Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran   

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Character Information
Name   Denat Agulhas Meran
Rank   Cardassian Gilnn
Position   Cardassian Security Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Cardassian
Age   44
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   189 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Denat's Ridges near his eyes are heavily defined almost giving the illusion his eyes are set deep within his skull, somehow, it draws whomevers attention to them immediately.

Enduring many bar-fights and street brawls in his early life, Denat boasts a puzzle skull all broken and battered. He also awards his tough appearance to his heavily broken nose. The krilatbre-yezul residing on his forehead was badly damaged during a fist exchange with an enemy. Ultimately, he can no longer detect bio-electric fields.

Keeping to the Honoured family tradition, his armour is of his own design, with his families coat of arms singed onto the right shoulder with his name.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Denat's cold heart has warmed over the ages, often dismissing those below his rank with an "out of my sight" rather than vapourizing them with a phaser. Although his temper can be short, Denat holds a large sum of patience towards those that interest him and this can be misinterpreted as 'friendship'. After many attempts by others to end his life for what he means and stands for, very few have earned this xenophobic Cardassian's trust.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Denat uses his diverse knowledge of philosophy and culture he has collected over the years as an asset to getting what he wants, especially if no one else has it.

One of his weaknesses is his xenophobic nature. It sometimes affects his line of work, particularly on the diplomatic front.
Since he was young, Denat has always had the scoundrel's luck to entice a fight out of anyone. He was good at it, whether it was casual brawling or hardcore warfare: He wanted to be feared, respected and deadly to his enemies.
Hobbies & Interests
Denat enjoys physical activity over mental crunch: "empty words can convey an emotion, but a fist throws your view better" was Denat's motto for a very long time.

After reading up on federation history during his personal time, he found the old dialect Latin an interest of his: this interest grew into his hobby of reading, writing, speaking and even translating nearly all copies of his work into the language.
Languages   Cardăsda, Latin
Father   Ri'ta Gul Latek Meran, CUS Hexyl - DECEASED
Mother   Gilnn Lina Meran, CUS Hexyl - DECEASED
Brother(s)   Gul Elam - CUS Malaer, 55
Sister(s)   Eris - Chief Archon, 33
Spouse   -
Children   -
Other Family   -
Denat was born in 2341 at Lakarian City. He was born into a family of power, wealth and respect. His father was a Gul, and a feared one; he commanded the CUS Hexyl, the third of the Hutet class ships built for the most extreme war scenarios. The ship has become a legend in known Cardassian history and is recognised by some of the highest ranked military leaders in Cardassian society. His mother became the Executive Officer onboard the ship. They were both ruthless and efficient soldiers, doing Cardassia's will where it was required.

His father and mother wanted the best for Denat; they knew that the safety they longed for their child came with respect. Military training and schooling could bring that safety with him. They decided to home school Denat as soon as he could begin to understand words and educated him with the utmost knowledge they could offer.

His mother and father taught him everything they knew, from tactician to battle planning to mechanical work with their prized disruptors hanging on show in their living area. By the age of 15, he knew a Cardassian disruptor inside out and used his knowledge of variety to request an apprentice position in the Cardassian Weapon Testing Corps; a highly sophisticated branch of weapon testers, exclusive to the best engineers and high ranked officials. With the exploitation of his father's rank and sister's judge status as chief archon, Denat managed to gain a position with the company and further his understanding of weapons.

After a debate on working conditions, low salary and many other factors, Denat revolted with several other's on the premises and was forcibly rejected, stripped of his apprenticeship along with the others and forbidden from using any knowledge he had contracted during his time their. Denat was the disgrace of his family, his identify was covered up, he was never even admitted to the facility to train as a weapons specialist.

Denat remained at home for several years grieving for his inopportunity at his dream career, disheartened; he set his sights on a new career. After the revolt he led on the facility, many nights Denat did wonder why so many scientists were working without guards, the thought of it was most un-Cardassian. He thought that if he became a security officer at the facility, he could stop a hypothetical revolt that may occur in the future. His sudden realisation was shunned by his family, thinking he was over his head, and just wanted to prove a point; but Denat strived to show them he had changed.

At the strike of 21, Denat began studying at a near-by college in hopes to become a fully licensed security officer, and his sights were set high. Denat became the notorious "night man" on campus, dragging all-nighters under his belt were the norm, and come the exam, passed with the knowledge he needed and extra for the merit of distinction. His family accepted him back into their arms, and Denat began searching for a placement on the facility he originally led the uprising on.

After careful consideration, the facility rejected his request with the statement "None of the Cardassian’s that wish to return may do so, even the ones who wish for the greater good and acknowledge their past mistakes". However, the facility approved a job-placement search because of Denat's background with the company.

Denat's first official assignment was under the wing of war veteran Gul Drinal aboard the CUS Ibanez as a low ranked glen security officer. Waiting for a better suited job to appear, Denat made the best of his duties aboard the Galor and usually lay in his quarters waiting for the slightest security problem to quell.

After the assassination of Gul Drinal aboard the Ibanez by insurgents, Denat was forced to become acting commander as the other officials onboard were incapacitated: a boring position he thought. As the Ibanez returned to Cardassia Prime for analysis on how Drinal was assassinated, Denat was re-assigned along with some other officers to other vessels, as fortune played luck, Denat was attached to the CUS Hexyl, under his own father Gul Latek and mother Gilnn Lina: their relationship aboard was kept professional.

A tragic scenario ensued shortly after a successful end of hostilities in the DMZ on a maquis infested planet: his father was killed along with his mother returning to the ship aboard shuttle-craft. The vessel was obliterated by disruptor fire from a group of terrorists on the surface. Denat saw on the view screen the shuttle vaporize into the vacuum.

Denat could no longer serve aboard the Hexyl with the memories fused into his brain. Instead, he seeked recuperation aboard his brothers ship CUS Malaer, as his chief security officer and served for the continuation of the Dominion war. After the deconstruction of many military vessels (including the Malaer) to fuel the union's economy crisis, Denat has broadened his search into Federation space and found the Cardassian Consulate onboard the star base Deep Space Five, where he has also found an old friend.

After a brief welcoming from his old friend now superior, Denat is now serving as a full-fledged member of the Cardassian Consulate security Department: As Chief of Internal Security!


Service Record
2341- Born Lakarian City
2356- Applied for apprenticeship at CWTC
2356- Revolt leads to sanction of apprenticeship
2362- Begins studying towards Security Diploma
2365- Passes necessary exams with Merit's of Distinction
2366- Assumes rank of Glen
2366- Assigned to CUS Ibanez under Gul Drinal as Security Officer
2366- Assumes temporary rank of Commander of the Ibanez
2366- Re-assigned to CUS Hexyl, Also assumes original rank and position as Security Officer
2370- Both parents die in a terrorist attack, Reassigns to CUS Malaer
2373-2375- serves in Dominion War
2385- CUS Malaer Decommissioned, Awaits re-assignment
2386- Applies for Security Officer onboard Deep Space Five in Cardassian Consulate
2386- Application accepted, Serves under Vik'ar Gul Tharek Getal


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