Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton   

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Character Information
Name   Bridget Elaine Stapleton
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Doctor
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   45
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   170 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Golden brown
Physical Description   Bridget is slightly above average for a woman's height. She is large-boned, owing to her Germanic heritage. She has shoulder-length, golden brown hair and hazel eyes, with peach-toned skin. Her face is square with a strong jaw and full lips. The beginning signs of middle age have come to her face, and when she smiles (which is often), the lines at the outside edges of her eyes are visible. Her shoulders and hips are broad, but not out of proportion to her height and weight. Her arms and legs are slightly longer than average. She has some minor scars -- left knee, middle of her back -- which are testament to being prone to accidents as a child.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Briidget has a positive perspective on life, and she looks forward to each day. She is a sensitive, compassionate person, which is the primary motivation for entering the medical field. She has a strong desire to alleviate suffering, whether it be of the body, mind, or spirit. She is vibrant and expressive, a strong-minded woman, and not afraid to express her opinion. But she also tries to be polite to others and consider their feelings. She is highly relational, and friendships mean a lot to her. She has a teacher's spirit, and gets energy from helping those under her tutelage in the duties of their job. She enjoys social gatherings, and flowing from one group of people to the other. But she also enjoys a balance of quiet, alone time to reflect and recharge. She's artistic and enjoys a variety of hobbies for her off-duty hours.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: positive, energetic, enthusiastic

Weaknesses: opinionated, stubborn, sensitive
Bridget wishes to see growth -- in herself and in others. She wants to be the best physician she can, and yet maintain a balance in her life so that the job doesn't take over and she becomes a workaholic.
Hobbies & Interests
Creative handicrafts (crocheting, painting, sculpting); reading fiction, particularly mysteries; ballroom dancing
Languages   Federation Standard, Bajoran, Ferengi
Father   Richard Ellis
Mother   Joyce Ellis
Spouse   Edward Stapleton (PNPC, if approved)
Children   Richard Louis Stapleton, Kylie Stapleton Menogue, and Sissy Stapleton Fitzgerald
Other Family   Nana Kauffman (maternal grandmother)
Bridget Elaine Stapleton was born on January 6, 2340 to Richard and Joyce Stapleton of Carson City, Nevada. She is the oldest of two siblings, preceding her sister Ruby by two years. Her father is a dentist, and her mother a homemaker. They live a typical middle-class life in a small, rural community.

Carson City is in a valley at the base of the Sierra Mountain Range, near the border between California and Nevada, where the elevation is just above 4,000 feet. It is a semi-desert area with a mild climate, but also a decent winter with a couple feet of snow each year.

For a child, it was an outdoor paradise. Bridget spent every moment that wasn't dedicated to her education in getting as dirty as possible. She climbed boulders, fished creeks, made tree forts with discarded wood and her father's tools. She swam at the pool and went skiing on the mountains. It was an idyllic outdoor life.

Her home life wasn't so idyllic, at times. Her father was an alcoholic and emotionally distant. Her mother was harried by his alcoholism, and it often resulted in arguments between them. The tension in the home tended to drive Bridget toward her personal interests, as a way of coping with the stress. She therefore explored a lot of different distractions as she grew older. Most of them were productive, though she did dabble a bit with alcohol and drugs. Fortunately those experiences were less than satisfying compared to other pursuits, and she barely skimmed their surfaces.

She attended college and then went on to medical school, finishing with an MD in general medicine. She graduated from medical school in 2363 and opened a small one-physician practice in Carson City. She met Edward in 2366, while he was working part-time at a service station. She had come in for a beverage, and there was something about him that she had been instantly attracted to, even though she had a steady boyfriend at the time. Bridget and Edward were married eighteen months later.

Edward was interested in starting his own private shuttle service, and he spent the early years of their marriage as a shuttle pilot, working a local route from an Earth-orbiting space station. He is a genial, gentle man, with a dry sense of humor that has pleased her for as long as she has known him. Together they had three children: Richard, Kylie, and Sissy. All three children are grown and married, and beginning families of their own.

During the years the children were growing up, Bridget spent most of her professional life in private practice, and Edward opened his own shuttle company. After the children were grown and moved away, she and Edward talked about joining Starfleet to see the stars. At first, their children were shocked that they would do such a thing, at their ages. But they eventually came around to the idea, and now support their parents' wanderlust.

Bridget went through her training in the Academy at San Francisco; eventually Edward relocated his business and moved to San Francisco to be with her. She finished her training and was assigned to Deep Space 5. Edward sold his business to his partner and accompanied her to the station.

The early weeks of her assignment have tested their relationship, at times to the breaking point. Edward has found a position in a bar, of which Bridget disapproves. On her part, she has formed a friendship with a Deltan who exhudes a strong pheromone, and of whom Edward strongly opposes. Time will tell whether their relationship can withstand the strain.


Service Record
2345-2357: public education in Carson City, Nevada
2357-2363: University of Nevada Medical School, Reno, Nevada. Graduated with an MD in General Medicine
2363-2377: Private Practice, Carson City, Nevada
2377-2385: Starfleet Medical Academy, San Francisco, California.
2385-present: Assigned to Deep Space 5


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