Ensign David Harris   

Character Information
Name   David Henry Harris
Rank   Ensign
Position   Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   34
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 6”
Weight   240 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   David is a large well built male, with brown eyes and short cut brown hair.
He has a short brown beard and does not look is age.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
David is a very confident person, he is a person who is always looking out for others which is why he has chosen security as his carer.
David is also a very thoughtful and caring person and when he want something he will do everything he can to achieve this goal.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Clearly his large size gives him above average strength.
Loyalty towards his boss and the Federation.
He is also a good organiser and manager.

His size can be a weakness, people often believe that due to his a size and chosen profession that he is a typical security officer, low intelligence. This is far from the truth.
Can overwork himself and his staff.
Not very agile and can be slow to react.
Chief of Starfleet Security
Hobbies & Interests
David spend a lot of his time in the gym, he is a natural weight lifter.
Gaelic football and Ozzie rules football
He is also likes Opera and is a unprofessional singer.
History: World War I, World War II and World War III history.
Languages   English
Father   Peter Harris
Mother   Cecilia Harris
Brother(s)   William Harris
Sister(s)   Felecity Harris
Spouse   Single
Children   None
Other Family   None to note
David was born on Ferenginar, his dad was a Starfleet Officer attached to the Diplomatic Core. He spent his first five years on Ferenginar and fell in love with the planet.

When he turned five he was sent to Earth to study at a boarding school in Ireland. He enjoyed his studies although he had to work hard on them. He also enjoyed Gaelic football and played for County Fermanagh in the country championships although his team lost.

David enjoyed his time at school but he also missed his parents. He understood from an early age why his parents had to do leave him at Earth but he wishes that he could of been with them while growing up. He became very independent and has never been close to his parents.

David was desperate to join Starfleet at 18 and applied but was turned down. David decided to go to university. He applied for and was accepted into the university of Melbourne where he studied History. He graduated with honours.

Whilst living in Australia he began to play Ozzie rules football. He enjoyed this game as it was similar to Gaelic football.

He also became aware that he could sing and started to take lessons on opera singing. His teacher believed he was a natural and had potential to become a professional, however David wanted to keep it as a hobby.

In his last year at university he applied for Starfleet again and this time he was accepted.

David enjoyed his time at the academy and majored in Security. He also took courses in forensic science and investigations.

After the academy David was stationed on-board USS Paris as a forensic officer and assistant investigation officer. He enjoyed his time on-board and discovered that he had a knack for investigations. He really enjoyed piercing things together and also interviewing person of interest.

David then transferred on promotion to the Federation Marshal Service. He became a Marshall on Earth assisting with investigations both as a case officer and a forensic officer.

Whilst on Earth he again studied at the Open university and studied a degree in Management.

David transferred onto the USS Victory as assist Chief of Security. He exceled in this role and worked well with a very competent and respect Chief of Security.

David has never married and although he has relationships none of them really serious. He has no kids and at this moment is dedicated to his career.


Service Record
2379 - 2383: Cadet - Earth

2383 - 2386: Assistant Investigation Officer - USS Paris

2386 - 2389: Deputy Marshall (Federation Marshall Service) - Earth (Taipei)

2389 - Present: Assistant Security Chief - USS Victory


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