Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   Taleria von Alesk
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Counselor
Gender   Female
Species   Romulan
Age   26
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   Violet
Hair Color   Dark Brown (Naturally Whi
Physical Description   Olive-green skinned, lithe and graceful, Tally inhibits the best of the characteristics of the Whelliu family that have been preserved in the family by careful marriages executed by the various Matriarchs of the clan. Her natural grace was preserved through years of dance and her facial features marked her as the next great beauty of the Whelliu family, rivaling her grandmother supposedly. Her distinctive purple eyes are a trait that every Whelliu carries and some have described them as her most intense feature. While Tally is fit, she is not muscular and carries both very little fat, and very little muscle on her body that perhaps makes her look not entirely healthy when she wears more revealing clothing.

Personality & Traits
General Overview
Vibrant, intelligent, and charismatic, Tally is cultured and a fabulous conversationalist even if she does come off as snobbish and elitist to some at first. Tally has made it her point to be diplomatic and agreeable as her profession demands and is a shrewd player of intrigue when need be, but most of all she is kind and humorous, though witty in her off duty hours. Her profession also gives her a certain reserved and pleasant demeanor fostered by her noble upbringing, and she uses this to form meaningful and trustworthy relationships with her patients. Consequently her own deeply personal feelings remain her own and when she does state them, they are a matter of fact. This comes from her professional as well, as she herself does not know where to turn when problems arise now as she is alienated from her family and friends by light-years and not all of the relationships she once had can be sustained long-distance.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Overall strengths lie in Tally’s personality and character, her intelligence and calm demeanor makes her an able and perhaps over capable analytical thinker usually not swayed by the emotions of the moment. However some would find her calm disposition unnerving and her agreeable positions annoying, with not much reaction on her part to insults and slander. Tally is far from perfect in her ability to juggle the emotions she has, and those of others, and she knows keeping her feelings inside eats at her, though she continues to do it anyway.
Ambitions are a peculiar thing to anyone that knows Tally, she apparently doesn’t have any beyond professional ones of rising in rank and advancing her career. Her personal motivations are her own, and few would know what they are, if any. But a common saying is reported by her colleagues of a more ignorant nature… “…She’s Romulan right? She has to have something up her sleeve…”
Hobbies & Interests
As a scholar Tally enjoys many aspects of culture and history, immersing herself in the classics and the histories of the great civilizations of Earth and beyond. She also enjoys politics and is very active in her progressively liberal views though these are mainly private beyond a good debate. She is also an accomplished dancer and musician though she never received any formal training in her refined ballet skills until she was in University at Cambridge. She has a deep passion for tennis and golf and those are the only sports she can list to her dismay, though she is a fair runner and volleyball player.
Languages   Federation Standard, Swedish, German, Basic Understanding of Andorian and Latin
Father   Vierak t'Whelliu
Mother   Arrhae t'Whelliu
Brother(s)   Five Brothers of Name:
Sister(s)   One: Aidoann
Spouse   Single
Children   None.
Other Family   Charlotte von Alesk, Duchess of Shetland
In the mid-23rd Century the House Whelliu was a political and social force to be reckoned with, its powerful head, Eilan tr’Whelliu and his incredibly influential consort Ael t’Whelliu dominating the games of intrigue within the Empire with their very close relationship to a succession of Praetors. When their only daughter and heir married a man from a militant and ambitious family on the rise, it seemed befitting, through it would be their downfall. Their daughter, Arrhae and her husband Itask had a happy marriage, though eventually it became mired in the machinations of Itask’s father who desired to be praetor. Eventually Itask and his father convinced many of the Whelliu family to rebel a few short years after Eilan’s death and Arrhael’s ascension to the Head of the House. The planned coup never came to fruition and while Ael and Itask were never charged formally, ruin was brought to their family. While some conspirators were able to escape, many were caught and many still were put to death for treason and sedition. Arrhae and Itask were able to flee across the Romulan Neutral Zone, albeit not easily, along with about 75 other conspirators. Setting themselves up in London, they formed a conclave of Romulans sympathetic to the progressive movements in the Empire.

Tally was the penultimate child of Arrhae and Itask born in 2360, and their only daughter. Years of exile were beginning to take the toll on the family of seven, now eight, and Ael t’Whelliu now known popularly as “The Dowager” resumed contact with her family on Earth after the resumption of Romulan-Federation relations in 2364, and hoped to secure a pardon for her family by the way of her very good friend, the new Praetor. Tally’s upbringing by her parents was next to non-existent as they eventually focused on repatriotizing back to the Empire as the political situation had changed in their favor. During this time she was sent to live with a friend, a Scottish Duchess named Charlotte von Alesk as when the eventual defection would come, Tally would become the new head of the House after her mother (As house Whelliu had female succession), and her federation sympathies made it a necessity to have one of her brothers head the House.

In 2371 it was no surprise to Charlotte nor Tally when most of her family fled London and slipped back into Romulan space where a pardon was waiting for them, in the hands of the Dowager no less. However it came with one stipulation, the head of the house would be decided by either the Praetor and the Senate or the Dowager depending if the Praetor was still in power by the time. If this was a machination of the Dowager or the Praetor, no one knows, but it made no difference to Tally, her family had abandoned her and she became the ward of Charlotte.

For the rest of her childhood and teenage years, the Scottish Highlands would be her home, staying at the Duchess’s keep bequeathed to her by her father years ago. Tally’s characteristics made her a near outcast during her early time in the Highlands, she was a Romulan with received pronunciation and after her adoption by Charlotte, obtained a Swedish name, making for a very interesting series of taunts and slurs. Even still, Tally overcame the taunts by presenting herself as a charismatic and easy to like individual that made it harder for some to insult her beyond her aesthetics that marked her as Romulan. Tally eventually rose to the hierarchy of her school’s social structure and was Treasurer of the Student Government of her intermediate school both years, and Class President several years running in High School, which she entered early and left early at ages 13 and 15 respectively. Tally is now greeted with kindness and jubilance when she returns home to Scotland and is regaled at the taverns and pubs frequented by her former schoolmates as “Tally von Ally”, her own honorific title from her time as captain of the Golf Team.

Much to the distress of Tally, advanced mental abilities not uncommon to the place on ch’Rihan where her family is from, developed during her winter holiday and over time they developed into a low grade telepathy but not one of sufficient strength to perform deep scans of the brain. Tally’s ever evolving abilities fostered an interest in the mind and its mechanics, emotions and reasoning, pushing her towards her current career path. At the present Tally rarely uses these abilities for obvious reasons and they have evolved into a strength she does not care for, and her superiors have noted cases of severe mental exhaustion attributed to little use of these abilities and her bottled up emotions.

Attending Trinity College at Cambridge, Tally studied social anthropology, psychology, and history and despite her age of mere 15, was quite the partier and student activist. Tally round up her more notable activism at Cambridge as “No less then three tear gas grenades, four or five hoses, I don’t know how many bonfires, dozens of rallies, occupied the presidio in San Francisco, and burned down part of Downing Street. But who didn’t do something crazy in college?”

Tally became more tempered in her last year of her undergraduate education at Cambridge, mainly by her relationship with a rugby player named Phillip Towneson which she considered to be her first meaningful relationship and the most intimate. Tally and Phillip stayed together until Tally’s third year of medical school after the death of Phillip’s father when he became increasingly distant and focused on his athletic career. They parted was as amicably as could be expected and while she denies it, this may have furthered her reasons to keep her emotions inside.

After finishing Medical School, Tally found herself with a lack of direction, her residency applications had nearly all been denied and her fellowship opportunities for psychology were negligible and not very attractive. The military had never been her favorite organization and she had also frequently participated in rallies against increased military spending at Cambridge, put she was constantly plagued by poor job opportunities; Starfleet seemed like her only option. Tally enlisted in Starfleet mere months after Medical school and entered into a residency at Starfleet Medical for three years, followed by a one year research fellowship at Starfleet Academy.

Upon the completion of her training, Tally was offered an unusual opportunity as the head of the Counseling Center on Deep Space Five, some one hundred psychiatrists, psychologists, traumatists and support staff under her command. An imposing challenge for a Doctor four years out of medical school and one out of residency, but Tally and her commanding officers at Starfleet Medical have faith in her abilities and so does she. One question constantly on her mind though, is the coincidence of replacing one Romulan Counselor with another, and the disturbing case files her predecessor left her. Tally had known Kreallia during Medical school but she is now confronted with the gossips of Kreallia dealing with the Romulans and Cardassians from both the head of Starfleet Medical and her colleagues.

*Note: Posts before October 2011 are from my former character Kreallia t'Jay, not Tally, but are counted in her posts below...


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