Lieutenant Mikaela Locke   

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Character Information
Name   Mikaela Locke
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Chief Intelligence Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 3”
Weight   114 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Build: Slender
Skin: Olive
Hair: Long, Black
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Has several tattoos - none of which are visible when she is in uniform
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Somewhat of an enigma, Mikaela Locke's personality is shaped by an advanced eidetic memory. As such, during childhood, she soon began developing a mental capacity much greater than her peers, leading to intense periods of bullying from other children. In order to deal with this, Locke developed a strong, independent streak, but, in actuality remained deeply insecure. Openly bi-sexual she describes herself as someone 'who needs someone - anyone', moving from one relationship to the next, looking to find some security, but usually only found someone looking to take advantage of her. She has few friends and a distrust of almost everyone - a trait not aided by her time working for Starfleet Intelligence.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Possesses an eidetic memory, which allows her to retain, process and recall vast amounts of information with ease.
+ Qualified Fighter Pilot.
+ Perfectionism (can also be a weakness).
+ Can ride a horse.

- Deep suppressed insecurity.
- Finds it difficult to make friends.
- To grow passed her insecurities.
- To learn to trust someone enough to settle down for life.
Hobbies & Interests
- Horse-Riding
- Holo-novels
- Fencing
Languages   Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Bajoran, Vinvocci
Father   Dr Andrew Locke
Mother   Maria Svetlana
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   None
Other Family  
Mikaela Locke was born on 5th September 2364 to a doctor and a housewife. Her father's long hours meant she was raised almost exclusively by her mother - a situation which became a permanent one when she was six, as her father left her mother and moved out.

When she was ten years old, Mikaela began to realise that her ability to recall the things she was learning in school became remarkably easy. She it was soon after this that it was discovered that she possessed an eidetic memory. However this ability brought its share of problems. She soon found herself alienated by her peers and bullied, simply because she succeeded in school. As the intensity of the ability increased over time, education became easier and easier for her. She graduated high-school at 14, and completed her first degree in theology at 16. Looking to gain some experience of the world, Mikaela drifted for the best part of two years, never settling in a job for any length of time because she became easily bored when there was nothing new to learn. Looking for a career which truly challenged her, she entered Starfleet Academy two weeks after her 18th birthday. She completed the course in two years, specialising in computer science, computer programming, xenolinguistics and interspecies ethics and protocol. She also qualified as a fighter pilot.

Unsurprisingly, Starfleet Intelligence became aware of Locke and her potential very early on in her time at the Academy, and groomed her as an intelligence operative, and so, following her graduation Locke joined Intelligence's Research and Analysis Department on Earth. She received favourable reports at her first performance evaluation and was advanced in rank to a junior grade lieutenant.

After a couple of years serving in the Research and Analysis department however, she became tired of simply ingesting and regurgitating reports and sought a new challenge - applying for a transfer to the intelligence department on Starbase Protector, where she served for two years as senior analyst.

Following the migration of the Protector's senior staff to the USS Regent, in 2387, Mikaela was promoted to full lieutenant and served as the ship's chief intelligence officer.

Locke continued to serve with distinction aboard the Regent until its decommissioning in 2391, following which she applied for a transfer to Deep Space Five.


Service Record
September 2381:
Entered Starfleet Academy

July 2384:
Graduated Starfleet Academy, Commissioned as Ensign
Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence, Research and Analysis Department, Earth.

February 2385:
Promoted to Lieutenant (j.g.)

February 2387:
Assigned to Starbase Protector as Senior Analyst

October 2387:
Promoted to Lieutenant
Assigned to USS Regent as Chief Intelligence Officer

September 2391:
Assigned to Deep Space Five as Chief Intelligence Officer


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