her father. In weapon use, in languages and most importantly in meditation and martial arts.

As a teen she was often found speaking with others her own age who would come to her about advice be it about boys, the problem with a parent or a friend. She always listened spoke soft words and they both would carry on with their day.

When her mother saw this she pushed Keth harder, knowing that the young girl had the potential to perhaps not be the best at it but she would be more then a simple potter on Bajor like her family always had been until her mother had rebelled and had stepped away from her family and became a doctor. Lenora saw in Keth the potential to serve as either a doctor or a counselor. Not knowing that her dreams for her youngest would be fulfilled in a dual role. When Keth chose to head to the university of Bajor for her education in the medical field.

Keth studied hard, had few friends, those she had were close. She continued with her doctorate at the same time she fulfilled her residency. She thought about joining StarFleet to see what was beyond her world. Because she knew there were others. She made her way to Earth and applied to starfleet and was not accepted right away because the session was filled, so Keth continued her education at a school on Earth and started her Psychology degree. Afterwards she applied to the Starfleet Medical Academy and served in a local hospital for her required clinical residency for her psychiatric degree.

Upon graduation the young woman served in a dual role on Starbase 349. Her time there was not as easy as one would have hoped, it was difficult for her to adjust from the open spaces of Bajor, to studies and work of the Academy which took a different toll on her. Her friends had been sent all over and they seldom made contact due to their schedules. New friends were made, but then they two were transferred or took other positions. Some married and moved with their spouses.

By the time she was transferred to the USS Washington Keth had adjusted that her life would be busy, and that she would make new friends no matter where she went. Because she knew that as she transferred each place needed her services and she worked well with those in her departments.


Early Education - some home schooled, other formal education on Bajor
4 years Undergraduate Medical School (University of Bajor)
2 years Doctorate & Internship - Residency (Bajor)
2 years PsyD Program - PsyD Program at Harvard (2 years)
4 years PsyD Clinical Supervision Hours & StarFleet Medical Academy
MO/CNS Starbase 349 (4 years)
aCMO/CNS 2 years USS Washington 3 years (promoted here to LT. jg)
2391 Starbase 5 ? LT or LT jg CMO/CNS


Service Record
Star Fleet Medical
Starbase 349
USS Washington
2391 - Deep Space Five


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