Romulan Diplomat D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek   

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Character Information
Name   D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek
Rank   Romulan Diplomat
Position   Ambassador (el'Llairhi)
Gender   Male
Species   1/2 Rihannsu 1/2 Vulcan
Age   50
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   170 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Deep Brown
Physical Description   Vaeban looks to be one hundred percent Vulcan to the point where he is sick of being mistaken for a pure blooded Vulcan. He stands slightly smaller than most Vulcans or Romulans and weighs a more Human weight this means he does not have the lanky figure assosciated with his parent races. He has broad shoulders which is his favourite physical feature. Like both of his parent races his ears a elongated, compared to a Humans, and pointed at the tips. He has shocking Ice Blue eyes which peerce people's souls when he looks at them. The most shocking part of his apperance is likely his Hair. Romulans and Vulcans usually cut their hair short however Vaeban gre it long in rebellion as a Child and decided it suited him and kept it, some Romulans find it rather of putting but he likes it. He wears a normal civilian Unifrom which is always a dull grey colour, it shares some resemblance to Romulan military uniform. Vaeban always carries a blaster with him and is a very good shot. He appears to be around 34.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Vaeban is nothing if not calculating. He can look at a situation and imagine a hundred out comes with out blinking and decide how to counter each of them he has learned this is an invaluable skill in his line of work. He can do a similar thing with people (meaning Vulcans, Romulans, Klingons etc not just Humans.) and is able to read most of them like a book to such an extent some people think he has advanced telepathic skills from his Vulcan side, although he has never used those in his life. He is very ambitous and although he decided to go into Diplomacy latter than most this has allowed him to get to a very high rank quickly however he is not so ambitous that is over rules his morales. On that topic he is a highly Morale man. He hates the pre conception of Romulans as un trustworthy and decitful as he is the total opposite. He is a very good friend and helpful to any one who needs it. Vaeban is highly inteligent and knows allot about everything but everything about nothing he has a working knowledge in many science fields and is good with computers

He is a loving husband and now a loving Father, very recently becoming a father for the first time. Unlike many Romulans he has no Racist attitude but he is one hundred and ten percent loyal to the empire to the point where he would die for it with out a second thought it is a combination of the two which is a likely the reason he was chosen for his positon. He is able to hide his own intentions from others and it he were to play the game he would be an excellent poker player. However he never would as he once had a gambling problem before he entered the Diplomatic Corps and he knows he could easily lose everything in his life if he went down that road again.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Very Good Diplomat
+ Able to read people's minds (Not litteraly)
+ Very Smart
+ Caring and Kind
+ Skilled former Soilder (Martial Art Training)
+ Vulcan Level Strength (Above Human and Klingon.)
+ Although he rarely uses them he is able to use Vulcan telepathic abilities. The most notable is the Vulcan Mind Meld.

- Hates Being Away from his family
- His feelings can get out of control
- His love for the empire is vast
- He some times ignores Logic totally
- When he is angry he can lose control
To serve the empre well.
Retire and live with his family.
Hobbies & Interests
+ Dogs. He finds the Human Canine an amazing animal and has a pet German Shepard called Anna.
+ Diplomacy
+ Politcs
+ Martial Arts
+ Painting
+ Shooting
+ Flying
Languages   Romulan, Vulcan, English, Klingon, French, Latin, Spanish, Cardassian and Reman
Father   T'Les
Mother   D'Elon t'Dharvanek
Spouse   Lisa tr'Dharvanek (33)
Children   S'anra t'Dharvanek ( 1/4 Vulcan, 1/4 Romulan, 1/2 Human)
Other Family   S'Hauen tr'Dharvanek
Vaeban was the son of a Romulan Female and a Vulcan male his mother slept around often and one night she met a Vulcan male, seduced him and at the age of 21 fell pregnant with his Child. Her family were rich buisness men and they were sure that having one of their daughters pregnant so young, and with the son of a Vulcan to boot, would harm their reputation so they decided to hide the pregnancy from every one they knew. Vaeban's mother was kept a practical prisoner throughout her pregnancy and she eventually became made form the experience. She lost her mind and was little more than a shell. His Grandfather made contact with his Vulcan father and asked him to take the child when he was born, he accepted and soo after Vaeban was living on Vulcan. Ho#is biological family asked for two things. His name to be kept the same and to one day allow him, if he so wished, to return to Romulus and learn of his heritage.

He was brought up in a Vulcan household and family and they brought him up as a Vulcan child. He was no different to any other Vulcan and he looked one hundred percent pure blooded and from an early age he mixed in well and for four years he went through the mental training all Vulcans did at his age and he even had a mate found for him. However when hie father died everything changed and he rebelled. His Uncle and Aunt took on looking after him but he never warmed to them and he stopped any Mental training and although there were no physical signs to his true blood line he was no longer able to mix in with the other Vulcan Children and he did not want to.

He had always been told he was one half Romulan and when he was a teenage he began to get a huge interest in this half of his heritage and he prefered it to the Vulcan Half. The Romulans were Passionate and fiesty compared to the dull and boring Vulcans. The Romulans were powerful conquers and the Vulcans were little more than scientific and diplomatic puppets of the federation. At such an early age war seemed cool and exciting, when he was older he would soon learn the truth and he would do everything he could to stop it from ever happening.

He began to grow his hair longer at the age of 12 and by the time it was 14 ut had grown down his back. When he walked in the streets everyone gave him second, third and even fourth glances as he passed them this however did not bother him and he simply ignored them, almost enjoying it knowing he was not a Vulcan but a Romulan at heart and nothing they could do would every change that fact.

His years on Vulcan were filled with the study of Science and Diplomacy he was pushed into getting a degree in Inter-Species relations by his Uncle but he never had any intention of entering the field and after he had gotten his degree he left the dusty, red hot rock for what he thought would be better pastures. He was heading for what he considered his Homeworld, Romulus but his ship broke and was toed to a nearby Starfleet base. Here, at the age of 19, he first got into trouble gambling.

There was a Ferengi run Casino on the station where he was renting a room. He had decided he would stay for a few months and got a job as a bar tender. He was enjoying his stay and he decided three months into it to go to the Casino after hearing good things about it. It was great and he was hooked. For the next three years he did little more than gamble and he lost his ship and every credit he had before he finally left. He vowed then to never gamble again.

He continued on his route to Romulus and he was not welcomed when he arrived. He found his Biological family and he was accepted back in on one conidtion, he enrolled in the military service. Due to his degree he was made an officer and was expected to serve a minimum of Five years. He enjoyed it and ended up stayong for ten years. It was here he found his love for the Empire as he defened her borders against Klingons and the Federation.

However eventually he left and enterd the Diplomatic Corps. Hsi first major task was as a Diplomat to Earth where he met a beautiful young Human whom he married and had one child with, his one year old daughter. He has now been sent to DS 5.


Service Record
At the age of 23 embarks of the Serona expecting to stay for five years instead he serves for ten gaining the rank similar to Starfleet Commander.

At the age of 33 left the military and Joined the Diplomatic Corps of the Empire as an aide.

He rose quickly and at the age of 39 was a Diplomat.

Served as one of 11 Diplomats to the Klingon Empire for seven years.

Becomes an Ambassador at the age of 46 and enters service as one of the Ambassadors to Earth.

At Age 48 takes his nephew on as Diplomatic Aide

At age 49 Promotes his nephew to Junior Attache

At the age of 50 becomes Senior Ambassador aboard DS 5.


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