Crewman Kahlan Al-Khira   

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Character Information
Name   Kahlan Al-Khira
Rank   Crewman
Position   Infiltration Specialist
Gender   Female
Species   ex-Borg Human
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   157 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Kahlan is tall, tanned and rather nondescript. She has short brown hair, dull brown eyes and metal plating going down her right arm and lining each of her fingers. She has no other visible implants while wearing her uniform, but she does have a large circular sun-like metal piece in the center of her abdomen. While she does not appear to have many Borg accoutrements, most of the residual Borg pieces of her are inside of her brain embedded and attached to her internal organs. Kahlan is very strong, and very harsh-looking. Kahlan has a small node at the base of her skull designed to interface with technology. She carries around a specific integration device made of one small thin jumper cable as part of her uniform. Kahlan can directly influence computers in this way, though she tends to appear more dazed than before when she is done. Her spinal column is entirely plated with the same metallic substance lining her arm, both inside and out.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Kahlan is serious and normally quiet. Not much is known about her. She has the ability to see complex mathematical equations as if they were in front of her eyes, and is able to see the mathematics of the nature of things around her. In this way, decrypting code comes as naturally to her as sight. This is a product of the few Borg implants left in her brain, allowing her to continue to see the world as Borg do without being influenced by the collective. She thinks in numbers and her responses are normally measured and precise for that reason.

Kahlan often looks overwhelmed or overloaded, lost, as if the information around her is too much to process. When prompted however she can be quite intelligent. Kahlan has no visible sense of humor and does not understand humor or sarcasm. She has no discernible intuition and makes decisions based on precise and inherent logic, at times leading others to believe she possesses a Straw Vulcan complex. Her form of logic is often one-dimensional for this reason and can be deeply flawed, mostly based on observation and conclusion. As Kahlan does not have much experience with individual life, she has been known to make blatant errors in reasoning.

Kahlan was one of the many Borg who are grown and matured in cubes as opposed to assimilated after Human exposure and thus she retains much Borg mentality. She does not remember her life before "assimilation". It is assumed she was less than a year old when she was taken and developed into a Borg adult. She is clearly ethnic, and her name was discovered because of a group of infant disappearances happening at the same time twenty-five years ago, Kahlan picked herself out as the only infant who was not North American, and the name of that infant was logically her own. Kahlan has not tried to contact her family.
Strengths & Weaknesses
STRENGTHS: Intelligent and very knowledgeable about scientific and mathematical information. Kahlan is a veritable encyclopedia regarding factual information. She speaks many languages and is adept at many different things thanks to the collective knowledge of the Borg. She is attempting to "fit-in" and tries her best at what she is tasked to do. While she is asocial she does not reject social convention, she finds it interesting though she may appear arrogant, rude, or even nonresponsive to others.

WEAKNESSES: Because of her way of viewing the world her most obvious weakness is that she sometimes lapses into periods of complete inattention or near-catatonia. Kahlan does not have memories of Human experience to draw upon and is often clueless in social situations or situations which require learned psychosocial responses. Kahlan does not understand emotions and cannot identify her own emotions, being severely alexithymic. She lacks empathy for others, though she intellectually understands emotions, and tries to display empathic characteristics as best as she can. Kahlan is almost child-like, and has difficulty understanding that her actions have consequences. Sometimes she will do things that lead others to believe she is dense or mentally unbalanced, such as reach out and touch a hot stove despite knowing it is hot, or knock over a table for no apparent reason.
Kahlan does not have any ambitions. She is almost roaming through life. She is used to being told what to do, she has been her entire life, so she is pleased to take orders and benefit the "collective whole". She feels her current position is better than her previous position but does not understand why this is.
Hobbies & Interests
Studying social behavior and working on math equations seem to be her only actual interests. She is currently trying to understand the definition of friendship and what that process entails, apparently desiring to form friendships of her own, a far cry from where she was eight months beforehand.
Languages   Assimilated languages from the Borg.
Father   Unknown
Mother   Unknown
Brother(s)   Unknown
Sister(s)   Unknown
Spouse   N/A
Children   N/A
Other Family   Unknown
Spent ~24/25 years as a Borg drone, rescued by the U.S.S Sarek on a planet eight months ago after she was severed from the collective and abandoned. Kahlan was abandoned because she was one of several Borg who were infected with a virus, and thus had to be eliminated.

When she was disconnected from the collective after her "death", the Borg were unable to ascertain that she was still alive. She spent several months in the Sarek's sickbay recovering from the virus and having her Borg implants removed. Only the pieces on her arm, her spine and her abdomen remained as it would have risked her life to remove them. The rest adapted internally to her organs, giving her a more complex and robust immune system than most Humans. When she does get infected or sick as was learned some time ago, Kahlan tends to get hit harder and faster for this same reason.

Kahlan was given a job as an encryption specialist and a preliminary rank of crewman recruit due to her potential and her obvious mathematical talent. This type of job sees her far away from most others but does not see her so far away as to isolate her. The job was a perfect fit, giving the young woman time to adjust on her own schedule.

Kahlan attends weekly psychiatry sessions and is on sedative medication to calm down her otherwise whirl-wind mind. Since starting therapy she has become more responsive and verbal, but still has a long way to go. Kahlan has begun to demonstrate loneliness, and the desire to form connections with others, but has not yet learned how to remedy these situations.

Because of all of the time she spends in sickbay, Kahlan seems the most relaxed when there, as if she unconsciously feels safe. She associates sickbay with home and gets along with medical personnel. Perhaps due to the fact that doctors are in control of her physical body, Kahlan seems most responsive when instructed rather than left to her own devices. This inherent submissive attitude likely will not diminish with time.

When the Sarek was orbiting Paradise, Kahlan was one of several encryption specialists who helped figure out the complex code behind the manifestations of others' consciousnesses, as it originated from the planet's surface.

After eight months aboard the Sarek, Kahlan was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to serve as a technical specialist aboard Deep Space Five because of her vast experience with alien and Federation technology. This change in situation garnered with it a promotion to crewman, and is the beginning of Kahlan's official Starfleet career.


Service Record
- Encryption specialist, provisional crewman recruit. Eight months.

- Technical specialist, crewman. Current assignment.


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