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Character Information
Name   Awn'Renshano Gallae'ivarison'Meldabenovoro
Position   Civilian
Gender   Female
Species   Lemurian
Age   700
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 5”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   Dark Pink
Hair Color   White
Physical Description   Tall, lithe and beautiful, Special Envoy Awn’Renshano, also known as Ambassador Ivarison, and Matriarch Gallae, is a fine example of the illusive, mysterious and near mythical Lemurian race. Lemurians are a race of humanoids with several rabbit like features including foot high ears atop their head, dark sin, heightened senses, clawed hands, and long feet that force Lemurians to always wear stilettos. Awn’Renshano carries herself with an air of grace, dignity and a cold demeanor, veiling her youth and beauty behind a look of mysticism, as if she is apart from the world, flowing to another tempo than the one around her. Her dark pink eyes, once an icy, pale shade of the same color, have weathered with age, and while many see Awn’Renshano first as a great mystical beauty, upon closer inspection, one sees that her eyes have seen much over the centuries.

Another imposing feature about Awn’Renshano is her height, and she stands near two meters tall even without counting her ears, which add another third of a meter. This sometimes causes the proud, tall and graceful Lemurian to sometimes loose her mystique when she is blindsided by a low doorway.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Mystical, beautiful and utterly mysterious, Awn’Renshano is an enigma to the crew of Deep Space Five. In a way she is two enigmas wrapped into one, she hails from an isolationist and (thought to be) xenophobic race that are quasi-mythical to the rest of the Alpha Quadrant, and Awn’Renshano herself is a tightly closed box that has collected centuries of memories. Outwardly, Awn’Renshano keeps her cool, dignified, and graceful, truly a Priestess, but she is capable of a wide variety of emotions, however her discipline and control prevent her from displaying it.

Some say Lemurians have minds like a maze, and that what you see isn’t always what others see when around one. A Lemurian might be lively and vivacious to some, but cold, calculating and a hardliner to others, the root of this trait is unknown and unfounded, but Awn’Renshano does show subtle signs of either submission or dominance to give her words and added edge when negotiating.
Intelligent beyond the comprehension of most other humanoids, Lemurians are cunning individuals capable of using this trademark intelligence for good or ill, and it is often hard to distinguish between the two. Awn’Renshano is somewhat kind and gentle as a Priestess should be, but lurking just under the surface is centuries of accumulated power being channeled into a graceful aura that represents an unbreakable will. In Awn’Renshano’s own words she is, “Soft, but never weak”, and while she likes to keep the appearance of a serene and ancient Matriarch, she is at her core a powerful being and the master of the darker arts of diplomacy when called for.

Some might say this combination of traits represents a malevolent and malignant individual, but Awn’Renshano wishes no harm upon innocents and while her morality is flexible, Awn’Renshano could be considered a good-hearted individual with motivations and intentions that are her own, and if they take a malignant form, then so be it.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Duty and honor bound, Awn’Renshano is loyal to both her people and those who have hard earned her respect, never abandoning an ally and never attacking without provocation. Fierce and dedicated, ‘no’ is never an acceptable answer to one of her requests and it is now common knowledge that the Matriarch can have her claws come out (literally) to do battle against a force that threatens her people, her friends and even the station she calls home and the crew she has come to care for.

For all her grace and power, Awn’Renshano still has darker demons to deal with beneath her shroud of serenity. The pain of centuries of life sometimes takes hold of her, putting her into a deep despair. And other times the natural rage and hunter instincts Lemurians possess take over her, throwing her into a frenzy unbecoming of a Matriarch, and sometimes her better angels can’t prevail until a satisfactory release of these feelings.
The most enigmatic part of Awn’Renshano besides her past are her motivations and desires. To many she seems obsessed with what others want, and her ability to gauge and foster those ambitions is uncanny. But as to her personal goals, they are her own, and few are close enough to her on the station to be able to decipher them for themselves.
Hobbies & Interests
Awn’Renshano is a being of simplistic luxury, a trait common among her people. The Graceful, flowing, minimalist architecture of the Lemurian Embassy provide an excellent framework for displaying incredible works of fine art and other expensive items. Pottery from the First Dynasty of Ovoro, paintings by Wessen’Qaedeol (A Lemurian master) and other Lemurian fine works are displayed within the hollowed out chambers of the Embassy, along with a lovely indoor garden.
Languages   Lemurian, Federation Standard, (May have an understanding of many more)
Father   N/A
Mother   N/A
Brother(s)   N/A
Sister(s)   Has mentioned a sister
Spouse   N/A
Other Family  
What little is known about Awn’Renshano’s history is a compiled list of notes collected by personnel and simple conjecture. Awn’Renshano herself has revealed little about her past…

What is known is that she is well over 700 years old, had been cloistered at the Leuss Monastery for over 250 years, was born on the Lemurian homeworld and not one of it’s colonies, and has some connection to a city called, ‘Ovoro’ as her name exemplifies. It is unknown if she has any living family or even where they might be, her only indication of other family members is the name of House Ivarison located once again within her name. While Lemurians are presented as isolationists, Awn’Renshano has an uncanny knowledge of the history’s, biology’s, and workings of many of the Alpha Quadrant races, suggesting that she (And perhaps her entire species) know more about the greater galaxy than they let on.


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