Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero   

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Character Information
Name   Jayfe Devero
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Assistant Chief Science Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Betazoid
Age   24
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   158 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Jayfe Devero is slim in stature and his movements betray an obvious agility. His piercing brown eyes are generally eager and don't miss a beat. His best asset, however, are his perfect white teeth. His smile exudes a charisma that has gotten him out of many hostile situations.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Jayfe Devero has been described as a rebel without a cause. A thrill seeker with a chip on his shoulder, Jayfe is always in pursuit of the next adventure.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Jayfe has an obvious disdain for authority and often pays no respect to chains of command or protocols. At the same time, Jayfe is a very thorough scientist with a sharp mind - he thinks outside the square, enjoys a challenge and picks up new skills with great ease.
Jayfe's ambitions are generally limited to his own quest for knowledge in the sciences. He uses Starfleet as a necessary evil - his service ensures him access to the resources and networks he needs to pursue his passion: Astronomy.
Hobbies & Interests
He enjoys drinking, running (for mental clarity rather than exercise), piloting, drinking, making new friends, the holodeck, discovering new watering holes, drinking and... drinking.
Father   Tori Devero
Mother   Elaras Devero (deceased)
Other Family  
He had a turbulent early childhood with his mother dying when he was young. His father was a prominent member of the Betazoid Science Council, and had very little time for Jayfe. He never felt connected with what little family he had, and spent much of his teenage years rebelling against the ritualistic aspects of his culture. His greatest act of defiance was rejecting a position within the government science department, prepared for him by his father, to move to Earth and join Starfleet Academy.

Along with Betazoid culture in general, Jayfe resents his telepathic heritage. Since moving to Earth when he turned 18, he begun to employ Vulcan meditation techniques to suppress his telepathic abilities. While he is a very social person and has no trouble making new friends, he also enjoys along time with only the stars as company. Jayfe's passion for the stars is what sparked his interest in Stellar Cartography and Astrometrics. When Jayfe is alone with the stars, the stray thoughts of others seem like forgotten echoes.

Although Jayfe tried hard to avoid the sciences which his father had worked so hard to push him towards, he ended up pursuing his interest in astrometrics throughout Starfleet Academy. While achieving consistently high results in most of his subjects, Jayfe did sustain several warnings on his official record including one incidence of conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet cadet coupled with a charge of indecent exposure following an end of semester party. Jayfe's academic achievements were often overshadowed by his social achievements including a record at a particular pub in Sydney, Australia where he held the undergraduate record for most local beer consumed in one night.

Jayfe's romantic history has been limited to brief liaisons, rarely continuing past a few weeks. Jayfe has issues letting guys in - Jayfe is gay - into a world of boxes which he would rather left closed. The longer he spends with someone the faster it deteriorates into broken hearts and bad memories. His unresolved issues always get in the way.


Service Record
After graduating from Starfleet Academy, Jayfe was assigned to the USS Helios, Galaxy Class, as a member of the science team. Following his one year service, he undertook further postgraduate study at the Trill Ministry of Science and specialised in his field as a grade one Astrometrics and Stellar Cartography Officer.

He spent the next two years on patrol and scientific exploration aboard the USS Adelaide, Nova Class, as the Science Officer. Unfortunately during shore leave on Risa, Jayfe relapsed into his Academy party days and was caught up in a particularly nasty pub brawl. This incident resulted in a formal reprimand, delaying a promotion to Lieutenant he had been hoping for.

Wishing for a new start, Jayfe has requested to be transferred to Deep Space Five where he can focus on his passion and speciality - charting the stars.

Commanders Citation:
For his aptitude and bravery in the face of mortal danger, Jayfe Devero is hereby cited for his unswerving skill and perspicacity in piloting against an indefatigable foe whilst trying to attain a peaceful accord with the enemy and then in bringing back the shuttle 'Kestrel' intact and sustaining the lives of 2 of his shipmates. If it were not for him, those men would have lost their lives. It with a joyful heart and clear mind that this citation is placed on record.

[Stardate 61827.7 Lt Cmdr Tasha Tahir.Executive Officer. DS5]


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