Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel   

Character Information
Name   Ronan Larel
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Counselor
Gender   Male
Species   Betazoid
Age   35
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 5”
Weight   180 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Ronan has a sort of 'rugby' build, not overly muscular, but more husky.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Ronan is friendly and open to meeting new people. He can be a bit quiet when he has something on his mind. He is a loyal friend, and likes to have fun, but also can be serious when needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He's a full Betazoid so he's telepathic and empathic.
He is still new to Starfleet so he is sort of naive.
To be assigned to a great posting and continue to learn his role. Also to eventually find a man he can love and settle down into a long term relationship.
Hobbies & Interests
Reading, enjoying holonovels, playing frisbee, hanging out with friends.
Languages   Betazoid, Federation Standard, tiny bit of Klingon
Father   Caban
Mother   Hera
Other Family  
Graduated from the University of Betazoid with a degree in Clinical Psychology and Counselling.
Spent around 10 years in various civilian counselling positions before deciding to enter Starfleet.

Graduated with good marks in Counselling and Diplomacy from Starfleet Academy.
Assigned to USS Horatio as a junior counsellor with the rank of Ensign.

After an away mission that saw the deaths of a number of officers, Ronan was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for his actions during the misson.

Ronan's early life on Betazed wasn't anything overly special. His parents were both artists and were sort of hands off. They believed in guiding his choices, rather then being overly structured. When he was in his teens he got himself in a difficult situation when he developed a crush on a classmate. Joran didn't return his feelings and made life challenging for him.

When it came time for him to choose a university, he decided to stay on the home world and attend the University of Betazed. He chose to pursue studies in counselling and psychology, against his parents wishes. They wanted him to carry on the tradition of being an artist and though disappointed, eventually accepted his choice. While at university he did have a few romances, but nothing that lasted.

After graduating, he got a job as a counselor with the provincial government specializing in working with people who had experienced traumas. He stayed in that job for about 10 years, until he was encouraged to consider a career in Starfleet. He was hesitant, having spent the majority of his life planetside, but was eager to accept the challenge.


Service Record
Starfleet Academy graduate with concentrations in Counselling and Diplomacy.
USS Horatio Junior Counselor as a Ensign
Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Transfer to Starbase Deep Space 5 as Chief Counselor


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