Ensign Elisha Royce   

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Character Information
Name   Elisha Marcel Royce
Rank   Ensign
Position   Operations Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human ( Biracial)
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   157 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Elisha Royce is a very attractive, Human male of biracial decent. ( African American father & French mother). he has a striking smile, and well shaped green eyes.
His mixed fetures give him and exotic look about him.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Elisha is very charismatic. He makes friends easy.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strenghts: Quick witted, works well with others, fast learner, charming, asertive when needed, personalble.

Weaknesses: To quick to act.
To captain a star-ship some day. To win the the gold in the Universal Olympic speed-cycle compitition and to find the girl of his dreams anf fall in love.
Hobbies & Interests
Elisha is a galaxy class speed cycle racer. Hin minnor interest include: Basket-ball, making music and hollodeak adventures. he is a good poker plyer, and he secretly reads romance novals.
Languages   Federation standard, French, Romulan, Some Cardassian, and some Klingon
Father   Elvin Marcel, Royce ( Former Star-Fleet officer, now Captian of a fleet of space minning ships).
Mother   Diana Gwen DaBorne, Royce ( Former Star-fleet communications specialist).
Brother(s)   John-Paul Luke, Royce ( Star-fleet Engineer).
Sister(s)   Younger: Gwen Elisabeth, Royce ( High-school student).
Spouse   none
Children   none
Other Family   n/a
Elisha Morice, Royce was born 6/6/2359. The product of a multiracial union between an American American father, Harold Royce and a French mother, Jane Royce. He was born and grew up in New Miami City until he was fourteen, when his father went into the space mining business after Star-Fleet. This was the year that that Dominion war took place. In 2374, his father left briefly and returned to Star-Fleet as a reserve Officer, in which Elisha Royce looked up to his father for his bravery. His father returned back in 2375.

He and his family live on their families ship for four years, in which he traveled to many star-systems. He took to space travel so much that he decided to join Star-Fleet.
At the Academy, he graduated from Opperations school and secondaied in engineering. There after he was briefly placed on the U.S.S. Gavin. He currently is awaiting reassignment.


Service Record
( 2380-2384)-Star Fleet Academy

(2384-2385)-U.S.S: Gladiator


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