Arrival John Quinn   

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Character Information
Name   John Benjamin Quinn
Rank   Arrival
Position   Civilian
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   46
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   170 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Despite not being very small, John Quinn comes across as a waif of a man due to his demeanor, often hunched over and contained within himself. Prefers to wear corrective glasses, despite advances and cures to correct eyesight problems. He wears glasses and has a broad Scottish Accent that he tries to tone down, however if he gets agitated or angry, it seems to become even thicker to the point of being indistinguishable.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Cool and calculating, there's something about John that gives the impression that he's always in control - of himself and his surroundings. This helps him being a quick problem solver.

However, since the death of his wife there is a lot to be said about John's desire to work for Starfleet any longer. He seems at times to allow things to get a head of him, or to be distracted by something else on his mind.

Dislikes being called 'Junior' by his Father, which he often does even though his Son is now pushing close to 50.

Young Starfleet Captains - Considers anyone under the age of 40 to be given a Starfleet Command to be grossly under age and under prepared for the job. Has at times been pretty vocal about his displeasure at being over looked for Command in favor of more younger prospects.

Modern Starfleet Age Sports.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strength: Negotiator - Often settles family disputes and 'feuds', no matter how serious or petty they maybe.
Strength: Piano Player - John is a competant pianist, though rarely plays anymore.

Weakness: Temper - When he is calm, he is calm. Yet, on the rare occasion he loses his temper, he'll erupt into an almost blind rage.
Hobbies & Interests
Likes: Classic Earth Sports - Ice Hockey, Football, Soccer, Basketball.
Enjoys walks with his dog, and time with his family.
Languages   Terran, Romulan (Basic), Vulcan (Basic)
Father   Commander John Quinn Snr.
Mother   Jane Quinn (Maiden Name: Locke)
Spouse   Molly Quinn (Maiden Name: Williams) (Deceased)
Children   Son: Cadet (4th Year) James Quinn Age: 25 (Born: 2364) Department: Operations Daughter': Jamie Quinn Age: 14 (Born: 2375) College Student
Other Family  
Born and raised in Glasgow, Earth, John was always surrounded by nature. His Father, John Quinn Snr and his Mother, Jane Quinn, were both Scientist's aligned with the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet. John's Father specialized in Space Particles and Anomalies gaining a reputation for being one of the leading Scientists in Wormhole and Chronometric formations. John's Mother, Jane, was a fixture at Starfleet Academy, where she was a scholar and lecturer in Science. She had formally trained as a Scientist, specializing in Stellar Cartography.

John Quinn Snr and Jane Locke met at Starfleet Academy, and grew up as 'childhood lovers'. The majority of the time they were assigned to the same posting - though it was never sure if this was by fate or design. John grew up as a Starfleet child, though was lucky enough to spend most of his childhood on Earth due to his Parent's tenure at various Starfleet facilities.

John met his wife to be, Molly Williams, in 2363 during his final year of Starfleet Academy. Molly was in her 3rd year, with one more to go, studying Science alongside John. The pair became study partners, forming a strong friendship that turned into a relationship. When John graduated in 2363 and was assigned to the USS Virgo, he vowed to stay in touch with Molly.

Molly later graduated Starfleet Academy and was fortunately assigned to the USS Virgo. The pair formed a strong relationship on board the ship and finally got married in 2364 and later discovered that Molly was pregnant.

2360-2363 Starfleet Academy
John enlisted into Starfleet Academy, with his parents as sponsors. Just like his parents before him, he entered the field of Science.

2363-2366 USS Virgo
John joined the USS Virgo as a Science Officer's Assistant, where he continued his learning from Starfleet Academy. During his time on board the Virgo, John started to concentrate on more general Sciences and applied science rolls within the working environment of a starship. John and Molly married on board the USS Virgo in 2364

2366-2375 Starfleet HQ
Transferred to the research branch of Starfleet HQ in San Fransisco for his knowledge in Temporal Theory and Mechanics to assist with the ships continued attempts to develop Quantum Slipstream Drive. It was also a safer and sound environment for his fast growing family, with Molly giving birth to their second child, Jamie, in 2371.

2375-2379 USS Rowling
John's work on the Nova class ship USS Endurance didn't go unnoticed. Despite another failed attempt by Starfleet to develop a Quantum Slipstream Drive, John's research and applied theories into stopping time travel did do some good. His research was taken away and transfered to the Daystrom Institute for further study.

2379-2384 USS Valor
John was transferred to the Steamrunner Class ship USS Valor and promoted to Chief Science Officer, leaving behind his specialist field altogether and instead taking up Man Management. It was a roll that John managed easily over time, yet would ultimately have to leave behind due to the death of his wife. When his wife died, during an accident on board the ship, John's demeanor and attitude changed. His whole life and foundation had been rocked to the ground.

2384-Present LOA/Left Starfleet
The death of John's wife had effected him beyond simple grieving. Quinn was given an authorised leave of absence from Starfleet to allow him to look after his family, and grieve for his Wife. A year later he was offered a posting on Starbase 47, but turned it down and instead left Starfleet.

He became a Civilian, the first time his life he hadn't been involved with Starfleet in some shape or form. It was liberating. His Son, James, had left to join Starfleet Academy, while his daughter had started to grow up. Initially John and family moved back to Scotland, Earth to settle, however this didn't last long. Hounded for knowledge in Temporal Mechanics from Cadets, Quinn became a recluse.


Service Record
* 2360 - Starfleet Academy- 1st Year Cadet - Basic Training
* 2361 - Starfleet Academy - 2nd Year Cadet - Basic Training w/ Science Introduction
* 2362 - Starfleet Academy - 3rd Year Cadet - Advanced Science
* 2363 - Starfleet Academy - 4th Year Cadet - Major: Temporal Mechanics
* 2363 - USS Virgo - Ensign - Science Officer's Assistant
* 2366 - Starfleet Academy - Science Officer & Starfleet Research
* 2371 - USS Endurance - Science Officer
* 2375 - USS Rowling - Lieutenant - Assistant Chief Science Officer
* 2379 - USS Valor - Lieutenant - Chief Science Officer
* 2384 - Authorized Leave of Absence
* 2385 - Left Starfleet


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