Seth Mahuri   

Character Information
Name   Seth Mahuri
Position   Special Envoy
Gender   Male
Species   Saoirs
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   Violet
Hair Color   Ash Blonde
Physical Description   Seth has neat, tidy hair that drapes delicately to his chin. His eyes are penetrating and defiant. Seth's nose is slightly bent, but unnoticeable. A prominent feature is his slightly pointed ears similar to that of Vulcan’s. Seth heralds his charisma from his father who is the face of the holographic industry on S'ratalia. Despite being 'bland' among his species, Seth is well defined and equally built.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Seth is a very kind gentleman; his instinct is very loyal and gentle. Seth is sometimes mis-interpretated as a coward, ready to decline any fight, but he has a large line between courage and fool-heartedness. Sometimes, Seth can be described as xenophobic because of his long-term paperwork regime, meaning he stays in all day until it is completed.

Although not regarded as anti-social, Seth prefers the quiet side of things; Preferences include classical music to loud grunge, reading a book to visiting the Holodeck. But his occasional mood swing doesn’t conform to his list of do's and don’ts which usually negates the entire preference.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Works well in groups
+ Experienced Diplomat/Ambassador
+ Friendly
+ Conformal
+ 'Listener'
- Overworks
- Sets standards too high
- Pushes people too hard
- Difficult to approach
- Slightly Xenophobic
Seth has always enjoyed his Karka style guitar, and plays admirably. His main ambition is to play the Karka alongside his role model and Karka player, Frohn Groat.

And if he doesn't succeed in that, Seth was always going to settle with 'That man over there'.
Hobbies & Interests
As with his ambition, Seth's hobby is his Karka Guitar, a crude guitar with a swan-like neck and stylish body. Seth plays well and practices regularly, often before he turns for the night.

Seth also enjoys researching history of all cultures, particularly human. He is very fond of transportation and war above others.
Languages   Federation Advanced & Takilan
Father   Brassor Mahuri (52)
Mother   Reuth Mahuri (52)
Sister(s)   Tiini (26) & Floral Mahuri (7)
Spouse   Emilii (28)
Other Family   Communal Mothers and Communal Brothers & Sisters
Seth Mahuri was born in the year 2357 to his parents Brassor and Reuth in a small remote hospital facility during their holiday together. He spent one week in hospital with his parents after the birth for simple tests before they set off to their penthouse which overlooked the central plexus in Dereema, the cities capitol.

Seth spent most of his time at home during his early age, keeping to himself and conjuring anything from his imagination to keep himself occupied. His parents loved him very much and withdrew a large sum of their earnings to pay for his welfare and education. When Seth was not alone, he spent the day with the other children in the community and their mothers being looked after as a whole, traditionally.

When his twelfth birthday dawned, he was paired with a young girl, Emilii, to look after children in the community as their fathers and mothers did before them at the same age.
Seth also cared for his sister Tiini who was two years younger than him.

He attended an average school with Emilii until they both graduated and celebrated afterwards appropriately with the feast festival which was scheduled at the same time. Both Seth and Emilii's parents paid for the couple’s house to live in and quickly became husband and wife.

During his school life, Seth had focused mainly on his history and music lessons, spending his off-timetable days looking into Holo-technology while Emilii was interested in botany and marine biology. It was Seth's dream to be famous and known as 'that man over there, he invented so-and-so'. Paying attention in his music lessons encouraged Seth to play the Karka.

Seth snagged his first proper job as a holographic specialist for a large company that dealt in holographic hiring. He spent 3 years at the firm until he quit concerned with his future and upkeep. A few weeks passed and Seth was re-employed as an architect advisor; a man recently came into possession of a map that supposedly led to Saoirs heaven. Seth spent 5 months away from Emilii on the expedition and had to abandon the quest near the end because of medical attention and supplies running low with the group of seven that were accompanying the wealthy man.

Seth returned to Emilii immediately after his return and desired to visit his old college to study Ambassadorial pursuits after his father expressed his unhappiness because he never had the chance; Seth promised his father would be proud of him.

The ambassadorial 5-year course ended and Seth passed with high distinctions. For a small time, he only escorted foreign secretaries and rarely led the conferences that made the big decisions, but with time, Seth gradually became a well known Ambassador for his people with famous meetings with both the Cardassians and Federation. Seth was present at the signing of alliance between the Federation and the Confederacy, as his father wished.

As of now, Seth is settled on DS5, his first main leave from his home planet to discuss further integration into the Federation and possibly more...


Service Record
2357- Born
2369- Becomes mature to support community
2369- Begins full education focusing on History and Music
2374- Graduates from school
2375- Marries sweetheart Emilii
2375- Employed by Holo-industries
2378- Leaves job concerned for future
2379- Begins short expedition to find the 'Land of Forever' as an architect assistant
2379- Returns from quest 2 months early, Enrols at college to study as Ambassador
2384- Completes course with distinction
2384- Present at the signing of the Federation and Confederacy alliance
2385- Serves as Liaison between Saoirs Confederacy and Federation officials aboard DS5


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