Arrival Mal'vor Of House KempaCh   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Mal'vor Of House KempaCh
Rank   Arrival
Position   Legate
Gender   Male
Species   Klingon
Age   39
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 7”
Weight   165 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Mal'vor is tall and muscular in appearance. He has a profound ridged forehead as with most Klingon's and a thick, long, bushy head of hair. He is generally atractive for a klingon, having had female human partners in the past.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
His personality is firey and deadly, staying with Klingon tradition, he honours his heritage, and lets no-one forget that. Mal'vor likes to show off his physical and mental prowess as much as possible, often speaking in intelligent jargon to senior officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+His pristine physical conditioning
+His klingon heritage
+His intelligence

-He may lose control sometimes
-His Frustration with human's and the way they operate sometimes.
-His ability to (not) be able to speak to women
To become a mighty warrior, respected leader, and feared adversary.
Hobbies & Interests
His passion for the phaser range. He cant get enough of blasting and tearing things. Also his joy for a good drink of bloodwine, and a nice cold bowl of Gach.
Languages   Klingon, Federation English
Father   T'tholo, Head of House Kempa'Ch
Mother   Evakshe, Wife of T'tholo
Brother(s)   -
Sister(s)   -
Spouse   -
Children   -
Other Family   -
Mal'vor was born a typical Klingon, always breaking things, always fighting and always making trouble. He was entered into a warrior's training school at a very young age, his parents wanted him to be the best he could be. So when he was only 4 years old, he was the pride of the junior warriors, fighting everything from stray beasts, to rogue adalescents that wandered onto the wrong street...

By the time he was 10, he was already leading pack of junior warriors, leading them to glory in every hunt. Him and his team were given accomodations and praise from several high Klingon officials. When he was 12, he was given his first Bat'leth, instead of the training one's used at training school. Rumour has it he keeps that very blade in his quarters.

Mal'vor left Qo'nos at the age of 15, being put into a pack of three ships, being second in command of one of them. His small fleet were in pursuit of a romulan Draconius class at one point, the other two vessels were destroyed, and the captain onboard Mal'vors ship fataly injured, so Mal'vor assumed command. He destroyed the ship and was given high accomodations from the captain when they returned to the Qo'nos.

He then became enraged, by the fact that his house had brought dishonour to the name KempaCh, by becoming allied with the Gowron forces, so, Mal'vor rebelled and went out of Klingon space, and onto space deep into the alpha quadrant. He eventually found himself, in Cardassian space.

Once he had arrived in Cardassian space, he was greated in the traditional manner; With pirates. Mal'vor had attempted his best to fight them off, but they were numerous in numbers, and powerful in strength. Mal'vor had considered his odds, and they were dimm. Until a metaphorical bright light the form of Tharek Getal...

Tharek had managed to destroy the pirates, and was ready to destroy Mal'vors ship. When Mal'vor pledged his life to Tharek, for saving him from the traitorous fiends. He was then sent to Cardassia Prime, to await further orders...


Service Record
-2346: Born
-2350: Entered 'warrior academy'
-2356: Led junior warrior team
-2358: Given first Bat'leth
-2361: Left Qo'nos for first time
-2362: Engaged in first 'real' battle
-2363: Given command of first starship
-2367: Left Qo'nos to explore Alpha quadrant
-2365 - 2385: Sent to Cardassia Prime under Tharek's orders
-2385: Is awaiting placement onboard DS5 under Tharek's orders


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