Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne   

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Character Information
Name   Cameron Soul Bourne
Rank   Gunnery Sergeant
Position   First Sergeant
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   48
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 4”
Weight   250 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Silver
Physical Description   Cameron Bourne looks and acts like a Career Marine. He wears his hair short and is covered with battle scars, most notably a trio of claw-like marks on the side of his head. His respect is earned, not automatically given to those he meets.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Cameron is very straight forward and to the point, he's not one for danceing around a subject.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Physically strong, Excellent Hand-eye co-ordination, strong ‘gut feeling’.

Weaknesses: Occasional nightmares about the Dominion war.
to protect his family and the federation.
Hobbies & Interests
Martial arts, Klingon combat.
Languages   Federation Standard
Other Family  
Born on Earth, he was raised by his parents as a normal child, until the age of 18 when he left to join Starfleet Academy. After being accepted, he then applied for Starfleet’s Marine Corp Academy and was again accepted.
During his 18 months of training, he was assigned to the Janus Loop for his zero gravity training.

After he completed his training, he was assigned the USS Normandy, an Excelcior Lakota Variant Class, under Captain Sheppard. During his first year on the Normandy, Cameron was assigned to the security Detachment as the Normandy was too small to warrant a Marine Detachment. However, during his second year, he was asked by Captain Sheppard to evaluate the Normandy for an onboard Marine Detachment. After his evaluation, he recommended that a marine detachment be tested for effectiveness.

Cameron served on the Normandy for four years, until he was transferred to Starbase 204 as part of their Marine Corp Detachment. During his second year on the station, a Recon mission into Breen Space went horribly wrong, trapping him along with several other marines in an extreme survival situation. With the rest of his squad killed in the impact of the shuttle crash, he overcame physical torment and psychological stress that would have broken most people to survive long enough to be recovered by Marine Commandos.

Having sustained a broken left arm and multiple other injuries, Cameron was sent to the hospital ship USS Bach for recovery. During his several months in rehabilitation and the reconstruction, he was notified of his promotion to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. After he had recovered, Cameron was assigned to Deep Space 4 as their Marine Recon Platoon Executive Officer. During the next three years, he participated in several recon missions into both Cardassian and Romulan Space to gather information about fleet movements and division deployment. After the end of his third years in office, he requested a transfer to the Marine Corp Academy as their sniper instructor. After three years at the Academy, he was transferred to the Cardassian Boarder as part of a Classified Recon Platoon.

During the Dominion War, Cameron went on dozens of missions to gather Intel, perform assassinations and recover lost soldiers. After the end of the Dominion War, Cameron retired from Starfleet. After ten years, he was called back into active service as a recon scout sniper aboard Deep Space 5.


Service Record
2337 - Born on earth

2355 - Attended Starfleet Marine Corp Academy

2359 - Graduated SMCA. Assigned to the USS Normandy

2363 - Transferred to starbase 204

2365 - Recovering in hospital, Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant

2366 - Assigned to Deep Space 4.

2369 - Requested transfer to the Starfleet Marine Corp Academy

2372 – Assigned to a Classified Unit the front line of the Dominion War

2375 – Cameron retired from Starfleet at the age of 38.

2385 – Recalled to active duty and assigned to Deep Space 5


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