Ensign William Arkoma   

Character Information
Name   William Arkoma
Rank   Ensign
Position   Intelligence Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   175 lbs.
Eye Color   green
Hair Color   dark blonde
Physical Description   At age 26, William stands at 1.85m, with dark blonde hair and green eyes.
With his youthful appearance he often looks like any other young officer.
Those who take the time to look into his eyes just a little bit longer can
sometimes see a flicker of his sharp analytical mind.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
William's training in intelligence work has certainly had its impact on his
personality. While being somewhat drawn-back in his youth he quickly
developed the interpersonal skills necessary to make people feel at ease and
put them in an information-sharing mood.

This duality enables him to be the life of the party or blend in with the
masses. In his personal life he tends to keep to himself, not always
comfortable in social situations. This is compounded by his sworn secrecy on
certain matters. People generally don't like it when they know less than
someone else, let alone become their friend. As a result he considers few
people friends, among which are the members of his family. Intelligence work
suits him well as he is able to satisfy both his unending curiosity and his
sharp mind, reveling in the opportunities to spot patterns in behavior and
match his wits with those of Starfleet's opponents.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Analytical mind
Quick wit

Does not always speak up when not 100% certain of his case
Finds it hard to make true friends

-Intelligence field work
Hobbies & Interests
unknown as of yet
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Jaro
Mother   Marynn
Brother(s)   none
Sister(s)   Kathrynn
Spouse   none
Children   none
Other Family   unknown
Will grew up in a loving home in Europe; Jaro his father running a small
trade corporation that supplied the region with off-world goods. His mother
Marynn helped his father with some of the bookkeeping but was usually at
home to take care of William and his sister Kathrynn.

His childhood was disrupted when his older sister went off to join
Starfleet, seeking a career in science. Missing his sister and with few
other friends he spent the remaining years of his childhood helping his
father run the business, gaining some experience in dealing with other
species and slowly beginning to dream of heading out into space himself.

His parents were proud to see him go off to join the fleet where he
unavoidably followed after his sister. With decent grades in most subjects
his ambitions were still high, although his time at the academy seemed to go
by largely unnoticed by his superior officers. Never the one to elbow his
way to the top of his class, the spotlight passed him by time and time

One incident changed all that though: through a series of events that almost
got him kicked out of the academy William uncovered an espionage scheme set
up by Ferengi information dealers. This scheme revolved around using
unwitting cadets as information mules by switching their training exercise
data with actual tactical information. The lower security on training
equipment enabling the Ferengi to access the information during regular
training flights. William's perceptive and quiet nature was noticed and he
was selected for Intelligence training within three months.

Since that time contact between William and his family has become sparse,
which is something he has been trying to change. His sister still keeps in
touch though, routing messages through Starfleet from the Science vessel she
has been stationed on for 5 months now.
William has always been comfortable serving in relative solitude. It will be
a welcome change to get a somewhat permanent post, however, and he is
actually looking forward to some social contact, uncomplicated by any
imposed agenda.


Service Record
Academy Training - Intelligence specialization (current)


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