Lieutenant JG Derick Fox   

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Character Information
Name   Derick Fox
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Tactical Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   39
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   180 lbs.
Eye Color   Light Blue
Hair Color   Light Brown
Physical Description   Derick is of average height at 5’ 11”, has short light brown hair. He has a battle worn face that makes him looks older than he is. He has a fit, hard body thanks to his Military experience, enjoyment of exercising, working out and outdoor activities.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Derick is very quiet and keeps to himself. He will not avoid crowds or crowded rooms but he will try not to make friends. Derick is battle hardened and doesn’t smile often and doesn’t have any sense of humor. Because of his dedication to his job, he tends to lead more than follow. Derick has been known to show his temper when pushed.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Honorable
+Hard worker

-Does not take criticism very well
-Has a temper
-Not Friendly
Dericks' ambitions are to do the best he can by serving Star Fleet and to eliminate pain, suffering and death. Most important at the moment is to find his lost love.
Hobbies & Interests
Derick enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities, pretty much anything that will get him outdoors or anything that can get his adrenaline going. He enjoys running and all forms of exercise. He is deadly in armed and unarmed combat and is always honing his skills in the martial arts.
Languages   Federation English, Some Klingon and Romulan.
Father   Jonathan Fox (Admiral, Retired)
Mother   Rosa Fox (Doctor, Retired)
Brother(s)   Robert 33 (Star Fleet), Joseph 36 (Star Fleet)
Sister(s)   Jessica 29 (Doctor)
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None
Born on July 2347 in Atlanta, Georgia to Jonathan and Rosa Fox. Jonathan was an Admiral in Star Fleet and Rosa was a Doctor at Star Fleet Medical. Derick has two brothers all in Star Fleet and one sister a civilian Doctor. Derick had a fairly happy child hood with no unusual trauma.

Once he was older he could seen pain and suffering away from earth. He wanted to make a difference by enlisting in the Marines against his parents’ wishes. He joined with out their consent and has not made communication with them since.

He went to boot camp right out of school. He graduated with honors and had several specialties that his command staff made note of. He was an excellent sniper and was a natural with all kinds of range weapons. He was also a master with bladed weapons as well unarmed combat using his hand or feet. Other things that they noted were his natural ability to command others and his enjoyment and skill with explosive devices.

Derick was assigned to Recon and Special Ops units in many locals. He was always up to the task, with dedication and honor, accomplishing his mission with perfection. Hostilities were growing through out the quadrant and his skills were more and more in demand.

Derick was very popular with quick wit and he love to joke and laugh with his friends. He saw those same friends die beside him in combat time and time again. The Dominion wars began in 2373 and lasted until 2375. Derick’s units were always in the front line, trying to take that last inch of soil or knock out this communications array or that supply depot.

Derick had several battlefield promotions. He was promoted from a senior Non Commissioned Officer to First lieutenant after his Executive officer was killed in combat. His Commanding Officer was killer in the following mission. He completed the mission and on return with the small group that was once his squad, he was promoted to Major and with his known skill at commanding, he was now the promoted to the commanding officer. They sent him on many special and black ops missions with a small group of specialized men.

No matter what, his squad would come through, no matter the cost, he and his friends paid with blood. After two bloody years the war was over. Derick was tired of all the death and pain.
He promised himself that he would never make friends with anyone again. If he did then they would just die on him. He just couldn’t live with that anymore. He closed himself off.

He decided it was time for a change, to get away from the painful life that was full of blood and death. He wanted to explore the galaxy and try to regain some of his humanity. He left the Marines and applied to Star Fleet academy in March of 2376. In March of 2378 he graduated the Academy with honors.

Dericks first assignment after the academy was aboard the USS Corsair where he was an Ensign assigned as Security/Tactical Officer. He was promoted to Lieutenant JG and was transferred to the USS Poseidon were he was Assistant Chief for Security/Tactical. Derick met a beautiful, young woman named Ayren Kelan and fell in love. He had trained himself to close off from feeling and keep away from people but, she cut through his defenses as if they we not there.

He began to fall and fall hard for her until he was sent on a rescue mission to recover an away team in which she was a member of. She was almost killed in the rescue. Once they returned to the ship he changed. He almost lost her and it hurt him. He didn’t want to feel that way, so he began to close himself off again. She tried talking with him when she returned but, he would not see her.

She could not handle being on the ship any longer and requested an immediate transfer. She left in August 2383. Derick went back to work with drive and dedication never to fall in love again, never to feel the pain again of losing someone he loved. The only problem was that Ayren came to him in his thoughts in the daytime and his dreams at night.

After three years he has finally realized that he could not be with out her and doesn’t want to. His feeling for her have resurfaced. He tried to pull them back down but they will not let him go one day with out pain and longing for her. His love for her is true and he can not deny it any longer.

Derick requested a transfer to Deep Space 5. According to Star Fleet records that is where Ayren is assigned.


Service Record
Classified prior to Star Fleet Academy
March 2376-March 2378 Star Fleet Academy
April 2378-April 2382 Ensign, USS Corsair, Security/Tactical
May 2382-May 2386 Lieutenant JG, Assistant Chief Sec/Tac, USS Poseidon
June 2386- Lieutenant JG, Security/Tactical Officer, DS5


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