Captain Jessica Connor   

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Character Information
Name   Jessica Marie Connor
Rank   Captain
Position   Captain
Gender   Female
Species   human
Age   40
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 8”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   blue
Hair Color   aurburn
Physical Description   She seems to have a very regal air about her. Her hair is aurburn with the exception of a streak of white that starts at her left temple. She is in almost perfect physical shape for someone of her age. She is average height and weight, her eyes are the only clue one has upon first meeting her that there is nothing average about this woman.

Captain of the USS Marathon
Personality & Traits
General Overview
She is quick to smile, and that smile touches her eyes and lights them up with a caring and compassion that few can understand. She is a very friendly individual, usually on a first name basic with nine tenths of the crew she serves with. She has an excellent memory for details and can talk with someone for just a few minutes and then come back weeks later and ask them about the conversation. She is a strict disciplinarian, who believes that the rules exist for a reason. But they are not set in stone. Orders should be followed, unless they go against your moral fiber.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strength - She considers herself a Knight of the Old Code. She follows the path of the warrior, but only to protect those who can not protect themselves.

Weaknesses - She has been accused of letting her heart rule her head, but that is only a weakness if your heart is wrong. She tries to use logic to help her with her decisions.
She has achieved her goals. Love, marriage, children, career. Now she is looking forward to seeing her twins have a family of their own and one day, possibly, a ship of their own.
Hobbies & Interests
She is very interested in Medieval Earth history. She reads on the subject avidly, preferring actual antique books to PADD's. She has a modest library, which she carries with her.

Secretly, she is a 1940's era Torch singer - Singing only in the holodeck at a New York Jazz club called Golden House.

In her Academy days, she was a member of the Academy fencing team. Earned herself the nickname D'artagnan. She has kept up with these skills over the years having holo teachers to instruct her now that she is separated from her Companions.
Languages   Federation Standard, Klingon, Vulcan and Andorian.
Father   Retired Lieutenant Commander Christopher Kelley (deceased)
Mother   Ensign Elizabeth McMicheals Kelley (deceased)
Brother(s)   none
Sister(s)   none
Spouse   Ensign Derrick Connor (deceased); William Hunter (fiance)
Children   Twins: Cadet Joseph Connor & Cadet Samantha Connor
Other Family  
Born the only child of two Star Fleet Officers Ensign Elizabeth McMicheals Kelley and Ensign Christopher Kelley. Jessica Marie Kelley found herself a child of galactic space. Her birthplace was the sickbay of the starship her parents served on, Enterprise NCC-1701-C. Her mother was a communications specialist and her father was a physician�s mate. Before her first birthday a dozen children of Enterprise-C contracted a strange illness. All the children would be put off the ship at Star Base 24, for medical treatment and observation, as well as several medical officers, including her father. Meanwhile the Enterprise-C would respond to a distress call from a Klingon outpost on Narendra III. The Enterprise-C defended the outpost long enough to impress the Klingon High Council which helped to end sixty years of hostilities between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, making way for the Khitomer Accords. The Enterprise-C was destroyed in the battle.

Ensign Christopher Kelley would never remarry. He would continue with his Star Fleet career with his daughter at his side. Jessica loved growing up amongst the stars. She studied everything she could get her hands on. At the age of 15, the crew of the USS Valkyrie was on shore leave on the Planet of Draken IV. During the shore leave a rogue faction kidnapped a member of the Valkyrie�s crew. Jessica assisted the Chief Security Officer in the recovery of the crewmember and Captain T�Hain granted her the rank of Acting Ensign. Her studies were accelerated.

For the next three years she was an active member of the crew in the Operations Department. She was accepted into Star Fleet at the age of 18, where she met Derrick Connor. They would marry in 2363 and the following year Jessica would give birth to twins, Joseph and Samantha. She would take the rest of the year off and return to Star Fleet Academy, graduating a year behind her husband in 2366.

She would take the children with her to her post aboard the USS Earheart, a Nebula class ship, awaiting the response to a request to be transferred to the USS Odyssey. Just days after Jessica was granted the transfer to the USS Odyssey, she would receive news of her husband�s death. The USS Odyssey was attacked by the Jem�Hadar. Ensign Derrick Connor was killed in the battle. Jessica�s father would retire from Star Fleet shortly afterwards. He would beg is daughter to leave Star Fleet so that she and the children could come to stay with him on Earth in the San Francisco area. Jessica argued that the children needed their mother right now and that she needed to be where she felt most at home, amongst the stars. Retired Lieutenant Commander Christopher Kelley would relent, but their relationship would never be the same.

Jessica would be promoted and transferred to the USS Quincy, a Galaxy class ship. After the twelfth birthday of her twins, the USS Quincy would receive news of a Breen Fleet attack on Earth and later learn that Jessica�s father was killed in the aftermath. Jessica would go into a deep depression over not reconciling the relationship with her father. The counselor of the Quincy was considering relieving Jessica from duty. The twins would come of age by painfully pulling their mother back onto her feet. The relationship between Jessica, Joseph and Samantha would change dramatically, but it was for the best. They have been through fire together and will always cover each other�s backs. The small family rejoiced when Jessica was promoted.

Again, Jessica would be promoted and be transferred to the USS Cole, an Excalibur class ship, to become its Second Officer. She would return to Earth to attend Star Fleet Command Academy and then return to the USS Cole. In early 2380, she would be promoted again. After a disastrous encounter with species 8472,which ended in the death of Captain Jeffries, Jessica would become the Commanding Officer of the USS Cole.

In 2381, the twins would be accepted into Star Fleet Academy. It would be the first time they would leave their mother, but Joseph and Samantha would be together and Jessica was never prouder of them than the day she watched their shuttle pull away as they headed towards Earth. Jessica would receive another promotion and the USS Cole would begin a patrol of the sector around the Galorndon Core. After close to two years of investigations, the USS Cole would dock at Star Base 182 for repairs. The mission was an overall success in that the Barolian �pirates� who were using the surface of Galorndon Core as a base for their �smuggling� ring was shut down. But the final battle between the USS Cole and three Balorian freighters cost the lives of five members of the USS Cole�s crew.

The USS Cole would still be docked at Star Base 182 for repairs when Jessica would receive a private message from Admiral Lucas Tyler, Head of Star Fleet Academy. Jessica was to be transferred to the USS Trafalgar following the death of Commander Severin Masoch. Admiral Tyler, a personal friend, would also ask Jesse to keep an eye on his son, a member of the Trafalgar crew, who was in trouble for assaulting a superior officer. Jessica would leave the USS Cole in the hands of her good friend and its second officer, Lt. Jaxson. She would use what little influence she had to take one member of the Cole�s crew onto the Trafalgar with her. Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class William Hunter would become the Trafalgar�s new Chief Operations Officer. Hunter and Connor had become friend after serving aboard the Cole together for close to three years now. Jessica reasoned that she needed someone onboard the Trafalgar that she could trust. There was an undercurrent that ran deep into the relationship, but neither had ever crossed the line. She was the Commanding Officer and he was an Enlisted member of the crew.

Jessica�s first mission aboard the Trafalgar involved a derelict Borg Sphere found inside the Paulson Nebula. An away mission is planned to retrieve data from the Borg computer and the derelict sphere is to be towed out of the nebula. Once the sphere is clear of the nebula, vessels will arrive from Star Base 182 to convey the sphere back to SB 182 for further research. During the away mission, the computer core is downloaded, but not with out difficulties. The sphere also yields some unusual information. Two Species 8472s are discovered. The first is found dead. The second is killed by Marine Commanding Officer 1st Lieutenant Paul Simons. The Borg sphere comes under attack by raiders. During the attack, Sergeant Major Johnson suffers a mental breakdown. He kills 1st Lieutenant Paul Simons before being taken out down by his own men.

The Trafalgar launches Marvel squad to deflect the raiders away from the sphere and her personnel on board. Lieutenant (JG) Talara Amblitsio proceeds to evacuate the members of the away team using a transport relay between the Trafalgar and the shuttle Royal Sovereign. Marvel squad, joined by Lieutenant (JG) Elim Cannon, takes out several of the raiders. But not before the sphere is damaged and a containment breach is eminent. After a few heroics by Marvel Squad and Lieutenant Amblitsio, the away team is recovered, all fighters are back on board the Trafalgar, and the sphere meets an explosive end.

Jessica promoted Lieutenant (JG) Talara Amblitsio to full Lieutenant and names her as the Trafalgar�s Second Officer. The Trafalgar is ordered to Star Base 47 for shore leave, repairs and crew reallocation. A total of 27 members of the Trafalgar crew were to be off loaded at Star Base 47 and some, not all, were to be replaced. Among those ordered to be reassigned was CWO3 William Hunter. After a very heated debate in her quarters, Jessica would accept the resignation of CWO3 William Hunter. However, Mr. Hunter would remain on the ship as Operations Specialist. During their time together on the Trafalgar, both William and Jessica would cross that line neither had been willing to cross before. For the first time since the death of her husband, Jessica would have a man in her life.


Service Record
2358-2361: Acting Ensign, Operations Officer, USS Valkyrie
2361-2366: Cadet, Star Fleet Academy
2366-2368: Operations Officer, USS Earheart
2368-2371: Assistant Chief Operations Officer, USS Quincy
2371-2375: Chief Operations Officer, USS Quincy
2375-2377: Chief Operations Officer/Second Officer, USS Cole
2378-2379: Star Fleet Command Academy
2379-2380: First Officer, USS Cole
2380-2383: Commanding Officer, USS Cole
Present: Commanding Officer, USS Trafalgar

Promotion from Lieutenant Commander to Commander

by Rear Admiral Tallik Imkahatt, Task Force CO

for Completion of Obsidian FLeet Commanding Officer Academy

Stardate: 60430.3

Promotion from Commander to Captain

by Rear Admiral Drake Dean, Task Force CO

For Outstanding Performance In Leadership Command Duties on board the USS Trafalgar.

Stardate: 61668.3


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