Lieutenant JG Alison Bennett   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

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Character Information
Name   Alison Bennett
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Strategic Operations Officer
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   43
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 5”
Weight   147 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Blonde
Physical Description   In the years following an unexpected divorce Alison has put on a little weight and it is still apparent that her younger self was pretty, if never beautiful.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Alison is a friendly and outgoing person, she makes friends easily and is likely to be the person organising the whip-round and the card for every birthday.

Not the best and not the worst she performs her duties competently and diligently and is generally willing to lend a hand or cover for a colleague in need - if anyone were asked to describe her in one word that word would probably be 'reliable' possibly in the sentence 'good old reliable Alison'.

Oddly, Alison hasn't made any close friends since arriving at DS5 though she has many acqaintances and will always join in any department nights out with gusto.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Other Family  
* NPC created and in use by Isha *


Service Record


Awards  [ Hide/Show ]