Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory   

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Character Information
Name   Nicholas D. Gregory
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   35
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 3”
Weight   195 lbs.
Eye Color   Light Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   With a slim build and a tall frame Nicholas or Nick as he likes to be called is the typical security officer with security always on his mind.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Nick can at a first glance seems almost shy and reserved this however is how we always acts in front of those he has never met. With a pessimistic viewpoint on everything he rarely if ever sees the so called "Silver Lining" to things. His greatest character flaw is one that shows itself very rarely while a very stable person at first glance he has been known for his bursts of anger towards his fellow officers. Many cadets and professors stated simply "He does his job well enough, just give him a wide berth to do it."
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Constant Vigilance
+Ability to get along with most people
+Strong work ethic passed down by his father and mother

-Can be stubborn and self-righteous
-Can be cold and uncaring for others
-Hates, absolutely hates having to deal with Cadets
To join the administrative side of Starfleet Security and become Chief of Starfleet Security
Hobbies & Interests
His current hobby is reading and Vulcan meditation
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   James D. Gregory
Mother   Susana Amaral
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   Stephanie D. Gregory
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Anthony James Cardel (Uncle from mothers side)
Born into a strict household Nick was taught that the highest possible goal for someone in the Gregory lineage was to study law and contemplate the political landscape in the Federation. However known to his father his uncle Cardel was exposing his son to ideals of Starfleet having been an intelligence officer for the Federation for 20 years prior. This led him to give the shock to his parents, he was joining Starfleet to pursue a life in Security. His parents were outraged but eventually gave him their grudging acceptance to leave for San Francisco. His record was spotless but for each transfer a small note was always attached to his record "a little heavy handed". This so called heavy handedness was finally exposed when he broke the arm of his superior officer in his quarters. Although the Captain of the USS Madrid wanted him court martial for the incident the superior officer refused to press charges on the grounds that it was a personal matter between the two officers. Nick was eventually transfered to the Starbase 213 to avoid any more incidents.

His parents divorced after this transfer mainly because Nick had not seen his parents since he had left for Starfleet.

He now starts a new assignment on Deep Space Five as its Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer.


Service Record
2349: Born London, City of York
2366: Joined Starfleet Academy
2370: Graduated with honours in Security and Tactical Mechanics and Deployments and received a special commendation for writing a essay called "Strength through unity. Unity through Security"
2370-2375: Joined Starfleet Security, later graduating with a Masters in Security and Tactical Deployments
2375-2379: Promoted to Ensign, Served on the USS Madrid as a Brig Officer
2380-2382: Transfer to Starbase 213, Promoted to Lieutenant (JG) serving as a VIP Bodyguard and Tactical Officer
2382-2384: Served on USS Lisbon as its Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2384: Assigned to Deep Space Five as its Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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