Ensign Piers Madigan   

Character Information
Name   Piers Donald Madigan
Rank   Ensign
Position   Stellar Cartographer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   34
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   185 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Piers' appearance is one that shows his lack of confidence in himself and his overabundance of humility. He seems to be shorter than his six feet would imply. As for his coiffage, Piers looks a little haggard and rundown all the time. Several jagged, horizontal scars bedeck his angular face.

According to Starfleet Medical examinations, Piers bone density and muscular fiber density is actually 33% higher than that of the average human. Conclusions for this irregularity mostly center on the artificial gravity present in the space station where he grew up. Presumably, the Jupiter Mining Company wished to endow their future workers with increased resistance to the higher gravity present when on one of the moons of the planet. As such, even though he looks to be of average fitness, his fitness borders on the upper limits of peak human physical condition.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Piers is a quiet, shy man, always willing to help out...on the outside. Piers suffers from the result of years of psychological and emotional abuse and is deeply troubled, on the inside. Piers struggles daily to hold in his inner feelings and not allow them to rule over his other, more "acceptable" emotions. When observed in crisis, Piers is distinctly less shy than normal, and is fairly grim and decisive.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Vastly scientifically gifted, slow-to-anger, calm in a strenuous situations, gentle, gracious, well-mannered, quick-thinking in crisis

Weaknesses: second-guessing, underconfident, anxious in certain social situations
Piers' ambitions are mainly scientific in nature, although his position in Starfleet does give a unique chance to see much of the Galaxy.
Hobbies & Interests
Piers is interested in astrophysics, physics, biology, and chemistry, work-wise. Piers' other interests are classic film and holonovels.

Piers keeps in a relative amount of fitness for his unique physiology by playing rugby, soccer, basketball, and occasionally ice hockey, as such sports are an outlet for his day-to-day frustrations.
Languages   Standard
Father   Charles Patrick Madigan
Mother   Gwen Martin Madigan
Brother(s)   Thomas Charles; Samuel Joel
Sister(s)   Regina Aubrey
Spouse   N/A
Children   N/A
Other Family  
Piers Donald Madigan was born above Jupiter in the year 2351, to an seemingly happy couple, that turned out to be not-so-happy after all. Piers was the lower-middle child in an already highly dysfunctional family, whose ironfisted patriarch, Charles, worked with the Jupiter Mining Corporation mining sulfur on several of Jupiter's moons. He was also a raging alcoholic and wifebeater of phenomenal proportions who covered up his abuse with long periods of affection.

The Madigan family had been involved in mining since the mid-23rd Century, and Charles was strict that every male in the family should move into the mining business, going so far as to take the boys into the mines starting at age 13 to get a taste of the life they would eventually lead. His plan worked well with his first son, Tom, but the first of the middle children, Sammy, was...a disappointment for Charles. Samuel Joel Madigan had a rare, severe, and incurable sulfur allergy, and as such wasn't even allowed to be around his father until at least an hour after he returned to their spaceborn home.

Unfortunately, it was young Piers who received much of the brunt of his brother's "failure". Charles pushed Piers hard into the mining business, and when Piers showed reluctancy...his father became angry. And when he became angry, he got drunk. And consequently violent. When Piers was 15, his father broke a bottle across his face, permanently leaving scar damage. Piers was forced to lie and say he fell inside the mine to cover up his father's problems.

When Piers was 18, he began work in the sulfur mines, with his father. Unfortunately for Charles, Piers' aptitude scores caught the attention of several recruiting officers for the Terran Starfleet Academy. The visited the Madigan home and informed Piers that if he were only to apply, he would be accepted, and that if he wanted to attend the Academy, his father would have no say as to whether or not he would be allowed to go. Charles threatened Piers, and Piers snapped, abandoning his family and enrolling in Starfleet Academy.

At first, Piers' marks were quite low. Schooling in the Jovian space stations was always more than a little lax, and Piers had a lot of catchup to do. However, his determination to succeed despite his disadvantages outweighed the disadvantages themselves, and Piers graduated with decent rank from the Academy. Even from his early Academy days, Piers knew that he wanted to be a member of the Science division, and his thesis from the Academy was on Relativistic Astrophysics. He graduated from the Academy with honors in Quantum Astrophysics and a self-designed course of study, "Tactical Computer Science".

Perhaps unfortunately, Piers graduated from the Academy just in time for the tail end of the Dominion War. Piers was assigned to the USS Argo as a junior Science Officer, but at that time the Ares was mobilizing for war, without much of an opportunity for scientific discovery. Piers assignment to the Argo was mainly cooperating with the Engineering Department to maximize ship performance. The Argo was assigned to a task force participating in the Battle of Cardassia. During the offensive, Piers was mainly in the Engineering Department, and received a Commendation for his actions during the battle. The Argo had taken heavy ordnance from Cardassian resistance, and there was a plasma conduit leakage in a Jefferies tube whose contents threatened to encounter some frayed, sparking wiring. Such an adverse reaction would result, destroying the Antimatter Containment Unit, therefore destroying the remainder of the ship.

Piers, thinking quickly and remaining calm, went up into the Jefferies tube and sealed it off, but he was too late to not take some personal damage. Some of the plasma ignited and not only caught Piers on fire, but propelled him backward at a high velocity. The subsequent head trauma was enough to put Piers into a 5 month coma, and displace his memory. Fortunately, however, Piers was completely unaware of the burns he had suffered and the resultant skin graft operations that had taken place.

After 15 months of memory restoration therapy, physical therapy, and mental reconditioning, Piers was judged as ready to resume active duty in Starfleet, but family matters called his attention away from rejoining the fleet. His father, Charles, had been killed in a mining accident, and in return for the services rendered to the crew of the USS Argo, Piers was granted a fairly unprecedented open-ended leave.


Service Record
Enlisted in Starfleet Academy - 2369
Graduated 15th in his class - 2375
Assigned, Science Officer, USS Ares - 2375
Participant at the Battle of Cardassia - late 2375
Commendation for Meritorious Conduct - early 2376
Medical Leave - early 2376
Medical Leave ends - late 2377
Begins Extended Leave - early 2378
Extended Leave Ends - early 2385
assigned, Stellar Cartographer, Deep Space Five - 2385


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