Cardassian Glen Sotar Telet   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

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Character Information
Name   Sotar Ke'der Telet
Rank   Cardassian Glen
Position   Chief of Internal affairs
Gender   Male
Species   Cardassian
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   156 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Sotar has extreme physical traits in him. From first glance he looks muscle bound and lacking intelligence of any sort, which is a common judgement of him. He isn't extremely attractive, but would still classify as good looking to some species.

Personality & Traits
General Overview
Sotar is kind and gentle, but is not the right person to underestimate. He's strong minded and is deadly, if you anger him.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Hardened veteran soldier
+Physical strength
+Excellent with a one-handed weapon. (Both blade and disruptor)

=Follows orders without question. (This is good for his superiors, but is a weakness at the same time, as he cannot see the situation through his eyes, only his superiors)

-Not the best shot with a rifle
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Cardassian, Federation Standard English
Father   Bak'ten Telet
Mother   Ke'der Telet
Other Family  
Sotar was educated and brought up in a traditional Cardassian way, then when he was of legal age to join Cardassian military, he did so.

Sotar participated in many battles, and earned himself a reputation. He has since been recruited by Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal, and has been appointed Chief of Staff at the Cardassian Embassy on DS5.


Service Record
The Central Command kept a full and detailed service record, but has since been transferred to Vi'kar Gul Getal's personal database for 'employee safety'.


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