DS5 Awards - Nominations Open!

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Title   DS5 Awards - Nominations Open!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Jul 18, 2014 @ 7:14pm

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Its been ages since DS5 received a fleet award! In recognition of that brilliant success I want to do a proper round of DS5 award nominations - I'll be making some of my own, but if there is any player or NPC you'd like to recognise so please get your nominations in by 28th July - there have been some great posts.

We all say we don't do it for the shinys, but I'll challenge anyone to show me a player who ever turned one down!

So spread the warm fuzzies people.

'Level 1' awards are granted by the CO, but if the award falls into the 'Level 2' category, please try to back up your nomination with evidence such as a link to one or more supporting posts. These awards are granted by the OF Awards Director and stand more chance of being given if that is included.

The awards available can be found here and here - the second link, to the OF site contains some newer awards too!

And nominations can be submitted using that handy little linky thing at the bottom right of your control panel.


Commander Iaha T'Vaurek
Your local, friendly CO