Ensign Treesa Cunningham   

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Character Information
Name   Treesa Aubree Cunningham
Rank   Ensign
Position   Infiltration Specialist
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   22
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 7”
Weight   105 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Red
Physical Description   Slender, yet athletic build with long red hair and covered with freckles head to toe.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Haunted by the loss of her twin brother in a tragic accident at a dance recital, she has a distant, impersonal outer demeanor that she uses to keep people at an emotional arms reach.  If someone can get through her coarse outer shell, they will find that she is a caring, emotional person who will be loyal to her death bed.  She is often viewed as a hard worker, but with little desire to progress through life.  
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Can emotionally detach her self from nearly any situation
+ Extremely flexible and agile due to her background in dance
- Impersonal and distant, frequently viewed as disrespectful 
- Can not overcome the loss of her twin brother
To find her way back to life and forget her past.
Hobbies & Interests
Dance, which she won't admit even to herself, and reading.
Languages   English
Father   Thomas Cunningham
Mother   Brigid Cunningham
Brother(s)   Gideon Cunningham (twin brother, deceased)
Other Family  
Born and raised in Chicago, Treesa and her twin brother Gideon were inseperatable.  They both had dreampt of attending the Juliart School of Dance.  They were on their way; at the age of 16, they had been accepted into Juliart until the fatefull day that would forever alter Treesa's path through life.  Center stage of The Illiniois Center for Performing Arts, the pair had been seconds from completing a dance duet before a full house when the rigging holding hundreds of pounds of lighting equipment fifty feet above the stage gave way with a thunderous groan.  The rigging hit the ground nearly instantly, crushing Gideon beneath it.  Treesa was, though physically spared, would never be the same.  She abandoned her dreams of dancing, her family but would forever be haunted by the memory of her brother.  She took the first chance should could think of to get away from Earth.  She headed to Starfleet, and away from her pain.  Once at the Academy, she soon found herself avoiding friendships at all costs and majored in Intelligence and specializing in infiltration thinking it would lead her to a life of solitude deep in the confines of an intell office or alone deep behind enemy lines.  Trying to blend in with the crowd, she rarely fully applied herself to her studies.  Her attempts were however in vain.  Her elusive behavior soon caught the attention of her instructors.  They began manipulating her much the way an agent handles their informants.  She began to excel in all of her classes and moved from the bottom third of her class to the top fifteen percent.


Service Record
2381 - 2385 Starfleet Academy
2385 - Present Deep Space Five


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