Arrival Krystofer Timoshenko   

Character Information
Name   Krystofer Andrei Timoshenko
Rank   Arrival
Position   Bartender
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   24
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 3”
Weight   184 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Krys' outward appearance is of an over-confident business man. Often dressed to impress & usually found meeting & greeting the many clients who grace his bar, Krys is often seen as one of the most approachable people in any of his postings.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Krys is a typical Starfleet drop-out. Intelligent but lacking in drive until recently. He has always felt that he would rather be behind a bar, serving drinks & making friends and occasionally helping an officer out of a tough spot than on the bridge of a starship charting nebulae.
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Sympathetic Ear (often says he's more trustworthy than a confessional)
- Has an uncanny knack for remembering previous drinks orders.
- Excellent business sense.
- Knowledge of basic engineering (can fix replicators)
- 3rd Year Cadet level Starfleet Training (is adept in most usual functions)


- Feels a small amount of resentment towards 'ambitious' staff. Born of jealousy. Is easily overcome.
- Is quick to anger and can invoke hostility.
To start a chain of bars on all Starfleet Deep Space stations.
Hobbies & Interests
- Writing Holonovels
- Writing Holo-simulations
- Journalism
- Football (soccer)
Languages   Romulan, Ferengi, Klingon (Basic)
Father   Andrei Timoshenko
Mother   Katerina Timoshenko (nee Visaivic)
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Anatascia Timoshenko (age 20)
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None that he knows of.
Born in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine, Krys was known locally as the 'next big thing' for Starfleet. The only problem was that Krys had no intention of going to the Academy. He had issues with authority at school but was accepted to the Academy after his Father applied for him.

He received a letter of recommendation from a number of Starfleet commanding officers who were suitably impressed with his aptitude tests. He managed to get through the first three years of Starfleet Academy successfully despite not being motivated to be there. When he was picking his dissertation topic when he decided he could not take anymore. He wanted to be aboard Starships but without the responsibility of being an officer & having to take care of so many people.

His big break came two years ago. After a series of thankless jobs in starbases, Krys opened a bar on Risa using an inheritance from a wealthy Grandparent. There he remained until the call of deep space caused him to apply for a bar ownership permit aboard Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2382: Dropped out of Starfleet Academy


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