Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren   

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Character Information
Name   Rhiana t'Riuurren
Rank   Arrival
Position   Commanding Officer IF Dhivael
Gender   Female
Species   Romulan
Age   32
Physical Appearance
Height   4’ 9”
Weight   101 lbs.
Eye Color   Brunette
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Rhiana is very physically fit Rihannsu female. Keeping her hair slightly shorter than shoulder length. Her outfit choices even when on duty are slightly scandalous for Romulans but she also feels that a new generation is coming up and she's apart of the change. She makes sure everything she wears is incredibly form fitting. Her outfit choices are much more common for her new position as the captain.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Rhiana's personality is very similar to her appearance; Fierce but composed and can be aggressive but still remain in control, but she always appears to be somewhere else whether in thought or allowing her mind to wander, but of course this is not the case she knows exactly whats going on every second and you would stupid to assume other wise. Rhiana enjoys games whether it's for a job, personal or just 'cause she's bored.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Fierce but composed and can be aggressive but still remain in control
Weaknesses: Family
To be welcomed back inside of the Shiar (empire)
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Standard and Rihannsu
Father   Lhaerrhei tr'Riuurren
Mother   Rhhiviess t'Riuurren
Brother(s)   T'Setok (Adopted brother) N'Sare tr'Riuurren
Children   Mhai t'Riuurren
Other Family   Lord Tal i-Havran tr'Riuurren (Grandfather) Eviess t'Raala (Surrogate) Ranigar (Muscle, Dhivael) Hoggue Coro (Engineer/Operations, Dhivael) Pegira Nokatain (Communications, Dhivael)
The Riuurren lineage goes all the way back to the great Tellus which meant they were slightly fierce but still a controlled aggressiveness than his brother S'Task who was more composed and calculating. But now with the blood lines merged over the centuries the modern families possess all of those elemantas that the brother's had and passed down.

The Riuurren family is split down the middle half of them serving within the Senate or some other public office or serving within the Galae or the Tal'Diann. At this point only one member of the Riuurren family (who has been disowned) served in the Tal'Shiar. The Riuuren family has been loyal to the royal family whoever they were for centuries always choosing orders that came from them rather than the Tal'Shiar or even the Senate when it was primary controlled by the Tal'Shiar.

This complete dedication to the royal family and Senate has put them at odds with the parts of the Shiar (empire) but in the end they've always been rewarded for their unnerving dedication to those two parts of the Romulan Star Empire. And at this time Riuurren has the highest ranking senator in the Romulan Star Empire Lord Tal i-Havran tr'Riuurren.

Rhiana was born into a very powerful family not only in the Galae but also in the Imperial Senate (which her grandfather Lord Tal i-Havran tr'Riuurren). Than her father Lhaerrhei was the Leih of the IRW Deranas a D'deridex class warbird. This was where Lharrhei met his wife Rhhiviess who was the Daise'Afwe'Saehne (chief science officer).

Lhaerrhei achieved the rank of Ael'Riov (commodore) and has held that rank ever since. The reason behind this is that the Galae s'Shiar (Imperial Fleet) felt that he could do more good as a Ael'Riov. Whereas Rhhiviess has been promoted as the sub-department head for the science fleet where she was gonna be heading up a new research facility in the Typhon Expanse.

After several tries it was learned that Rhhiviess could not conceive so they had to use a surrogate which wasn't uncommon in Romulan culture and in fact it was a great honor to be the surrogate. Eviess t'Raala was the surrogate for the Riuurren family she bore six children for them. The first one being Rhiana, than N'sare and than three more daughters and one more son.

Rhiana is the only one in the Riuurren family tree that did not join the Galae or Shiar she never showed any interest in that at all she spent her time as a little girl exploring the area around the Riuurren family home in Dartha on ch'Rihan (Romulus). And this continued even into her adult years at the age of 18 she left home following her than lover a Romulan by the name of Maiekaol owner of a old Tuffli class freighter the Drivael. Working the trade lanes along the neutral zone doing odd jobs; like salvage, mining and other things like that. But than the Leih (commanding officer) of the Drivael Aerhifv got wounded and ended up dying of his wounds leaving the vessel without a Leih.

Rhiana stepped up and took command but changed the type of jobs they took which took them more and more into the Federation space where the jobs were more available and easier to do with worrying about the groups like the Tal'Shiar; or for Rhiana's case her family. After she left things quickly unraveled and she was declared an enemy of the Shiar (empire) with a bounty on her head if she reentered the Shiar. Her brother N'Sare and her grandfather Lord Tal i-Havran tr'Riuurren couldn't do anything to stop this and they knew exactly who was behind this. T'Setok their adopted brother and Ta;'Shiar agent.


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