Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman   

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Character Information
Name   Bruce Freeman
Rank   Lieutenant Commander
Position   Chief Engineering Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   220 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Bruce very much dislikes his hair, he doesn't like to have to comb it every morning so he always has a buzz. Because of this he has earned the nickname from this "Freeman" because he always says "I am a lot more free with out my hair." He's a little bit on the heavier side, but don't let that fool you underneath the fat is a lot of muscle.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Bruce tries to find the humor in things either good or bad. He is the kind of guy you like to be around because of this. Even though he looks tough on the outside he is really nice and caring to those around him on the inside. If some one is treating one of his friends crappy he will help defend his friend. He likes to make any model look more and more realistic therefore any model in his quarters leaves many in awe.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Likes to solve hard and complex problems. If there is a problem that he can not seem to solve he will sit down and do something else and usually the answer comes right to him. He always does what he is told by his superiors unless it is morally wrong to himself.

Weaknesses: Bruce dislikes to take tests and tries to avoid them whenever he can. Even though he is very strong he rarely exercises thus leading to him being on the heavier side.
He has always wanted to be just like Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise. Since the last ship that Captain Picard was in command of was a Sovereign class ship he has always wanted to serve on one. He eventually hopes to command his own.
Hobbies & Interests
Bruce has always had a special place in his heart for the trains of old. He has his own model railroad in his quarters. Likes to listen to music when he is working it seems to calm him and let him think better.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Ulric Freeman
Mother   Liane Freeman
Other Family  
Bruce comes from a family with many people who worked for the old railroads. Most of them were engineers trying to find more economical ways to produce the train engines, on the side they would test drive the engines themselves. Bruce of course inherited this trait of problem solving complex problems. He is always taking things apart to see how they work. He is also the kind of guy that you like to be around. He tries to find the humor in things whether the situation is good or bad. He gets enjoyment from making people laugh. His life though would be changed when he saw the recordings of the famous captain Jean Luc Picard, he no longer wanted to stay on Earth, he wanted to go out into space and explore just like Capitan Picard so he joined Starfleet. He wants to eventually be in command of his own ship.


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