Lieutenant JG Alexandra-Kristin Feodorovna   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

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Character Information
Name   Alexandra-Kristin Maria Feodorovna
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Astrobiologist
Gender   Female
Species   Human/El-Aurian Hybrid
Age   42
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   129 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Blonde
Physical Description   Anya is very continental European in appearance and very Scandinavian or Germanic in her features with long, straight blonde hair and a very slim and lithe figure. She has a bright and warm smile and by nearly every humanoid species’ standards she is quite beautiful. Considering Anya is 42, she has aged quite gracefully, though not at all in the last fourteen years and appears to be a woman in her late twenties but states it is a “More mature 28”.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Inquisitive, lively and brilliant, Anya Feodorovna is never what you expect of someone of her caliber of intelligence. She’s as spirited and witty as she is intelligent and has four degrees to prove it, but down plays these accomplishments as “Being a varied student” and “Not knowing what to do with my self for most of my life”. Anya also enjoys a wide variety of interests that further add to her eccentricity, including the collecting of rare species of fish and having a wide variety of pets named after great people of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Other Family  
As Alexandra “Anya” Feodorovna)
Alexandra-Kristin Maria “Anya” Feodorovna(Александра-Кристин Марии Федоровны) was born in Paris in 2343 to members of the old Imperialist Russian nobility (Or at least pretenders to their historical lands and titles) and prefers not to talk about her childhood but says it was, “A happy time” and explains her Anglo accent by stating that her mother was born in England. She has explained her childhood only in a rough outline, stating, “Born in Paris, early childhood in Monaco, summers in England, winters in Switzerland. My teen years were Scottish boarding school and holidays in Denmark, Girton was my college at Cambridge where I earned my B.A. After that I attended Cal-tech for a masters in Physics and a PhD in Astrobiology at Princeton, what’s to tell?”

After being educated at Cambridge, Cal-tech and Princeton, Anya claims to have worked for an Interstellar Mining consortium as a consultant for several years before turning to her work as an established travel author but refuses to reveal the name of the company as she would “Violate certain agreements”. She is currently traveling from place to place around Federation space and is best known for being a very seasoned travel writer and has a regular column called “A PhD at the Edge of the Universe” which blends her life as a traveler and an Astrobiologist together and is published in the magazine Astrobiology and the widely read Federation News Service. She has also authored a book on her experiences as the Scientific Advisor to the Emperor of Sinoam called “Anya and the Emperor of Sinoam” as a play on words to the novel and play “Anna and the King of Siam”.

Anya is now settling down on Deep Space Five to work as an Astrobiologist for the Science department there and is currently the head of the sub-Department of Astrobiology and for the moment has domain over Astrophysics as well. She writes on the subject “That it is usually not wise to let a Russo of any blend, much less Dannish and Franco, be in charge of any experiments involving dangerous technology”.

History: (As Adele Van Aardene)
Adele Elizabeth DeConcorde-Van Aardenne(Also known as Anya Feodorovna, her pen-name) was born in Iceland on May 6th, 2343 to Nasim Van Aardenne, a professor of Far Eastern Languages at the University of London’s Imperial College and her husband, Frederick Van Aardenne, a financier and lecturer at Oxford. Adel resents being called Icelandic despite being born there and she only knows it as her birth place nothing more, stating “I have more connection with Romulus then that freezing hell-hole”.

Adele grew up in a very collegiate environment with Nasim very committed to her duties as an educator and her other role as a mother mixed heavily with her job, leading Adel to develop a true appreciation for Education. She also grew up in an intensely liberal family and Nasim was a hard lining social activist and feminist who, according to Adele, was quite the student protestor in her time, specifically when she was an undergraduate at Columbia. Federick on the other hand took a very passive role as a father, believing in letting Adel figure things out for her self

When Nasim was offered the position of the chair of the Linquistical department at the University of Chicago when Adele was 10, the family moved to Chicago and Adel entered the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. Staying in Chicago for most of her pre-teen years, Adele later returned to England when she was made aware of her El-Aurian great-grandmother and her deteriorating battle with cancer at age 14.

Adele DeConcorde was now in the last leg of her already long life span and as she had no responsable heir to her old titles of the British Aristocracy, the elder Adele secretly sought to make the younger Adel her heir presumptive on the event of her death. And while it was not thought that Adele would make it to her great-granddaughter’s 18th birthday, the nearly 950 year old woman was resolute in her task not to have anyone of her remaining children take her collective wealth and titles which had been accumulated from over five countries over her 900 year on and off “Vacations” on Earth.

Adele spent the remainder of her schooling in England at schools near her grandmother’s home in Oxfordshire and lived with the elder Adele until she graduated at age 16 and spent the summer traveling the galaxy with her great-grandmother who had, against all odds, beaten her aggressive form of cancer.

Moving into the dorms of Girton College, Cambridge at the end of the summer, Adele aimed to study History, Politics and Literature and was an incredibly involved student at the time, serving as head of the Cambridge Union and a member of the Cambridge Comedy Troupe. She also formed a pop band with several other of her classmates at Cambridge, and was their lead vocalist and while she departed the band after her second year at Cambridge, she still stays in touch with her band mates whenever possible.

Then in the Summer of 2361, the elder Adel suddenly died of complications from cancer that had returned just a month earlier, leaving Adel with her lands and titles which made Adel the Duchess DeConcorde, the Duchess du Valois, the Countess St. Johns, the Viscountess DeBar, the Countess of Pasokovoko and the Baroness DeConcorde all in one night.

With a legal battle with her great-uncle now on the horizon, Adel departed Cambridge to finish her education in North America at the University of Pennsylvania, from the proceedings of the British Courts.

Graduating in 2363 with a B.A. in History her thesis was “The Ways of the World: The Post Imperialist British Foreign Service Movement” which took a look at the so called Post Imperialist movement that involved British citizens resolving to influence a new Empire in the Stars in the last two centuries. After graduation, Adel’s future was a mystery to her, she had randomly sent out graduate school applications to study various subjects from physics to classical literature.

Eventually opting to study at the California Institute of Technology, Adele had relatively little experience in physics and entered as an undergrad, where she majored in Physics and had minors in Biology and Dynamics. Completing both her Bachelors and her Masters in five years through a 2 for 1 program, Adele then took a position at Starfleet Academy as an associate professor of Astrophysics and Astrobiology where she would teach and lecture for two years. Finding the disparity in liberal arts courses unjustifiable, Adele also taught classes in History and Political Science, and was instrumental in making History a certifiable major within the Academy.

But her problems back in England still followed her, and after several lengthy sessions of discussion with her lawyers, she put most of her money and land in trust with the National Trust to handle the running of her home until she returned, which Adele had no intention of doing in the near future.

On the out-break of the Dominion War Adele offered her services fully to the fleet Science Division, and despite not having a terminal degree in her field, was assigned to a high-level research base on Varion XII. Serving with six other female scientists, the Research Station 223-Alpha was nicknamed “Amazon” by the garrison of troops on Varion and by the Scientists themselves. Classified as a research assistant, Adele and her colleagues studied the different technologies used by the Ancient civilization on Varion in hopes that it might give the Federation an edge up in the War.

After only six months on Varion, the war came to Adele and the Siege of Varion became a major blow to the Federation War efforts in that sector and caused some of Adele’s research to fall into enemy hands. However, with the help of an Expeditionary Team, Adele would escape with her life and after the Seige of Varion, joined the team as an appointed Lieutenant in the Starfleet Reserve, a rank she would not activate until six months later.

While getting off to a rocky start with the Team’s leader, Commander Adam Barder, Adele learned to face up to him and the other “outsider” comments she endured in her early missions with the team to become a valuable asset. However her in-experience with combat proved to be a challenge, and lead to her call-sign, “Gazelle” for her tendency to run while firing.

Adele later left the team right before the Battle of Cardassia Prime to act as a Flag Lieutenant for Admiral Hastor and serve in the team planning the final stages of the War. She and Admiral Hastor observed the Battle of Cardassia from the USS Trafalgar, an experimental Command and Control Ship, and Adele reported the news of the Dominion’s Surrender.

With the war over, Adele attended the Funeral of her old Commanding Officer Adam Barder, who had helped to secure her recent promotion in the reserves, and was a benefactor of his will, leaving her several nostalgic items from their missions together.

Adele returned to Earth and pursued her “Long over due” PhD at Princeton Univeristy where she completed both her PhD in Astrobiology and her MPA five years later, and recalls her time at Princeton as “Rather lively” and that she was very happy to be a Student Again.

She also completed a PhD in History at Girton College, Cambridge, citing it as a “Coming home”. This was also the year she returned to the DeConcorde Manor in Oxfordshire, and was known as the “Duchess” once more.

Returning to teaching, Adele taught at Princeton for three years and shares “1/8,000” of a Nobel Prize in literature for Princeton’s collection of personal life stories of every student and faculty member for the year of 2382. Also an avid Soccer player, Adele played in every Student/Faculty game while employed by the University and won nearly every time but lost her second game “Because Professor zh’Varic decided to get fat over the year”. She was also known as not being the typical professor, and every year assigned her students to right a paper on the “comical” nature of the History of Physics.

As Adele was not tenured, she was eligible to be fired by the incoming President of Princeton, who found her style of merging the liberal arts with the sciences to be “Unsuitable” and for her to “Pick which Doctorate you want to teach with”.

Opting to travel a bit as her great-grandmother did, Adele journeyed on a quest of self discovery, publishing several articles, essays and travel books on different places under the name “Anya Feodorovna, the Countess of Pasokovoko”. She performed several odd jobs during this time period, including a nine-month stint as a scientific advisor to the Emperor of Sinoam which she recounted in her book “Anya and the Emperor of Sinoam”. She still corresponds with the Emperor and he calls her “Anya” even though he knows her true identity of Adele DeConcorde-Van Aardenne, the Duchess DeConcorde.

Eventually landing on Deep Space Five, Adele rejoined Starfleet as a civilian consultant for the science team on the Station as an Astrobiologist, confessing to the Emperor, “It’s time to get serious again…” She still uses the alias of Anya Feodorovna as a cover on the station and has had degrees registered in that name at her Alma Mater’s by evidently bribing an education official to better blend in. She has left out her former employment to Starfleet and instead used the technical names of her employers during her time in the Fleet as to not arose suspicion and have a cover for the war.


Service Record
Girton College, Cambridge: 2359-2361: Studies of History(Did not graduate)
University of Pennsylvania: 2361-2363: Completion of B.A. in History:
California Institute of Technology: 2363-2368: Completion of B.Sc and M.Sc in Physics:
Starfleet Academy: Civilian Associate Professor of Astrobiology and Astrophysics: 2368-2374:
Research Station 223-Alpha “Amazon”: 2374: Civilian Researcher:
Starfleet Intelligence, Expeditionary Unit 83 “Proxima”: 2374-2375: Civilian/Lieutenant
Princeton University: 2376-2381: Completion of PhD in Astrobiology: Also Completion of MPA
Girton College, Cambridge: Completion of PhD in History: 2381-2383:
Princeton University: Professor of Astrophysics and Astrobiology: 2383-2386:

Record(As Anya Feodorovna)
Girton College, Cambridge: 2359-2363: BA in Social Anthroplogy and History:
California Institute of Technology: 2363-2368: B.Sci & M.Sci in Physics
Princeton University: 2368-2373: PhD in Astrobiology
Federation Scientific Council: 2373-2374: Consulting Expert on Alien species
Federation Department of Strategic Assets: 2374-2375: Unknown Occupation
Unknown Mining Corporation: Circa 2376-?(Circa 2386): Consultant:
Freelance Writer, Novelist, Traveler, and Scientific Advisor: 2386-2388:
Deep Space Five: Astrobiologist:


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