Gwendolyn Wyman   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

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Character Information
Name   Gwendolyn Wyman
Position   Civilian
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   7
Physical Appearance
Height   3’ 10”
Weight   48 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Red
Physical Description   Gwen is average height and weight for a Human her age. She is ambidextrous.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Enjoys classic cartoons and practicing the guitar with her father.

Dislikes bedtime and being forced to eat her vegetables.

She is usually referred to as Gwen. Commander Drakt (her godfather) calls her Gwenny. She doesn't allow anyone else to use this nickname.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Gwen has an aptitude for puzzles and patterns, and (due to being raised in a ship yard) is able to recognize most Starfleet ship classes at a glance.
Hobbies & Interests
Practicing guitar with her father and anbo-jyutsu.
Languages   Federation Standard and a few words of Welsh
Father   Lt. Steven Wyman - Chief Engineer
Mother   SCPO Ceridwen Wyman - Engineer's Mate
Other Family   Cmdr. Drakt (Godfather) - Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Cavalry
Gwen was born March 23, 2384 in the sickbay at Utopia Planitia, and has lived at the Fleet Yards all of her life. She was very popular among the crew, and was almost seen as a "mascot" of the R&D Department. She's taken her parents transfer extremely hard, for despite her outgoing personality, she's still nervous in unfamiliar situations.


Service Record


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