Lieutenant Aieron Peters   

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Character Information
Name   Aieron Peters
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Chief Operations Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   27
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   126 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Physical features/Distinguishing Marks: Small upside down ’L’ type scar on right cheek, the result of a shuttle training accident.

Aieron is a fairly standard kind of guy. He is almost non-descript, if you discount the small scar. His hair is (of course) militarily short.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Character Personality:
==Starfleet Academy personality report 12th march 2374==
Aieron is independent, and loyal. He finds it extremely hard to fit in with a group, and to make friends. He has good communication and presentation skills.
==End personality report==

Slow to anger, but when pushed to far has an explosive anger, which is very dangerous to be around. (Something gets destroyed).
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Hobbies include tinkering with computers, and model building. (Kit models of starships.) Sends completed models home to his family store.
Other Family  
History from 0-18 years of age: Brought up by his retired Grandmother, formerly a Captain on a Federation Starship. Taught by her, instructed in shuttle flight, standard emergency procedure, programming and sysadmin work. Applied for the academy at 18 and scraped past the entrance exams.

Character’s time at the Academy (age 18-21): Immediately slated for the operations department by the initial aptitude tests. Came 6th out of a class of 18 in the operations classes. Failed close assault twice, before passing, but when given a ranged Rifle showed exceptional accuracy, hitting 9 out of 10 targets, from 3 kilometres, narrowly missing being conscripted into the marines as a sniper. Does not practise sniping at all.

Character’s Star fleet postings. Please specify ships, COs, etc:
Spent one year on the USS Valiant under Captain Tinas, as an Operations Assistant, staffing one of the offices and giving general backup support to the Chief Operations officer. Captain Tinas saw Peters report, and recommended him for fast track to senior staff. Captain Tinas recommended Peters to transfer to the USS Apocalypse, as it was short of a Chief Operations officer. Peters got the position in 2376.

From there, Aieron was reassigned, to the USS Sarek, after the USS Apocalypse was destroyed battling a Borg ship (all hands survived, apart from the C.O. who rammed the ship into the Borg sphere, taking both with it).

Aieron was recalled to Earth in 2379, after happily serving for 2 years on the Sarek. Eventually, was moved to a new posting.


Service Record


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