Arrival Angela (Yuki) Blackmoore   

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Character Information
Name   Angela (Yuki) Joy Blackmoore
Rank   Arrival
Position   Store Owner
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   145 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description   Tall and athletic in build, she has the body of a woman that knows if one is to eat chocolate, one must exercise or forever have bloated hips. Her almond shaped eyes she inherited from her mother contain her fathers green eyes.

long dark brown hair flows past her shoulders when not tied into a braided pony-tail, which if in the correct light almost seems to be auburn in colour.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Thoughtful, at times intentionally provocative; but usually only to get her way or part of one of her little mind games she plays for simple fun. She bend from one extreme to another with rare warning, appearing happy and playful in one moment, then serious and near depressed the next.
Strengths & Weaknesses
She is sure of herself, which can be both a weakness and a strength depending on context. Athletic and fit due to her Uncle's lifestyle she can handle herself in most situations but often can bite off more than she can chew...not that she would admit it of course.

A woman who can appear as graceful as an Orion dancer yet as rough as a klingon on the edges she seems to have an inner battle in finding her true place in constant conflict with itself.
Skipping from one day to the next, she rarely has thought much of her own future to have any true ambitions of grandeur.
Hobbies & Interests
Collecting rare and priceless artefacts much in the same way as her Uncle did; half the fun is acquiring them rather than finally having it.

Dancing, though often a form of dance known as 'Spirit Dancing,' which she keeps as a deeply personal affair.

Playing the flute, gambling, drinking (another weakness I s'pose), reading and researching. She also enjoys gymnastics, racing and tinkering with spare parts and outdated vehicles such as her uncle's Orion Interceptor.
Languages   English, Indian (American-Indian), and Orion basic
Father   Meryl Blackmoore (Deceased)
Mother   Kitsai (Deceased)
Brother(s)   Fenris (Deceased)
Sister(s)   -
Spouse   -
Other Family   Uncle- Hidatsa (Greybeard as Angela called him)
Angela is by those that stick to archaic forms of labelling, half white-man half Redskin, though in most features beyond almond shaped eyes she appears predominately of the former. Her parents and younger brother killed in a firestorm which occurred on the colony they had settled upon when the weather control system malfunctioned and catching the outlying settlements off-guard. She was fourteen at the time.

Before their death, her family including her 'Pale Faced' father had followed a simple life in respect to their ancestors- the American-Indians. She had learned to live off the land, create clothing from animal skins and many such basic survival skills required for a life without technology. She was also well educated in their ancient customs as well as the customs of the like-wise in habit native aliens the 'Laktau.'

Upon her families demise however, her Uncle, Hidatsa took her in as his own daughter. Hidatsa was a treasure hunter of sorts in the fact that his life seemed to be of many adventures in the hunt for rare items or even books to add to his collection. He ran a business also based on item recovery, sometimes for shady characters as well as the honest within his antiques store.

Angela adapted over time to a life in the stars and joined in her Uncle's love for the rare and old, including love for classic literature. However a life in the stars also changed her innocent nature with such an abundance of new things assaulting her senses. Alcohol, drugs, sex, cult music and alien attitudes all rubbed off on her in sometimes the most undesirable of ways. However such was not her Uncle's fault, he was a good man.

But what her uncle had failed to share with her was that despite his seemingly endless endurance and energy his health was waning. An alien disease had infected his immune system over time and one day, she found him dead in his bed. To her he left his aged starship, a small Orion four-seater Interceptor and all his belongings, including his antique's store and attached 'recovery' business.

Over the next two years, Angela grew tired of being based on a planet, she wished her store to be based in a centre of commerce and people coming and going. What better place to have a store of rare nic-nacs? A starbase seemed fitting, though she had little love for Starfleet; Deep Space 5 seemed fitting, especially for easier meeting with various clients.


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