Ensign Samantha Roarke   

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Character Information
Name   Samantha "Smasher" Roarke
Rank   Ensign
Position   Squadron Pilot
Gender   Male
Species   Terran
Age   26
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 1”
Weight   107 lbs.
Eye Color   Light Brown
Hair Color   Light Brown
Physical Description   Standing at 5’ 1”, Sam is the kind of person who can fit anywhere. She has a very petite build, which she is actually very happy with, especially considering how much she enjoys eating. She is very laid-back, appearance wise, although she will hardly ever be seen without a hardly noticeable, but ever-present tiny bit of make-up and, unless the dress code strictly mandates it – and sometimes despite that – she will make it a point to keep her hair either loose or on a loose ponytail, as she is very fond of it.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Like all good fighter pilots, Sam’s defining characteristic is her arrogance. She is not afraid to let people know how good she is at what she does, and, as a matter of fact, some may say that she makes it a point to do so. Her outgoing nature makes this trait even more pronounced, to the point of sheer obnoxiousness sometimes. That said, she is a very friendly and sensitive person, often going out of way to make the people around her cheery.

She is not a very instinctive person, preferring to follow reason over her guts, which sometimes makes her a little too cautious, especially when it comes to her job. Because of this, her flying style is often described as “plain” or “textbook” and “irreprehensible” by her peers and superiors, respectively, as safety is often her primary concern. Although, with that said, she does have a taste for alcohol – not synthehol – as a few non flight-related incidents noted in her file show.

Overall, however, she is very dependable, and can be expected to carry out her duties without incidents.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Safety minded
+ Outgoing and friendly
+ Detail-oriented, without losing sight the big picture
+ Dependable and responsible
+ Enjoys cheering others up
+ Good memory

- May be too cautious at times
- Uncreative flying
- Heavy drinker
- Lack of general experience
Sam has no real ambitions. She has a serious belief that she is going to die very young, thus, she only wishes to enjoy what little time she may have left.
Hobbies & Interests
Samantha is a good and avid cook, and will often bring meals as presents for friends. Another big hobby of hers is holodeck flight simulation, as she is fascinated by the golden age of Terran aviation. Lastly, despite her below average height, she managed to secure a starting spot on the Academy volleyball team, and she is still reasonably good at it, playing it occasionally.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   LT David “Chopstick” Roarke, Starfleet Fighter Pilot (Presumed KIA)
Mother   LTJG Erika Roarke (Deceased)
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   None of particular note
Samantha was born in October 21, 2359, onboard the USS Indefatigable, a Galaxy-class starship, as it orbited Mordan IV, to supervise the peace process. David was posted onboard with the VFA-635 as a fighter pilot, having married Erika, a Starfleet Engineer of Japanese descent, just one year before. It was clear, even before birth, by her petite size, that Sam had inherited most of her mother’s genes, and this indeed proved true as she grew up.

Sam, had a happy childhood, despite the fact that roughly every three years her family had to move, due to her father being transferred. These transfers, however, helped her become who she is today, as she had to adapt to quickly changing surroundings often, and thus had to make new friends quickly.

The Roarkes are renowned throughout the Starfleet community, though for reasons no one would like to be known for. They are, allegedly, cursed, and indeed, history does prove them right. The Roarkes started flying in the first Terran war, and ever since then, in every generation, at least one of them dies in a cockpit, either in accidents or in combat, and David would be no exception.

In 2369, posted onboard the USS Endeavour, he and the rest of his squadron were participating in the CSAR efforts during the battle of Wolf 359. He was the only one not to return to the ship as it made its escape from the Borg. In the aftermath of the battle, a few remains of his craft were discovered by SAR teams. He was apparently caught in the explosion caused by the breaching of a warp core. His own remains have never been found, though he has been presumed dead. Depressed, and having lost the love of her life, Erika killed herself a few months later, leaving their 10 year old daughter to fend for herself. Samantha has never forgiven her mother for doing so.

Following this incident, Samantha was shipped back to Earth, where she would go through a series of foster homes until she finally joined the Academy, on her own merit, just barely making the cut, due to her small stature.

In the Academy, she excelled, thanks in no small part to her good memorizing skills, graduating 2nd in her class. Even though she knew of her “family curse”, Sam decided to follow her father footsteps and volunteered for Flight Training, where she was accepted. Despite the reluctance of some instructors regarding her height - some argued she was too small and could not be strapped securely to most fighters seats – Sam was chosen into the Tailhook program, and, later on, into the Advanced Strike Pipeline, graduating four years later, in the top half, being assigned to Deep Space Five.


Service Record
2377 – Joined Starfleet Academy
2381 – Graduates 2nd of her class at Starfleet Academy
2381 – Commissioned as Ensign
2381 – Accepted into Flight Training
2385 – Graduates from Flight Training
2385 – Transferred to Deep Space Five


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