Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani   

Character Information
Name   Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Rank   Citizen
Position   Mercenary
Gender   Male
Species   Telian
Age   38
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 6”
Weight   192 lbs.
Eye Color   grey
Hair Color   black
Physical Description   Ka’er is a lean, muscular man. He has perfectly straight, black hair that is almost always tied back. Like all Telian males, he has grey eyes, his being on the light end of the specrum. The right side of his face was burned many years ago, leaving a spiderweb of tiny white scars from his temples to his jaw. Additionally, he has a massive scar running from the back of his left shoulder, across his chest to his naval; occasionally, this can be seen in the v of his tunics.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Very confident. Ka’er is more than a match, both intellectually and physically, for nearly anyone he comes in contact with. And he knows it. He has a dry sense of humor that can’t help but see the irony in most situations. Over the years he’s developed a tough exterior demeanor that makes most believe he’s a rather distant and aloof individual. However, he is chivalrous and caring, especially towards women and children, and he wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice his own comfort, or in many cases, his life, for his friends. Although he can be percieved as dim-witted or slow on the uptake, he graduated at the top of his class with exemplary marks in many areas of study.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Excellent pilot, keen survival instincts, good in hand to hand combat, and excellent marksman.

Also tends to be excellent at gambling, lying, cheating, and generally getting his way. Extremely honorable and caring, under that tough outer skin.

Weaknesses: So over-confident, he can end up getting into situations way over his head. Sometimes needs help out of such issues.
Lives for the moment, always flying by the seat of his pants. Has though about settling down with a nice Telian lady someday, but has yet to meet any woman he could consider a spouse.

Hobbies & Interests
Drinking, gambling. Loves to tinker with his ship’s engines. Reads extensively.
Languages   Gadarian, Cierian, English, Klingon, Cardassian, Bajoran, some Romulan, limited Ferangi
Father   Keon Makani (Status unknown)
Mother   Oaka Makni (status unknown)
Brother(s)   Kiko Makani (Status unknown)
Children   Jonan Trenan
Other Family  
Akamu was born in the Ceirian capital of Ramath Galian in the Earth year 2353(Telian Year 2856). Although of Gadarian decent, Akamu was raised in the Cierian city of his birth. His father was an aide to the Gadarian Ambassador, thus he and his brother were well-educated from a young age. All through his childhood, he grew up as something of an outcast, his ethnic difference obvious and important in the culture of his homeworld. As a result, he became very self-sufficient, only confiding in a few choice friends. At 13, he began to study at Herok Tevarna, a Cierian school that specialized in combat training and higher-level education. It was at the Academy that he first met Mira Trenan at age 15. The two instantly became good friends; they finished school in the same division, becoming excellent team-mates and getting to the point that they could predict the others battle-plans.

Akamu graduated at the age of 17, just before the breakout of total civil war. He enlisted in the Gadarian Imperial Army and was shipped off to battle fields all across the empire. He served at the Battle of Drego, the Skirmish at Beran III, and the Kopan Massacre, where he received a brutal hit from a sword that gave him his scar. The Gadarian Emperor abdicated after several years of fighting. Akamu then joined with the navy of his adopted country, Cieria, and continued fighting in the war. He became a fighter pilot with the second fleet, engaging in many notable skirmishes. Akamu became one of the best pilots of the Loyalist Fleet; rebels began to refer to him as “Ka’er,” the Wolf of the Underworld. Soon, everyone was calling him Ka’er. In one battle, his ship was hit, causing the cockpit to burst into flame. Luckily, he survived with no more than a serious burn to the face. By this point, the seven-year war was dying down, leaving the only Gamma Quadrant power capable of opposing the Dominion severely weakened. Still the fight continued.

In the last year of the war, Ka’er met up once more with Mira. Both had been traumatized by nine years of constant battle and loss, and they found solace for a while in each other’s company. After only a month, they mutually agreed to end it, and they didn’t see each other again for almost a year.

The Third Unity Civil War came to a pointless and rather anti-climactic conclusion at the Battle of Merenda Nebula. A total of sixteen Loyalist vessels against twenty-one Rebel ships met and nearly obliterated each other in Earth Year 2380. Ka’er and Mira piloted their battered fighters together once again. In the dog fight, Mira’s ship was hit and she was killed, but not before informing Ka’er over the com of his infant son, Jonan.

Ka’er himself survived the Battle, but as rebel forces held many Telian planets and colonies, it was impossible for him to return home. He spent the next two years drifting from planet to planet, searching for his son, but unable to stay in one place for long. Eventually, he managed to “win” an attack ship, the Selen'ai, in a game of Hedrian Dice. Ka’er headed out of Telian space in 2885.

Upon reaching Dominion territory, he was shocked to discover a cowed empire still reeling from its defeat at the hands of a mysterious “Federation.” Over the next year, he made his way towards the legendary wormhole, and eventually came out on the other side. He began exploring his new home, sometimes encountering other exiled Telians, but usually keeping to himself. He occasionally would help in the odd freedom-fight or act as a body guard, but he was careful to obey the law.


Service Record
All dates are Earth Years; all ranks translated to their Federation equivalent.

2365 - Herok Tevarna Academy
2370 - Gadarian Imperial Army– 2nd Lieutenant
2372 – Gadarian Imperial Army- 1st Lieutenant
2374 – Cierian Royal Navy – 1st Lietutenant
2375 – Cierian Royal Navy – Captain
2378 – Cierian Royal Navy – Major
2379 – Loyalist Fleet – Lieutenant Colonel
2380 – left service


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