Arrival Dark Prince   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

Character Information
Name   Dark Prince
Rank   Arrival
Position   Auditor
Gender   Male
Species   Computer Intelligence
Age   17
Physical Appearance
Height   0’ 0”
Weight   0 lbs.
Eye Color  
Hair Color  
Physical Description   Prince is the AI of the GSC Selen'ai; a small Telian warship.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
**this character is owned and played by Akamu Makani**

Prince is an EI, a Computer that has "evolved" his own personality, quirks, and moral compass. A majority of his development happened under the command of Captain Hester Digia, an honorable man who was quick to help others. As a result, Prince has a kind nature, willing to help whenever he can. He obeys orders without question, though he often adds his own two cents and makes unnecessary quips.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Obeys orders
unwaveringly loyal
extremely useful in a fight
Sizable ego, unwilling to accept help from others
Hobbies & Interests
Other Family  
The Selen'ai was commissioned in the Drego Shipyards in the third year of the reign of Aken XII of Gadaria, Earth Year 2369. He served all ten years of the Third Unity Civil War. In 2374, Prince was "born," becoming self-aware and sentient under the command of Hester Digia. Two years later, he lost his entire three-man crew and was captured by Rebels. He continued serving in the war, but on the other side. Prince was unhappy in his new predicament, as he was still loyal to the Unity. In 2378, he escaped the Rebel and fled to the outlying areas of the Telian Empire. In 2381, under mysterious circumstances, he ended up in the hands of Akamu Makani. The two became good friends in their travels and eventually ended up in Federation.


Service Record
2369- Gadarian Imperial Navy(unaware)
2374- Gadarian Imperial Navy (1st Lt.)
2376- Rebel Fleet (Ens.)
2378- Loyalist Fleet (2nd Lt.)
2380- Left service


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